Alcoholics Anonymous
Hi there, my name is Beth, from Stafford in the United Kingdom. I looked for the new members place to post, but am very upset and desperate right now, so am sorry if I missed it. At the moment I am drinking every day. It frightens me and my mental health is not good in the first place. I sleep all day, and even i...
growing up
Alcoholics Anonymous
so im 19 years old and im marrieddddd and i have a baby on the way!! im married to a marine and hes gone all the time!! idk how to handle a baby by myself i try and try not to drink but it is gettiing hard!! im happpy i have stayed sober for this long and not jeopordize my babys life. im just scared i guess
hi, I am new...
Alcoholics Anonymous
my name is lex. My last drink was early Dec 8th. I have been having trouble drinking for at least a decade and want my life back. I signed up for a group called daytox locally but get anxiety and panic attacks and am not ready to be in large groups for extended periods yet. Am on disability, and I tend to binge...
First Time Here
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hello all- My name is Dan. I'm a twenty nine year old alcoholic and addict with twenty seven days sober today. I did a two week inpatient program and have been going to meetings and outpatient daily. I have a sponsor and a solid network of guys for support and totally believe in this program, but I'm runni...
I'm New. Support???
Alcoholics Anonymous
This is new for me. I am making a promise to not drink. My husband of 15 months and I do not see eye-to-eye on drinking. I have a few drinks and he doesn't like it. I am thin and on medication so drinking is not wise for me. Actually, it's not wise at all. I am very good at functioning and drinking. I work every da...
New here, and to the world of AA.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hello. I am trying this before going to a real meeting. Guess I am hoping this online work will be what I need. My life from the outside appears normal, but inside, it's a mess. I've been drinking to escape my own mind and life for 10 yrs. I am tired of making excuses, and would like to see it, and talk about it...
I'm new :)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hi there, I drink too much. It is hurting my relationships and my health. I have tried to stop drinking before. But i constantly fail, I really want to heal myself and get on with my life. Right now i usually drink everyday, usually beer. On the weekends I binge while out with my friends.. I am confu...
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hi guys new here. My tolefence has become incredible recently. Im drinking 28 or more units a night and im still not getting drunk. i can drink all night and not get smashed. Its 03:05 here in the uk and iv been drinking for hours and im still not smashed yet. I wil be stopping drinking in the next day or tw...
Hello. I am new and looking for inspiration and motivation
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hello everyone,
This is my first time visiting.
I felt I needed to look online for support since I have not been able to control my desire for a drink.
I find myself enjoying being awake more with a drink. Weekdays, I can't wait until I get home from work. Weekends - cant wait for noon for a reason.
New and confused
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hello - I'm Christine, an alcoholic/addict. I am on day 3 of being sober. I went to a meeting on day one (and got a 24 hour coin) and day two and am going to a meeting tonight. I am planning on doing 90 in 90, but only because I heard someone say that on TV, or maybe I read it. I don't remember. I don't have a sponso...