Did you ever think upon forgiveness as a Christmas gift? In addition to its sacred application, the giving of gifts at Christmas is to bring happiness to someone and nothing can bring more happiness than forgiveness. It gives joy to both the giver and the receiver and must also bring a smile to the face of Him who said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." It depletes your purse not one penny but adds materially to spiritual wealth.
Just for this Christmas, I will focus on forgiving MYSELF, even if just for one day. This is the resentment blocking me the most right now. I have the Steps to work on the rest of my resentments, but tomorrow on Christmas, just for one day, I will forgive myself. And thereby, I am likely to be more useful to those around me.
Thanks, Rainspa.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.