Noob question about withdrawl?
Alcoholics Anonymous
I was reading some facts online and stuff, and heard there's a chance of erm, termination, if you decide to go off the bottle. However, I want to quit, as I feel like this might be turning into a problem again. I was pretty much drunk everday from thanks giving to christmas, now I'm sober again, but just wa...
I don't know if I'm an alcoholic but I'm going to start meetings anyway
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hi, all. I am an Adult Child (formerly "of Alcoholics") in the other section of this website and binge on food and drink a 6pack of Lite beer pretty much nightly. I have been reading all your posts, especially those to McSwagger. Very interesting. I am working the 12 steps with Adult Ch...
New here
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hi, My name is Melissa. I joined 3 days ago and have just been lurking. I have been with my husband for 23 years, we have 2 beautiful girls. I started drinking beer about 6 years ago. It then progressed to tequila and wine and a few other things. My mom passed away about a year and a half ago and I have been drin...
Alcoholics Anonymous
So glad I found this. I've been alcohol free for nearly 5 months. I've picked up many white chips (I've abused other substances) and two red (picked up last red last week). I have a great home group and sponser although it's been hard to get together so I'm starting Step 2 this week. Looking forward to get...