Do not be discouraged.
The AA book says "Do not be discouraged............." Why would I be discouraged? The only time I became discouraged was when my own selfish needs were not met. I am hardly ever discouraged these days because I consistently work with newcomers. The context of the book is referring to the w...
One year sober
Hello all! Just thought I would let everyone know that it is my one year anniversary of sobriety. Thank you all for you help!
An informal poll on how did you get to AA?
A short time ago Dean started an informal poll on Quitting drinking. I would like to start another one about how did you get to AA. This is just for fun to see what the demographics of the MIP members is. Select which number fits you best. 1. Came straight to AA was sick and tired of being sick and tired and a...
Is anyone having problems with how this site usually functions???
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmxmxmxmx ok lets see if this prints....if so, I dont think the Site is functioning as it usually does.....
Here is a test...
Ok, the preview worked, so maybe just a little hick up......
The site was not letting me edit, or even Post, but looks like it is Ok now...
Just Toni
I scolded her with love...
I thought about it first and came up with the opportunity anyway. She was there at my home group Sunday morning meeting at "AA at the Bay" Hilo. Before the meeting started we did our Ahas!! and hugged. I listened as best I could to her "coming out" statements but no doubt I'm dea...
Jerry F
Breaking Good
Hey...I am going on a 2 week vacationstaying w/my sister down south and we will go see my daughter. So looking forward to this!! Dunno about internet, so not to worry if I dont post for a while. I know Ill check e-mail at the library, at a minimum, so write if u wish. Check yall L8TR:)
Today is day one
Need I say more? well I will... I am so ashamed of myself I can't even tell you. I went and drank last night. I guess that voice got stronger and stronger. And ya, nothing bad happened or anything, but I feel like crying all day today or throwing up or something just from the guilt of it. It was a stupid mistak...
Acceptance is the key to all my problems today
Trying to turn it over to the best of my ability. Having relationship issues and my default setting is to dive right in and fix everything. I need to know the end result of all this now. With this thinking I've kicked god out of the drivers seat and replaced him with me. Not a good idea. What I've learn...
Mike B.
The aim of AA is not Sobriety but Happy Sobriety
The Eye Opener from Hazelden The aim of AA is not Sobriety but Happy Sobriety. The most effective and incidentally the soberest group, is the happiest group. It is possible that you can't speak at meetings, maybe you are not in a position to "carry the message," but you can and sho...
Cunning, Baffling, Powerful but Not Surprising
I'm shocked and saddened to learn of the alcoholic death of an old friend from the program. Yet, like my father's death many years ago, it's not surprising that a person would die from a fatal disease. My friend had some years of sobriety. He was a good friend, we did have other activities together bes...
My Mind.
AA book pg 27. The doctor said: "You have the mind of a chronic alcoholic. I have NEVER seen one single case recover, where that state of mind existed to the extent that it does in you." Towards the end of my drinking I wondered what was wrong with me. I could not understand how I was able to funct...
Ya HOO, I did it! I did it!... I DID IT!!!!
Hi Friends, Feeling so happy, I did what looked like the Impossible to do, and I did it. My computer just went south the other day, I was able to get on and made a few folders and was really missing my computer the way it had been. So I kept, very cautiously trying to not mess it up further, but see if I could s...
Just Toni
Today's thought from Hazelden is: I walked across an open field at winter's break as the sun danced on the last few drifts. I imagined my fears would melt one by one as I learned to love myself. --Laurel Lewis Fear is as familiar as our image in a mirror. Although we have resolved many of the fears that boun...
Joyous, Happy & Free!!!!!!
We spent the day at the Mayo Clinic and while we don't have FINAL answers we have very good news! IF (and I mean IF) little River Rose has a carnitine deficiency disorder it would be one of the easily manageable kinds (very meaty diet or simple supplement required) and the blessing is that it was caug...
Everybody poops. Except me.
Aren't I such a lady? Sorry folks but it must be addressed. This is not for the faint of heart. Since I have quit drinking, I can't. I don't. Coffee, veggies, salad, fruit, fiber one... nothing makes a difference. Now I realize wine can have a laxative effect but I didn't realize how much. Now I woul...
Doesn't it get old?
Doesn't it get painful old listening to people, like me, who are constantly battling their sobriety... Thinking they just need one more time to give it a try, see if it can work. I haven't picked up, but I'm fighting it tooth and nail. For those of you who have completely given yourselves to the progr...
Daily Reflections ~ Lighting The Dark Past & 24hrs a Day
Cling to the thought that, in God's hands, the dark past is the greatest possession you have - the key to life and happiness for others. With it you can avert death and misery for them. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p 124 No longer is my past an autobiography; it is a reference book to be taken down, opened and sha...
4am and I'm a mess,,
the last 3 weeks have been pretty bad, even to my standards (which isn't sayin much considering AA groups). I drove drunk and broke through some dude's fence (Badly), had multiple fights with a certain person and just have drank really bad since. A 5th of vodka without a sweat (no pun intended), that w...
Hey MIP friends I need help. Last night following a meeting I agreed to sponsor a person coming back from an extended research period. He shared with me that he has Schizophrenia that is severe at times. He is on and off medication for it depending on his whim of the moment. Am I at risk physically arou...
"In The Rooms"
Facebook Group, I joined. http://intherooms.com/?id=facebookonepieceofinfo
A.A. Speaker tips
So I've done a lot of growing up in the past little while. There was a shift in my thought processes, and life is just easier. I don't know how or when, but pretty sure it was God just doing it for me. No more poor me's, etc. etc. no more loneliness even though I am alone (but I do have my son back in my life !), and...
New here
Hi. Just thought I would introduce myself. I am an alcoholic and am on 12 days sober. I also know after many failed attempts in the past, that I need the support of AA. My therapist suggested going to a women only meeting. I live in a small town with not many meetings. I am also agoraphobic, so I have to prac...
Historically interesting...
I just very recently got this link via email from a recovering friend who got it from a relative. For those of you who are interested in "first seeds" of recovery it is very inlightening. For others maybe not. Our fight against this disease is an old one and has included many many people in...
Jerry F
12 Traditions Checklist
12 Traditions Checklist Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon AA unity. 1. Am I in my group a healing, mending, integrating person, or am I divisive? What about gossip and taking other members inventories? 2. Am I a peacemaker? Or do I, with pious prelud...
set aside prayer
my sobriety date is 9/15/05. i have recently started a new big book study with my sponsor and have been using the set aside prayer and loving the effect that prayer has had on me and my program. does anyone know the orgin of this prayer?
Going to a meeting!
I'm going to a meeting tonight. The same one I went to before that I didn't like. Gonna give it another shot. I have a feeling it will be better just because I've been there already so I kind of know what to expect.
Not Drinking and Going to Meetings
Yah...I would not ever call going to a meeting a day, doing over 90 meetings in 90 days right from the start, and adhering to the policy of not drinking no matter what "watered down AA." I would call it a good program. That is what I did primarily (though I had a sponsor and did as much stepwork...
Need tips for at home detox.
Just wondering if anyone has any tips or suggestion to help ease the at home detox pains. I got 4 days into the detox last week and lost it. Thanks
My "friend" CODA and me - in various places
A friend here, in response to a post about grieving, mentioned CODA meetings. I am probably in dire need for some of those as well. Not only do I have a codependent marriage, but there is the sickest kind of codependency between my Al Anon aunt and I (who has actually been my "pseudo-mom" sinc...
Transportation to and from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings may be - Tax Deductable
http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/publications/p502/ar02.html#en_US_publink1000178889------------------------------------------------------- You can include in medical expenses amounts you pay for an inpatient's t...
Let the real PAIN begin........
I knew it was coming and I held it at bay for as long as I could, my powerful subconscious. I have a history of PTSD, and things that are NOT life-threatening even, my inner psyche often will suppress, as a "protective mechanism". (Freud would have loved to pick this brain.) If it hurts, it is h...
Daily Reflections ~ Healing Heart and Mind & 24hrs a Day
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 55 Since it is true that God comes to me through people, I can see that by keeping people at a distance I also keep God at a distance. God is nearer to me than I think and I can exper...
When DO you want to get well?
Working the Steps I have been scolded a few times (by fellow AA's) because of the fact that I sometimes share at meetings about how the Steps are meant to be worked immediately and quickly. I've been told that this "theory" will "harm" newcomers (having only a few days, a few week...
Fellowship and First Impressions
bikerbill wrote: I remember when I first came in the rooms there were all these people who knew so much more than me, I judged them to be a bunch of smartarses and felt intimidated and 'little.' My absolute first impression of AA - my first contact via phone - was "These people sound like a bunch of sm...
What Fellowship means to me
I remember when I first came in the rooms there were all these people who knew so much more than me, I judged them to be a bunch of smartarses and felt intimidated and 'little.' as time went on, I realised that these people knew so much more than I about some things, then realised they knew so much more than m...
Attitudes and Limitation
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Attitudes and Limitation To a large extent, the way we think determines who we are and what happens to us. We cannot harbor poisonous thoughts without their effects visibly showing in our lives. If we dwell on our inadequacy and ineffectiveness, for example, circu...
I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught
Today's thought from Hazelden is: I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. -- Winston Churchill We are used to learning the hard way. Many of us think we're different and can do things our own way. But then we get in too much trouble or pain. The first A.A. members were just li...
Did you ever wake up to this one????
Good Morning to all my dear friends. Well I did wake up first, and have some coffee, and really needed to edit something I had written, it was what woke me up early, so I have my coffee, come in my office and turn on my Computer. And my computer refuses to let me just get on the damn thing. So I spent most of an ho...
Just Toni
The goal isn't to do a successful inventory
Today's thought from Hazelden is: The goal isn't to do a successful inventory. The goal is to dig to the deepest levels of self-honesty. --Anonymous The Fourth Step is the hardest one for many newcomers in the Program. It is so difficult, in fact, that some of us still waiting to do it are no longer newco...
I still haven't had a drink....
but today I really feel like I want to. Like really want to. The voice in my head is saying "Like would it be such a big deal if I just ran over to the liquor store and got some beer? Stayed home alone and listened to music and drank... would that really be so horrible?!" That's how I feel right now b...
Daily Reflections ~ A Great Paradox & 24hrs a Day
These legacies of suffering and of recovery are easily passed among alcoholics, one to the other. This is our gift from God, and its bestowal upon others like us is the one aim that today animates A.A.'s all around the globe. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 151 The great paradox of A.A. is that I k...
Pg 59. There are those........
I just got back from my 23rd group birthday. It was sad to see the man who brought me to AA and saved my life. The book says there are those who do not recover. I was fortunate to take the AA program seriously and work it diligently. Principles before personalities. I worked on the principles. The personal...
Our Newest Oldtimer.....
Congratulations, Biker Bill! Thank you for sharing your humility, your pride, your ego, your willingness, your wisdom & your ability to put our 12Steps into action & share with us all about it. Thank you for sharing your recovery, your journey & your SOBRIETY with us all@MIP. Thank you...
what a difference a HALT makes!!
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.... HALT. Talk about a recipe for a delicious, steaming hot bowl of calamity!! No WONDER I nearly lost the last morsel of sanity within me the other night. Some prayer, 2 nights of decent sleep (7-8 hours), some fruit and milk and chicken and fish and spinach and oranges an...
Intro to The Steps
I was thinking about The Triumvirate of AA, How we have three parts in AA, One is The Program of AA which is contained in the Book Alcoholics Anonymous, in which our Organization is named after, in multiple printings, and four editions, the first 164 pages have remained unchanged by an overwhelming vo...
My group
Today is a special day in my life. My home group is 23 years old. This was the home for me to go to. They call them home groups because we are a family. Just like any other family with all its differences and personalities, it still provides the base for an alcoholic to touchdown. Our elder statesmen are the...
Daily Reflections ~ Two 'Magnificent Standards' & 24hrs a Day
All A.A. progress can be reckoned in terms of just two words: humility and responsibility. Our whole spiritual development can be accurately measured by our degree of adherence to these magnificent standards. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 271 To acknowledge and respect the views, accomplishments and prero...
Day One for Me
My sponser said I have to want this more than anything else. I'm ready - sick to death of letting myself listen to the bad wolf voice. I want back on the path. I will WIN this battle. MAL
Yesterday -
Alright. Forgive my language, but yesterday was a rough one. I did my best to shake off vanilla girl from my previous post and celebrate the fact that I had hit two weeks. It was very rainy and cold here in NYC. The rain has always gotten to me. It puts me in a bad mood and makes me want to stay in bed. I kn...
Lois Wilson Story
Hi All Did anyone else catch that Hallmark Special on CBS last night on Lois Wilson? I hate to say it, but there were some parts that were very flaky. I have read a few stories and books about both of their pasts. Some was probably believeable but some not. The film focused mostly on his drinking and how s...