just a heads up on the share by gonee, "step 2" very good reminder. jj/sheila
Happy Joyous and free
We often use the terms happy and joy (joyous in anticipation) synonymously. Happy is a reaction to the immediate environment and circumstance, truly a flash in the pan, as it made me happy, I was happy to see you ,that it really makes me happy. Consequently when things go a rye then that makes me unhappy...
Relationships.. (women!)
I bet this has been posted loads of times... Initially I struggled to get a grip on page 69 of BB, I don't/didn't have a sex inventory but I got around it by changing the word sex to love. And boy was it there. I find nobody talks about it, except for the don't do it bit. I find it difficult to associate with pe...
Hi Just thought I'd drop in, I'm doing ok. Guess I have to get out of myself and start working on a few things. Missed a few meetings do to work and being sick for week and starting to feel it. Things are changing financially and feeling a bit a crunch out my pocket book, as well as my surroundings. So I gue...
Sorry I've been absent - my internet went bye bye, due to lack of interest in paying the bill (sigh, still working on certain areas) and due to the fact that I have become much more productive as a result, I'm probably not gonna have internet at my house for a good long time. But I'll check in once in awhile...
When you do all the talking you only learn what you already know
Today's thought from Hazelden is: When you do all the talking you only learn what you already know. --Anonymous One of the secrets for finding answers to any emotional problem is to talk with fellow members we can confide in fully. We don't need to look any farther than our sponsor or the members who are...
Sometimes, is it just better to quit and say, I've had a good life?
I'm really getting sick and tired of struggling with this disease and trying to make myself better for other people. I hate what I come home to every night - an alcoholic husband who looks like hell and sometimes can't put a sentence together. Now my precious son is coming home from Afghanistan and he...
How soon?
Should I get a sponsor? First meeting last night, went wonderfully, can't wait to go back (really). I would really like to get to know the person somewhat, but I know it's vital that I get one asap. Does it HAVE to be same sex? Does that really matter? I don't really care either way but I wondered why t...
New to all this...
Hi All, I need help but don't know how to get it...There's no doubt I'm an alcoholic but I've also been diagnosed with a mood disorder (which I believe most of my extended paternal family suffers from in some form, along with alcoholism - go figure!). I'm on medication which has helped immensely but st...
Humble Pie
Humble Pie Humility is a difficult subject at best we mostly associate humility with humiliation or being humble as being less than. I have come to the understanding that its not about thinking less of yourself, its about thinking of yourself less. For when we are in the service of our fellows are we no...
I'm a real mardy arse at the moment.
Is it a self fullfilling expectation? I'm running up to my soberversary and find I'm getting petulant (That's mardy), demanding, critical, all this negative vibe man! It happened like this last year and the year before and the year before that. I've taken a week off work, but need to get busy. It's jus...
Daily Reflections ~ My Checklist, Not Yours & 24 hrs a Day
Gossip barbed with our anger, a polite form of murder by character assassination, has its satisfactions for us, too. Here we are not trying to help those we criticize; we are trying to proclaim our own righteousness. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 67 Sometimes I don't realize that I gossiped...
AA is beautiful
Today i missed my aa meeting and i realized the immense good a meeting does for me.I know how i feel when i get to a meeting and when i dont.I say AA is beautiful because of all the beautiful people that mustard all their courage to share to,to shake hands,to make the best coffee ever,to give of their time.f...
Most of us are IN recovery from Alcoholism, but we still have different preceptions
Hi Everyone, Was re-reading a few times a Post that got so involved with the Chips and what they mean to each of us. For me I was such a hard and fast relapser, for soooo long, about 7 years of relapsing, and in the first 2 or 3 years would go in and get a white 24 Chip..after that 3 years was too humiliating to...
Just Toni
New to Sobriety
Going to my first meeting tonight. Enough is enough. I've been in tears on and off all day, so I'll make sure to take some kleenex. I thought that if I admitted that I was an alcoholic then everyone would think I was weak because I couldn't just stop drinking on my own, but I no longer car what anyone else...
How can I encourage my partner to make healthy decision's
My partner has been out of rehab for 6 months now. He goes to AA but is in at the time of the meeting and out as soon as he leaves. I attend Al-alon and AA. I am becoming healthy and learning so much about the disesase. I try to encourage him by talking to him and telling him to think about decisions for mor...
Do I need to pick up a 24 hour chip and start my time over?
Hey all...I have been clean and sober since april 15, 2010. I was a binge drinker, but my addiction of choice was always prescription pills. Today, I decided to take 1 percocet that I found at my parents house (which was my usual source until a few years ago). I did not look for the bottle, or take the no...
If I was doing any better, I would need to be two people
If I was doing any better, I would need to be two people. I spent Tuesday morning in an operating room under general anesthesia in yet another failed attempt to remove a boulder size kidney stone from my right kidney. By the Grace of God and AA I woke up on the green side of the grass and sober. Over the yea...
Find a meeting anywhere in the US by text. FREE
Hi brothers and sisters, I've created an app to help AA members worldwide. Pay nothing other than what your phone company charges to send and receive texts. Text "AA" followed by your zip code to 484-843-1767 details at www.mytextupdate.com I apologize if this comes off as spam. I create...
Sobriety- a precious gift
What a precious gift my God chose to give me. Without sobriety in my life nothing worked. When I got sober in AA and started to live life again, I realised what it was just to breathe again. I stopped asking my God for petty little things. He had given me the most precious of all gifts SOBRIETY which was LIFE...
Congratulations on your 1st Soberversary, CARLOTTA !!!
Good Morning, Just thinking of you and wishing you one wonderful day! 365 days at 24 hours each, so fantastic. BIg Hugs and Love being sent to you. Tonicakes
Just Toni
We may have learned to be miserable, but we can choose to unlearn it
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Misery is optional. We may have learned to be miserable, but we can choose to unlearn it. Though we can't control what happens to us, we can determine how we will interpret and react to what happens. We can moan about the things we don't like, using them as excuses for se...
New to recovery and stuck in close quarters with family - they're driving me crazy!
Hi there. I got sober four months ago in Virginia and am now visiting my mother and step-father for 3 weeks in Switzerland. I know that doesn't sound that bad, rather good, but, they are driving me crazy and I find myself very angry at them just for the way they are. I'm finding that I am blaming them (in my h...
Tom...That your Dad has been there for her also...
is an amazement Tom...That your Dad is also still here for you and for her is a large proof for me what I learned early on...this is a spiritual program...Only a spiritual program. We are touched by each other and those who came before us who trudged this same road to happy destiny. The prayers continu...
Jerry F
Daily Reflections ~ Unremitting Inventories & 24hrs a Day
Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p...
Manipulative behavior is almost always selfish behavior
Today's thought from Hazelden is: When am I manipulative? Without understanding our motives, we can easily lapse into behavior aimed at manipulating others. Sulking is a means of letting others know we are displeased and forcing them to attempt to win our approval. Flattery is a false expression o...
Hello everyone
Hi just a bit about myself Both my grandfathers drank to the extent it affected their families in a detrimental way My mums dad tended to have heavy sessions over the w/e and she had memories of he and her mum fighting when he got home from the pub-she used to dread it My dad`s dad spent most evenings down th...
Other religions
Sorry if this has been done before.... I went for the spiritual side quite early on .... but not christian(/abrahamist) but more obscure religion. The only advice I've heard about is to not go it alone... I've made initial contact with a local group but I'm not sure their exact leanings.. (The reply st...
Prayers still coming Tom...
Thinking about Connie and yourself this morning and continuing the focus and prayers. Will take you both to the morning meeting and sit detached while HP attends you both. (((((hugs)))))
Jerry F
It only takes one person to change your life - you
Today's thought from Hazelden is: It only takes one person to change your life - you. --Ruth Casey Change is not easy, but it's absolutely unavoidable. Doors will close. Barriers will surface. Frustrations will mount. Nothing stays the same forever, and it's such folly to wish otherwise. Growth ac...
Just dropping in To Wish everyone on this side of the Canadian Border a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. And thankyou for being here. Hugs Tina
Don't Want Recognition
Hello you ole timers in AA:It will be one year on Oct 12th since my last drink, AA has been very good to me as I attended at least one meeting a week for the past 12 months. I am very happy to be sober and out of the depression, loneliness, etc but my sponsor has been haunting me to sign up for a one-year recogni...
Daily Reflections ~ Self-Restraint & 24hrs a Day
Our first objective will be the development of self-restraint. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 91 My drive to work provides me with an opportunity for self-examination. One day while making this trip, I began to review my progress in sobriety, and was not happy with what I saw. I hoped that, as...
Just Beginning
Hello everyone, I am new to the board and to AA. I haven't been to a meeting but need and plan to. Quick. I just want to say that I am so very tired of the things I miss out on because I am drunk all the time. Like time with my small children (the best most important time of their lives), like time with my husban...
here we go, feeling better,not such a mardy arse after all
So what changed. After the previous post, I gave myself a stiff talking to, listed on paper what I have to be grateful for and called my Mum. It's her birthday on Sunday (85) so we had a good talk about her health (it's good),what she's gonna do today (Go for lunch with other brother)and how my big brother i...
God's will before our own!
For today I will continue to stop just using God and concentrate on God using me to carry His will! We will not tell God what we want but put ourselves in prayer and meditation so we can know what He wants.....We will pray not trying to change His will but finding out what His will is......The God of your und...
Step Thirteen
step - thirteen The Twelve and Twelve says To think of liking lust seems impossible. But how many men and women speak love with their lips, and believe what they say, so that they can hide lust in a dark corner of their minds? And even while staying within conventional bounds, many people have to admit th...
We can't respond authentically to the moment if we're concealing the truth
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Persons who habitually drink water become just as good gourmets about water as wine drinkers on wine. --Alexandre Dumas How fortunate are those among us who have the ability to turn things around - to transform liabilities into assets. Life deals them lemons: they...
Eye Trouble
Hi All Here we go again. Now I have Red Eye--it is like Pink Eye but twice as bad. It makes me look like I am high on something. I have had to wear sunglasses for the past 3 days. Luckly they are rose colored so it makes it hard for anyone to see what my eyes really look like. At first I thought it was a med react...
Arthritis A drunk that smelled like a brewery got on a bus one day. He sat down next to a priest. The drunk’s shirt was stained, his face was full of bright red lipstick and he had a half-empty bottle of wine sticking out of his pocket. He opened his newspaper and started reading. A couple minutes later, he...
Connie's double mastectomy
So, Connie has her Double Mastectomy tomorrow. Quick visit to the doctor today, a nice romantic dinner by the water, and time to head home. Just as the sun was setting, the stretch of road we were on had the sun right in our eyes. It was brutal seeing but I got just the right angle where I could drive safel...
He is Father. BB Step3
Despite circumstances and situations in my own life, I came to believe in AA of a loving God. For a long time I could not see God as my Father and therefore I missed out on many gifts that He was willing to give me. The transformation process began in the steps of recovery: Step 2: power greater than myself....
Respondents are needed for survey
Hello everyone. I previous posted a link to a study that I am conducting. I am having a hard time with getting people to participate. Again I have no way of know who you are or where you are from. Right now I only have 11 who have decided to participate and I need at least 50. I plan to pursue a doctorate de...
been back out for 2 years :(
I am about at that familar ground..of hitting bottom. I can feel it coming and am so scared of having to start over again. Sept. 3, 2003 was my date, I would have had 7 years being sober coming up in a few days. I've been back out since July - 2 years now. I wake up in the mornings with such dread. I put on my wo...
I could use some help and guidance. I am a recovering alcoholic
I am a recovering alcohilic. I used to drink all of the time for any reason. It continued to get worse and worse and my husband drank with me. I got to a point where I needed a drink when I woke upAugust 6 of 2009 I looked in the mirror and I was not me anymore. I went out crying to my husband and told him I needed to...
We will escape disaster together
Today's thought from Hazelden is: THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Another part of the answer to how people can live without turmoil and be happy lies in being bound to other members of the group with new ties. They will escape disaster together. New group feeling helps provide them all with a way to identify with ea...
Interesting poem
One of my friend posted a link to this on facebook. It reads like a revised version of the promises to me....It seems to describe the starting point for change, but also the journey. Take from it whatever you want. I liked it. The Awakening (Author unknown) A time comes in your life when you finally ge...
new to this
hi there can someone help me as to how this all works?thank you
New Here
Hi Ya'll I'm Buster Parkie, a faithful member of the Preston Group in Dallas, Texas. I've got 3 years of sobriety. I'm thankful to God for that. I love AA, keep the faith!
Buster Parkie
Daily Reflections ~ Daily Inventory & 24hrs a Day
. . . . and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 59 I was beginning to approach my new life of sobriety with unaccustomed enthusiasm. New friends were cropping up and some of my battered friendships had begun to be repaired. Life was exciting, and I even began to enjoy my wor...