Gift Suggestion
Alcoholics Anonymous
The Eye Opener December 24 Did you ever think upon forgiveness as a Christmas gift? In addition to its sacred application, the giving of gifts at Christmas is to bring happiness to someone and nothing can bring more happiness than forgiveness. It gives joy to both the giver and the receiver and must al...
A Highter Home
Alcoholics Anonymous
The Eye Opener - Daily Reading December 20 Any constructive program of living is a process of character building that lifts us above commonplace worldly affairs to the higher sphere of the soul. In this way, the house of the soul becomes the temple of the God in us, a cathedral of the spirit, where you an...
Not Recomended
Alcoholics Anonymous
The Eye Opener Daily Reading December 22 It is frequently distressing to observe the attitude of the slipee when he sobers up and endeavors to get back on the Program. Some apparently think it was something to be expected, others feel that it was a necessary part of their alcoholic education and that t...
Easy on others; hard on ourselves
Alcoholics Anonymous
The Eye Opener Daily Reading December 26 As we alcoholics are selfish by nature, it is but right and proper that we should be more severe in our judgments of ourselves than of others. As we are own own best friend or our worst enemy, depending upon our treatment of ourselves, and as we are the one person i...
Alcoholics Anonymous
The Eye Opener Daily Reading December 28 It is very often easier to identify an alcoholic by his hang-over than by his drinking pattern. Alcoholics, for the most part, resemble the non-alcoholics when they have a load aboard, but in the morning, when the sweats and the shakes set in, then the alcoholi...