I need to hear some E/S/H about CoDeez...
Hi, My name is Rob. I'm an alcoholic/addict. On Wednesday I will get my 6-month chip. I've been in the program a year and a half. I have a wife of 15 years and 4 kids - 12, 10, 6 & 8mos. For 16 years I was my wife's problem and now it's the other way around. My wife's dad is an alkie. He has slowed down in the l...
2nd Belly Button Birthday Sober
Thanks HP, thanks AA, thanks you guys! Steve
Back from vacation
Did NOT get through tropical vacation without picking up. Feeling terrible about myself but not beating up on myself... Got straight to a meeting this morning and am back on board. My friends/family think I'm 'fine' because I can control my consumption and my personality and actions (in front of t...
Blessings in disguise
Even though I make good money I have been in debt for sometime related to my drinking and poor choices. My bank has been overdrafted for a year each direct deposit will put it in the positive a few hundred and then I overdraft to survive. My mothers name was on the account and the bank called her and told her...
Almost Here Again
Hi All No, I have not been out. Just been away a bit more then planned due to the Heavy Load of College Classes. Have 2 more Finals to do on Monday the 20th then done until 2nd week in January. Will be spending the Holidays with Boyfriend and his Mom mostly--The rest of my family is in partly sunny Florida. So...
Lessons learned this week
Hi all- A couple of things I would like to share, in hopes it might help another. I was confronted with Alcohol twice this week and it was a disturbing scene for me internally. 1st - I signed up on a secret santa deal with some people - the person I drew wanted good holiday beer, the expensive stuff. I didn't...
The Sword
The Eye Opener Daily Reading December 19 It is very difficult for an alcoholic to remain sober in continued idleness, and this lesson has been learned the hard way by too many who have tried it. It is also possible to overwork to the point where we think we need a stimulant to keep going. There is a big diff...
family...when to keep mouth shut.....
I have learned in the program to stay away from saving family members. I have a sister who i out in the madness. She will be the first to tell you the "she knows" about the program "she knows" shes and alcoholic.... and "she knows" on and on and on. She has had some big s...
Said goodbye to Jack D tonight...
The renters in a property I've managed for several years have left to go back home. Part of the protocol is to do a "walk thru" to make sure everything is clean and nothing is broken...almost perfect. While doing the walk thru I saw a half a pint of Jack D on the counter and funny how that become...
Jerry F
Ativan while in recovery
I have been sober for 25 years and developed a generalized anxiety after the economy has threatened some of my finances. I could't pull out of it so my doctor put me on .5mg ativan three times a day. I have been taking it but my anxiety remains. I don't want to increase the dose. I know that this is really a go...
Daily Reflections ~ Honesty with Newcomers & 24hrs a Day
Tell him exactly what happened to you. Stress the spiritual feature freely. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 93 The marvel of A.A. is that I tell only what happened to me. I don't waste time offering advice to potential newcomers, for if advice worked, nobody would get to A.A. All I have to do is show what has br...
Mirror, Mirror
The Eye Opener Daily Reading for December 17 The world is a looking glass; it returns to you what you give to it. All the world and everything in it are but reflections of yourself, and if the world doesn't look good to you, rest assured, you don't look good to the world. The words of every person you meet ar...
Couple of jokes
SCOUSERS JOIN FERRARI "The Ferrari F1 team fired their entire pit crew yesterday." This announcement followed Ferrari's decision to take advantage of the British government's 'Work for your Dole' scheme and employ some Liverpudlian youngsters. The decision to hire them was br...
When the student is ready...the teacher arrives.
Aloha Family...The consequences of following thru on trust over the course of this journey of recovery will work for my recovery. That promise has always come true sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly. Most recently it came to pass in helping me properly participate in eye surgery. I was the o...
Jerry F
What to Plant
Daily Reading from The Eye Opener: December 16 Every alcoholic has at one time or another had such a load of troubles that there was surely no prospect of his ever being happy again. On the other hand, there were moments of ectasy that were so great that our lives seemed completely filled and no cloud cou...
Willingness - Humility
I dont like having to share everything on my mind or do everything im told or be shown in a not so polite way how to do stuff i feel i should kno basicly - kno person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from his fellows But hey we are i am Humility - i need as much as i can get altho it comes in many fo...
Full Flight
Consider this.
I once heard someone in AA say, God cannot make your life any worse than it already is. It made it easier for me take the 3rd step. I realised that the package I was offering God did not have any assets in it. In my 4th step inventory, I had a list of resentments and hurts that had weighed me down for so many year...
Keep those who are living without gas in there homes running off space heaterz wich almost certainly kills families in fires every year and the homeless, amen.This is a brutal time of year for alot of people. thx
Full Flight
Projection or what?
I wrote this in July: First the good news - still sober. Now the not so good news - working my arse off, not been fishing this year at all, took on a project that was in a mess, my rep. is on the line and looks like it might get a bit of a spanking - just been told that our happy team of 7 project managers will be re ar...
Joyous, free and happy. That's my goal.
As I prepared for sleep last night, I took stock. I told God about my fears and anxieties. Just a normal conversation with my God. To me He is my Father. I grew up without a dad from the age of 15. I heard Dr Bob say that my Heavenly Father will never let me down. He has never let me down. My alcohol problem was re...
home from my 1st meeting
I really enjoyed the meeting I went to tonight there was just as many women there as men everyone was really nice and i even talked. I was made welcome and I enven cried a little. I will go back to this meeting next week and see if I can find anymore to go to. I am sober tonight and getting ready to go to bed. Lore...
when it rains it pours
Well I am still sober 11 days now. But a lot going on It's christmas time my Thermastat and water pump both going out on my car. We are expected to get a icy wintery mix tonight after our snow sunday which isn't gone yet. I got sick went to Hospital and I have a bad case of Bronchitis So they gave me some doxycyc...
Annual Holiday Card Request
Hello Everyone, Each year at this time, I send out a simple request to all MIP members to consider sending holiday cards to the residents of Miracles In Progress Aftercare Recovery Homes. As many of us already know from our own experience, the holidays during early recovery can be very hard on newco...
Message of Hope!
Because of my Higher Powers grace and mercy and through diligent work in the "solution",I never have to miss getting the presents for the kids cause I was too drunk to remember,to miss the dinner because I passed out before it was served,to watch the joy in the eyes of the kids because I wasn'...
Today is my six months aniversary and...
Today I was filled with joy about recovery and sobriety. So when my brother came in from out of town and asked how things were, I replied honestly, "I'm happy to say, today is my 6 month aniversary!" He thought that I had been doing this AA thing for longer ( a year and a half about), and I tried t...
Daily Reflections ~ Partners in Recovery & 24hrs a Day
. . . nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics . . . Both you and the new man must walk day by day in the path of spiritual progress. . . . Follow the dictates of a Higher Power and you will presently live in a new and wonderful world, no matter what your presen...
December 15 Faith is a fundamental requisite of success in retaining our sobriety - faith in God, faith in the Program, and faith in ourselves. It can be likened to swimming: every normal person can swim, if he has faith in the laws of buoyancy and allows himself to be submerged enough. Those people who...
A New Pair of Glasses
is one of my favorite books, I will try posting some quotes from it, see if we can't get some fun and constructive threads and conversations going, Chuck C always made me think this is from the preface The most baffling characteristic of alcoholism--both to the alcoholic and to those who must deal with...
New here & attending my first meeting tonight
Hello, my name is Mo & I'm new to this forum & sobreity. I have known of my problem for awhile, never acted on getting healthy or even acknowledging it. I found myself in some legal trouble too & unfortunately not the first time. When I was in trouble before I was not interested in getting mys...
Sharing our experience
is what we do in AA, sharing our opinion is what we do outside AA, where I got sober "sharing outside our experience" is considered the poorest of form whether in a meeting or outside a meeting, and actually is considered the exact opposite of "AA" Experience Strength Hope What i...
Daily Reflections ~ Doing Anything to Help & 24hrs a Day
Offer him [the alcoholic] friendship and fellowship. Tell him that if he wants to get well you will do anything to help. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 95 I remember how attracted I was to the two men from A.A. who Twelfth-Stepped me. They said I could have what they had, with no conditions attached, that all...
I Rock!
December 14 Our greatest enemy was alcohol and we have learned to how protect ourselves against it. But we are in constant danger from some of our well-meaning friends. They constantly tell us how wonderful we are in that we have cut out our drinking and, unfortunately, we sometimes believe them to th...
Well, in the very short course of 3 days the guy I sponsor left his wife and kids, moved in with a crazy girl in the program, and got drunk. As hard as I try, I can't seem to stay detached from the guys I've sponsored. I hate it, it hurts, and I just want to go and give him a good shot in the pills and tell him to ge...
Hi all, Now that I'm unemployed, I really need to get a housemate. My place is large and moving alone to a smaller apartment isn't really an option because it's nearly impossible to find someone who would rent a, for example, 1 bd/1 bath to someone with 2 dogs and a cat! I don't keep alcohol in the house (al...
Gifts and aids to help/promote/represent recovery
Hi, I am not normally one to 'promote' things when I see them, however I came accross this website that sells some beautiful items that represent so much. Its so lovely to be able to have something that I can see and wear each day, that other AA members will see me in and know, yet those they are not will nev...
AA Failure rate 90-95% ???????
Gotta be quick, so I don't get caught I overheard some people at work discussing AA, for whatever reason. One said AA has a 90-95% failure rate.........I wanted to jump into the conversation, but held back for obvious reasons... What would your thoughts be if you overheard this? ~ They tell me my elect...
one week
I have made it through my first week It has been a long time since I have went a week w/o drinking. I feel really accomplished right now. I have started sharing with my co workers that i am an alcoholic most of them had no clue. Some even said but you come to work everyday and even work overtime. And yes I do i do...
The Alcoholic And Grandiosity
Disclaimer: This is not my writing but it is interesting and as an Alcoholic I can identify with it. Larry, ------------------- The Alcoholic And Grandiosity The alcoholic is a classic case of "an egomaniac with an inferiority complex." This apparent contradiction in terms com...
Size and Weight of 1st Edition "Big Book"
I am reading "Dr.Bob and the Good Oldtimers" Great stuff. I heard a conversation by newcomers knocking AA. One guy said "They even call their book the Big Book, like it is the "Bible" or something". Even though that's my feeling I humbly restrained myself from telli...
Daily Reflections ~ Thinking of Others & 24hrs a Day
Our very lives, as ex-problem drinkers, depend upon our constant thought of others and how we may help meet their needs. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 20 Thinking of others has never come easily to me. Even when I try to work the A.A. program, I'm prone to thinking, "How do I feel today. Am I happy, joyo...
if a mere code of ethics
Bill recovered alcoholic ,how many times did I say to myself that I am not gonna life like this any more ! And mean it with every thing in me. And go right back and pick up one drink.just like that. I jusr new that I was a good guy, wake up and do it again.the obsession was killing me and it got to the point where I...
mental defect
Panicked & Depressed
Having a bad day, despite that great news I'm not drinking today or this week (so far). Or maybe BECAUSE I'm not drinking I am having a bad day in the sense that I am sober and I'm feeling EVERYTHING acutely and it hurts. The positives that I was feeling before (the job I loved, the anticipation of a beau...
Location, Location, Location
December 12 If our God, as we understand Him, is a personal God, then it is reasonable to assume that He is so close to us that He is residing in us. He is then part of us and we are part of Him. As we cannot have two different personalities at the same time, we can assume we are either wordly or Godlike, dependi...
finding a sponsor
How do I find a sponsor do i ask someone at a meeting to be my sponsor over the last few days I have just called a friend when I felt the down so far that has worked. But this is only day 5 for me. Outside of having a cough and sore throat and not feeling well I am having a good day today. I have to take my son to the Doc...
The 12th Step
We learn that selfishness, self centeredness is the root of our problem, so helping others is the answer to that selfishness, from selfish to selfless, that is the difference between sitting in a meeting telling others about our problems and our day, and offering the solution and looking for someon...
Gratitude to AA
Yet another AA miracle in action today. This AM: Terribly delayed getting into work, late for a meeting, Blackberry going crazy, conflicting demands for time, this needs to be done yesterday, needing to say to demanding people that this cannot be done even today, etc. This PM: Work Christmas lunch,...
This too shall pass.
I need to remember that 'this too shall pass' applies to the good times as well as the not so good times. I've been on a good level playing field for a long while now. No problems or issues that I can't deal with in the day. Yesterday got a serious congratulations from senior management whcih made me feel go...
Help that Works
December 11 Every man is both human and divine, both good and evil, strong and weak, wise and foolish. The body, soul and mind are the battleground of our conflicting natures, and while these conflicts rage, we can have no peace. It is only when we bring our conflicting emotions under control that vict...
good day
I have had a good day today I have made it through day 5 of sobriety. I talked to a couple of people about babysitting so I can attend meetings so far I know i can make 2 meetings a week. I called for a list to be sent to me of all the local meetings. I know 2 meetings a week isn't much I am goung to try to work in more....
December 10 It is hard for us at times to understand the misfortunes that befall us when we are doing the very best we know how, to live right by both God and man. It is only in times that try men's souls that the soul develops and grows stronger. Like a muscle, it develops with hard work. If you would produce...