"As I Step into the A.A. light, my heart fills with the presence of God"
Good Morning All :0) How are you all? Guess I'll find out as I go through and read a few post. :0)
I'm very grateful to be sober and "Reasonably Happy" today. One of my sponsee's is working her Fourth Step right now. How wonderful for her and me. When she ask questions or just needs to talk it takes me back to when I worked this Step with my sponsor. She is asking, almost, all the same questions I did and is have some of the same emotions I did. I sometimes wish I could put into words for her what a wonder experience this was for me. Oh well, she'll have the same problem when she goes on to sharing this wonderful gift. :0)
A few weeks ago, I too was ask to do a Fourth Step on some of my family members. Didn't care for the idea because I was enjoying looking at them and didn't really want to look at me. :0) But I did it. What I found was some of my defects of character that I thought I, somewhat, had a bay were really glaring again. I also found that they were not only directed at my family, but they were also spilling over onto all of my other relationships. So, I think I'm doing a little better now. *Forever Peeling the Onion*
Well, I'm going to see how you are and maybe learn a thing or two and maybe share some E.S. & H.
Good morning to you too Jane. So far I'm doing great, but I know if I wait a little bit things will only get better ;). Like you, I am also grateful to be sober and reasonable happy. Glad you posted this because I'm feeling that it may be time for another 4th step for me. I've been feeling out of sorts as of late (nothing drastic, just a little "off") and feel like there may be some old resentments trying to sneak up on me. Thank God for AA, who taught me to recognize when it's time for action. I guess it's time to dig in and start taking a good hard look at myself, and see what I can do about some of those old nagging character defects.
Glad to hear your feeling better, and glad to see you posting again. Keep in touch!
Good to see you too Dean. Thanks Brian. Great to meet you mikef!!! And thank you Rob!!
Today's Daily Reflections "Open Up To Change" is so full of ponderings. I think I may have to read it again at noon and again this evening. For now I'm focusing on "To become ready for change, I practice willingness, opening myself to possibilities of change."