Sometimes people say, "I tried AA but, somehow, it just didn't seem to work for me." They had lost faith in the Program, but a careful analysis of the situation would show that they had not been failthful TO it. No medicine will cure a sick man unless he takes it regularly and according to the doctor's orders.
You will have no occasion to lose faith in the Program if you live faithfully to its precepts.
-- Edited by Rainspa on Saturday 4th of December 2010 10:32:14 AM
I went out and got a membership to the gym and went down to watch people work out, I listened to people talk about working out, I told them I wanted to lose weight and told them about my struggles with losing weight, and then I went home and ate a pint of Chunky Munky while watching an exercise video but for some reason I am not losing weight
I just don't understand, I go to the Gym every night, they said go to the gym every day, so I go and share every night about my struggles but keep gaining weight, and then I get upset I am not losing weight and think "what's the use", and wolf down another half gallon of Rocky Road....please help
Gyms don't help me get fit... I tried...they just don't work...I sit there by the hour and just think..."what's the pint?"....oop gotta go, sale on eggnog ice cream
-- Edited by LinBaba on Saturday 4th of December 2010 09:54:03 PM
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
update, I got a exercise sponsor, he said I have to "make a decision" to start exercising, but not actually start exercising for a year, that I need to truly understand the decision I am making and become one with that decision...that and something about I have to turn my self-whale over to the lard above, a weight greater then myself, but to go to the gym and watch people work out every night for a year so I have self knowledge of what it takes to actually get fit and exercise....
-- Edited by LinBaba on Saturday 4th of December 2010 10:32:53 PM
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
TeeHee. Throw the self-knowledge out with the egg-nog flavor icecream. Don't even bother switching to Cherry Garcia. Action is the answer. Work it. The weight(s) can handle all that is before me, trust in their power. I'd say to myself, lift those bar bells with half as much effort as you picked up the drink and you'll be fab by at the end of the day. I loved L-Baba's comical post. Short and funny. Didn't catch it till today.
-- Edited by angelov8 on Thursday 9th of December 2010 04:09:33 AM