Just Thought I Drop in, and let I'm ok. The last 2 days felt like apart of me left the building. Yes it had to do with my son and I lost it on him and quite frankly I still don't think he gets it. I explained to him I really felt about this drinkin, and the affect it has on the household. Told him he's gonna have to...
The Traditions in our own lives
As Time goes on I find myself untilizing the AA Traditions in my own life more and more, they are good sound "rules" for Life, No Politics or Religion, being open minded, but realizing our group welfare comes first, paying our own bills, attraction not promotion, this list goes on and on and...
tom waits
just a query about Tom. I heard he was an alcoholic and wondered wether or not he`s a recovering alcoholic. This weeks been a roller coaster with lots of feelings emerging that I`d forgotten I had but I`ve got through it with the help of my sponsor and my higher power. My poor wife`s suffered though and I`...
New here, and trying to figure out if I belong
Hi... I've been wondering for some months now if I am an alcoholic. My mother is an active alcoholic, and I am married to an alcoholic that has been in recovery almost 2 years now. I have been in Alanon for about 2 years. For about 6 months now, I have been drinking 3 or 4 times a week at home (while my husba...
When i'm feeling grateful...
...I don't feel like getting loaded! Just thought i'd throw that out there. I'm just listening to some relaxing music, reflecting a little on just how low I was 10 and a half months ago compared to where i'm at today and what i've got going on in my life right now, the path i'm on right now...I feel so lucky t...
Day One
I am new to this, so bear with me. Really, I could use some help on using this forum. I want to get better, but I am afraid that I can't do it on my own. I know that it's not all about accepting, so I am also looking forward to giving. Please, help me begin on this journey. It's not going to be easy for me, but I...
Daily Reflections ~ Live and Let Live & 24hrs a Day
Never since it began has Alcoholics Anonymous been divided by a major controversial issue. Nor has our Fellowship ever publicly taken sides on any question in an embattled world. This, however, has been no earned virtue. It could almost be said that we were born with it. . . . "So long as we don't a...
Just dropped in to see what condition your condition was in!!!! Been really running lately ,wanted to stop in and wish all a blessed and productive day! Another day to thank the God of our understanding for the gift of life,free from active addiction..I'll stop back in tonight and see how all are doing...
Just spoken by video call to my buddy in Australia
My sober buddy, Gaz, got married last year and went to Cairns for his honeymoon. They were there 6 weeks. While there his bride was offered a job and Gaz and she went back over there in April so that she could take up the job and he could seek a work permit. Just had a video call by skype with him - was great to s...
HELP NEEDED! I'm new here and need urgent advice on my wifes drinking problem
Hi There, Sorry to bother you all but i really need some advice on my wife's drinking problem, ill keep it as short as possible: My wife is a heavy drinker (5-6 beers/wines) per night She has been diagnosed with anxiety and sometimes self halms herself Has done so for about 2 years She has been through the...
just shared
Hi there i just shared in a aa meeting was not shure but i asked my hp to guide me .what you guys told me is what i did that is where i came from what happened and how is it now ,went fine .thanks again for all of your supportand incredible counsel.I really enjoy the interactions here and it is now a source that i...
Daily reflections ~ Our Survival & 24hrs a Day
Since recovery from alcoholism is life itself to us, it is imperative that we preserve in full strength our means of survival. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 177 The honesty expressed by the members of A.A. in meetings has the power to open my mind. Nothing can block the flow of energy that hone...
Hi just dropping in
Just thought I'd drop in Its been a while since I shared anything, things are going ok. College applications with my daughter have been challenging, also working on getting a Van on the road. AGH!!! lol but that's ok, the out come is worth the work. Just got into a bit of a discussion with my son who has Byp...
Is alcoholism a disability?
Here in Ireland, one law says it is, yet our mental health act says it isnt.
Glad to be back....
Well folks after moving around this island for a few years I am finally back in my own community, have hi-speed again, happy, see my son regularly now, and still no compulsion to drink. Can't get to meetings as much as I would like, but go when I can. Resigned myself to sit back and just relax for now in rega...
Daily Reflections ~ An Unbroken Tradition & 24hrs a Day
We conceive the survival and spread of Alcoholics Anonymous to be something of far greater importance than the weight we could collectively throw back of any other cause. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 177 How much it means to me that an unbroken tradition of more than half a century is a threa...
Feeling frustrated
I'm just about to 90 days no alcohol and I'm feeling frustrated with AA. It's because I don't have a sponsor yet my schedule is demanding and I have been to lots of meetings in many different cities and haven't developed any relationships really. I feel like an outcast in some ways. I don't even know i...
Good morning, all!
Here's a song dedicated to the place I go to for meetings, the "Little House". Because that's where I go when I need some peace. xoxoxoxo All! Amy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GugzLSbOQE
Been reading but...
I was laid off on friday. I have been really depressed. I will go file for unemployment tomorrow and then food stamps. This really sucks. I have one kid in college and one in 10th grade. I worked in the flooring industry so I am now a dislocated worker I applied for the pell grant gov. stuff so i will be...
Why am i not happy?
I typed this up, what i got out of Saturday afternoon at the womens retreat at St Clares,Santa Cruz CA****************************************************************************************************************************************** As alcoholics, we did not outgr...
Daily Reflections ~ Global Sharing & 24hrs a Day
The only thing that matters is that he is an alcoholic who has found a key to sobriety. These legacies of suffering and of recovery are easily passed among alcoholics, one to the other. This is our gift from God, and its bestowal upon others like us is the one aim that today animates A.A.'s all around the g...
A song for how I'm feeling one week into sobriety
I'm a huge music nerd, so I hope you like it and take something positive from it, can't think of a more positive song right now! Music helps soothe the savage beast! Thank YOU, HP for giving me the strength to be where I am and to go where I'm heade...
We Get Sober So We Can Have a Life
I remember my sponsor telling me something to that effect. I was still in my first 6 months. I didn't do 90 in 90, but I was probably going to an average of 5 meetings a week. I had something come up that was a commitment I had made - fortunately didn't involve being around alcohol. I told my sponsor I wou...
Out of the country for the first time in sobriety
Hey guys, I'm going to be out of the country for the first time in sobriety, on a business trip to various places in Asia for a couple of weeks, so I'll probably be checking in more thqan ususal. There are a couple of meetings in cities I'm going to but my schedule will make it hard to get to them. Booze is al...
Hypopharyngeal Cancer
Hello all, I am currently a student conducting a large product on Hypopharyngeal Cancer. I have conducted a lot of research, and I know that drinking is a major cause of Hypopharyngeal Cancer. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone who is struggling (or has struggled) with throat cancer would b...
Drunk, angry, and trying to sneak into the Mullet Festival without paying is no way to go through life, son.
"Alcohol MAY have been a factor." Okay, so I stole that headline from Fark.com, but one of my personal credos is: "If it isn't funny, it's probably not worth it." I deal with most difficult things in my life with humor. Laughter is a gift from God, and if you can't laugh at some o...
Daily reflections ~ One Ultimate Authority & 24hrs a Day
For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authoritya loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 132 When I am chosen to carry some small responsibility for my fellows, I ask that God grant me the patience, open-mindedness, and willingne...
In recovery, we learn an appropriate sense of ownership
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Property Lines A helpful tool in our recovery, especially in the behavior we call detachment, is learning to identify who owns what. Then we let each person own and possess his or her rightful property. If another person has an addiction, a problem, a feeling, or a se...
Can I ask a friend if I can tag along to her AA meeting?
Or does that take away from the whole "anonymous" thing?If this topic has been covered before, I do apologize -- I'm new to the group and only 7 weeks sober and I'm trying to find a meeting that I'll be comfortable in. I have a friend who's sober an I thought I'd ask her if it's cool if I come to her...
My brother was found dead Monday
From an apparent accidental overdose or from some sort of Xanax-dependency withdrawal reaction. But, essentially, alcoholism killed him. I'm getting into some serious self-doubt over not having helped him more. This is horrible.
Parent stuff
Okay, so I haven't made it a week yet. Still, there was something that happened this weekend that made me even more glad that I'm in the program and sober. I found out that two 12yo girls in the neighborhood are bullying my 8yo daughter, who doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She had apparently been...
Good reception at a local poetry reading...
Hi Ya, Last night I read during a local poetry slam. I was SO nervous! Lotsa big literary brains from the faculty of the local college. The crowd gave me high marks. This is what I read... My ExI called up my ex-significant error, to make some 12-step amends.The last time we spoke, I was all twisted on dope...
Our family retreat.
I just got back from an AA and Alanon retreat organised by our group. It was so fulfilling to see God work in the troubled hearts of men and women and lift them up beyond their understanding. I feel blessed just to be a participant. I thank my God for allowing such opportunities to express my gratitude to a...
Daily Reflections ~ By Faith and By Works & 24hrs a Day
On anvils of experience, the structure of our Society was hammered out. . . . Thus has it been with A.A. By faith and by works we have been able to build upon the lessons of an incredible experience. They live today in the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, which - God willing - shall sustain us in...
By Hook or by Crook
or: God Moves in mysterious ways I'm reading Clarence's Book about the History of AA and during our formulative years we did some pretty funny stuff, here's a story I thought was particularly humorous, it brought us our first National Attention, but not necessarily in a way we'd do anymore According...
True humility occurs when we stop shaming or inflating ourselves and begin accepting ourselves as no worse and no better
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box. --Italian proverb Much of our time has been spent saying, "I'm not good enough for that job," "She's too good for me," or "I don't deserve that compliment." Someti...
Hi Family!
I came down with a real bad case of a Brochail Infection, maybe 1 week and a half ago, but feels like 3 months ago. The medication for this is like an A Bomb, and it is doing it's job, but also knocking the heck out of me...so just little baby steps... Thank You God for the wonderful people in my life that have b...
Just Toni
Family recovery
One of the greatest things about AA is the emphasis of family recovery. Chapters like "To wives" and "The family afterwards" have been excellent material for family recovery. Our group has workshopped these chapters in great depth and the result is evident in our relationsh...
Free Showing of Lost in Woonsocket tonight in Charlotte!
Hey guys, i think this will encourage you if you can make it out: Free showing of Lost in Woonsocket in Charlotte tonight. Information here: http://ht.ly/2XifZ You can see the trailer here: http://www.lafia.org and other event locations.
If at 1st u don't succeed....
...try, try again. And I am.... tomorrow will be probably my 4th time joining AA. But it's time---oh yes, it's definitely time. Another blackout yesterday & my best friend is angry w/ me---says I hung up on her when she called me on my alkie BS. I don't even remember talking to her!!!! And I hav...
4th&5th step retreat
Our Monday night group has arranged a weekend retreat. For the first time my wife also joins me. Looking forward to a great spiritually fulfilling weekend. Our recovery in AA and Alanon has strengthened our marriage, because both of us are exposed to continuous work with newcomers. It certainly mak...
Praying for Strength.
Hi, its been a-long time since I've been here. I've made a pact with myself to quit drinking today. My life is so out of control its not funny. I quit taking care of myself, my home, and my overall life. I'm so disgusted with myself. I dont have the energy to do anything but sit and drink, if I'm not drinking I...
Sorry All
Hey All, I got drunk last night and I am starting over. More later. Not feeling so well. Sorry. Tom
I wish I could sponsor you.
Sponsorship is not about exercising authority over any body. It is a spiritual partnership. The sponsee wants to submit to someone he can trust and who will enhance his life spiritually. Someone who will give honest counsel about his condition and make valued suggestions on how to improve. I gave my...
It Gets Better
I have been thinking lately, about how much easier my life has become since I've been married. And how strange and unexpected this has been. The day I moved out of my mother's house, I became responsible for everything about myself. Paying the bills, making sure there's food in the fridge, making s...
Fears that go undiscussed have a way of growing and overtaking our lives
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Watching a child acquire language, I realize, again, that naming things demystifies them. --Mary Casey Sharing with another our fears of starting a new job, ending a relationship, getting into therapy, or even joining a social club will help us keep the fear in per...
The new Movie "Stone"
I just saw this movie a couple days ago that features Robert Deniro and Edward Norton this weekend. The professional reviews are mixed, I think in large part because those writing them are probably not alcoholic or understand emptiness and spriritial change as we do. IMO the movie is very creative w...
Worse Eye Trouble
Hi All My eyes are worse then originally thought. I have Conjunctivitis of the Eye. I am now on heavy eye drops that are like steroids. I have to take them 4 times a day. It is like a milky substance but/will is supposed deaden anything in there. The Eye Doctor said I got this like you would pink eye but wors...
10 months sober today.
Well, in one hour it will officially be 10 months. I just re-read some of the posts I made on here from the past, and it brought me back to a place I never wish to go again. It reminded me how much suffering I really went through in addiction. I'm not perfect by any means, progress not perfection for sure, bu...
Daily Reflections ~ Nothing Grows in the Dark & 24hrs a Day
We will want the good that is in us all, even in the worst of us, to flower and to grow. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 10 With the self-discipline and insight gained from practicing Step Ten, I begin to know the gratifications of sobriety -- not as mere abstinence from alcohol, but as recovery in every department of m...