One of the things that we do in our use is lie. And I was thinking that one of the reasons we use is to hide our true feelings. And in the process I became an alcoholic. In the irony of this disease the drinking took my truth away. So in trying to run from my truth all drinking did was add more deception. This is...
I'm new
Hello, I am a newly recovering alcoholic. I am thirty four years old and have four children. I have only been sober fore eight days. I wanted to know what others went through at such an early stage. What they felt physically, emotionally, etc.... Thanks
Day 5
I want to thank everyone for welcoming me to the site. It feels really good to have support through this and know that there are others struggling and pushing through this. I am feeling really positive today and know this is where my life starts to begin. I think the most rewarding thing for me is to fi...
Support Group Requirements
WOW...apparently this group is not for me! But thanks anyway....I've had a great time. I actually love going to the AA group I am able to make it to. I was just curious...about the legal crap. But I guess in your groups' eyes, I am cutting corners, not appreciating the chance I've been given, and tak...
I am going to be in Hawaii March 3 - 10th
My best friend is taking me to Honolulu and we will be staying 8 miles from the airport. anyone 'close' that i can meet at a meeting? we will have a rental car, so i will be able to drive to any local meetings. just wondering, it would be great to meet sober friends from MIP. jj/sheila
"I can only keep myself sober"
Went to a meeting last night, the speaker mentioned the above phrase as he spoke about working with others. It is truly amazing how God always puts someone in my path who tells me exactly what I need to hear....it's been happening for so long! I really don't let much bother me, but I must admit the w...
Quiting drinking
Hello, I'm a 28 year old alcoholic and I want to stop drinking. However, every time I sober up, I experience seiziers and convulsions when i try to sleep. Is there an OTC medication I can take to prevent this? Thanks.
Making a Plan.
I was just having a low few days and I noticed something. The thought of drinking was on my mind but I knew it wasnt a good idea. I figured something out and its pretty basic but its something that can lift your mood a lot quicker than just going through your day doing the needed things. What I figured out...
How are you today? For many of us new to the program a simple thing like dropping something, spilling a couple drops of coffee, the remote not working properly, or an upset child can really test patience and cause an unpleasant start to the day. We usually build on that misery and manufacture somethin...
The Addiction Club
3 years sober and not in a celebratory mood
In more of a bah humbug mood. 6 months ago i lost my medical. 2 months ago i weaned myself off the anti depressants. now i`m as depressed as ever if not worse. barely squeaking by financially as i have been ever since the dui that ended my career as a bus driver. sick of aa meetings. sick of my home group. sick...
I completed a 30 day rehab in December but I have been struggling since I came home. I have relapsed and I am pretty down on myself. I'm finding it difficult to let go of the past as some of the wrekage due to my using has come back to haunt me. I am pretty much alone and scared most of the time. I'm trying to w...
how to accept a love lost
Without getting into a ton of details, my drinking caused my break up. He's moved on and is getting married this year but I always thought maybe one day we would get back together after I became sober (317 days today). I'm having such a hard time accepting it's really over between us and what if I had jus...
God Calling - Perfect Work
"Times of prayer are times of growth. Cut those times short and many well-filled hours of work may be profitless. Heaven's values are so different from the values of earth. From the point of view of the Great Worker, one poor tool, working all the time but doing bad work, is of small value compar...
Grand plans in early sobriety- the reality is better that the dream!
I have heard it suggested that a newly sober alcoholic should write down where you want to be and what you want to have and be like after five years in AA, and that it is most likely you will sell yourself well short. There were two things for me. Firstly I wanted to be a taxi driver. An honorable profession f...
Fyne Spirit
Stress, Stress, Stress
Hello fam away from fam, Just thought I would post a note on stress. Right now, I am going through some pretty stressful training that has pretty much involved about 14-16 hours a day of study/testing. It will last in pretty much the same mode for the next 15 days and then I will have practical testing af...
The window
Digging around in my head today, I found this poem. It was written by a much younger me (I can't remember how old, but I know I wasn't in junior high yet,because it wasn't that long after my parents divorced, and suddenly I had a lot of time to "think"). As I write it out now, and let it sink in, I ho...
Yesterday was the 12th anniversary of my dad's death. I spent some time with my Mum and mys sister and her husband. It was a difficult day for me becuase I don't fit what 'others' seem to expect. Harsh as it seems, it was a big relief for me when dad died. Although he did do lot's of good stuff, he also did some...
Life on Life's Terms
I was thinking this morning, (yeah, I do that from time to time)... Life, it takes it's own twist and turns. As we move through it, many people will enter and many will go, situations will arise, love will inspire, and break hearts, accomplishments will be achieved, some will not, days will go by way to...
Good stuff
I woke up this morning reluctant to go to a meeting (just out of sheer laziness and complacency which I know is bad). Anyhow, I told myself, "Come on Mark, you know you are going to be glad you went and you might hear or see something profoundly meaningful." I said this to myself, because tha...
A promise being kept.
The very first promise I heard and which came true for me didn't present itself in an AA meeting. I got here thru the back door...the one that is between Al-Anon and AA. I don't question that because I was done and God wasn't, as I learned later on. The very first promise which I so needed to hear was &...
Jerry F
Hello Guys, been away a bit.
Been away for work for a long old while, only slept in my own bed maybe 5 times this month. However.......... I've been to some great meetings, seen some stunning landscapes, met some great people within and outwith the fellowship, done things I thought I'd never be able to do and am at peace with myself...
Just realized...
The compulsion to drink is gone!! Yes it is...finally!! And what is weird is that my 33rd year of being alcohol free quietly slipped by on the 8th of this month. I posted a couple times month ago about a couple of face to face hand to hand struggles I had with other peoples alcohol leaving it for me to di...
Jerry F
Step Work Board support
Please take a moment to go to the step work board, and respond to the lead in the AA area by Dan B. Your experience, strength and hope is needed there. John
Happy Anniversary Fyne Spirit (Mike H)!
Congrats Mike H on 32 years! Thanks for really bringing the Experience, Strength, and Hope to our board! -- Edited by StPeteDean on Friday 10th of February 2012 12:42:09 AM
Daily Reflections ~ The Challenge of Failure & 24hrs a Day
In Gods economy, nothing is wasted. Through failure, we learn a lesson in humility which is probably needed, painful though it is. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 31 How thankful I am today, to know that all my past failures were necessary for me to be where I am now. Through much pain came experience and, in sufferin...
God Calling - Swift Help
"Pray for more faith, as a thirsty man in a desert prays for water. Swift and strong comes My help. Do you know what it is to feel sure that I can never fail you? As sure as you are that you still breathe? How poor is man's faith. Pray daily and most diligently that your faith may increase." ...
Wow, this disease really can mess you up and kill you!
I've been hearing over and over that alcoholism is progressive and can kill you. Just like when I get into a car, I don't assume I'm going to be the one to die on the road that day, I know that it happens. It seems like something not worth thinking about, as I have to get from point a to point b. I put on my seat be...
Freedom - what freedom has sobriety given you?
This was the topic at last night's meeting... For me: I have gained... the freedom to answer my phone whenever it rings without worrying about remembering who I talked to, what I said or whether I made an a$$ of myself during the conversation. freedom from having to check Facebook first thing in the mo...
Problems with disruptive member during meetings
At my first meeting, a young lady with about 9 months of sobriety introduced herself and introduced me to some other ladies and was very friendly. Since then, she seems to have latched onto me and sits with me at every single meeting. (small town, limited meeting options, mostly same group of people at...
What is the line between someone helping and someone not minding their own side of the street?
20 days sober.... In the beginning of my journey I went to meetings every single day. Withdrawals got really bad last week and I stayed in bed for 3 days in a row. When I came back & was asked where I'd been, I was honest. But someone asked me if I had started drinking again and told me I should just tell th...
al-ateen sponsors
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. Are people who go to aa allowed to be sponsors for al-ateen? I have an issue with a male who sponsors our children's al-ateen group. He has made inappropriate comments to myself. I have spoken to another sponsor of the group. The other female adult responses...
Tracey C
New to the board but need to share
I'm new to the board but not to AA. It took me many years and many visits to local meeting to finally stop drinking and I've not had a drink in over 17 years. However, I stopped going to meetings probably about 15 years ago as I got fed up of the bickering, backstabbing and the constant reference to members d...
Do I belong in an AA meeting?
I consider myself a compuslive overeater and have attended 12 step OA meetings on and off for 20 years. In the last few years I've become concerned about my drinking. I don't often drink to excess but even doing it once a month bothers me. On those occasions I can't seem to control it and I don't like the &q...
Sober today
Thank you God for another sober day. -- Edited by Tasha on Tuesday 21st of February 2012 05:35:30 AM
Who/What/Where am I? - overwhelmed newbie
Hi, my name is Christine, I'm an alcoholic/addict and I'm 19 days sober. The above statement is all I know right now. It seems like my identity is all wrapped up in that sentence. Every day, I read some of the big book, I do some reading here, I watch episodes of "Intervention" on Netflix to re...
God Calling - Share Everything
"Share your love, your joy, your happiness, your time, your food, gladly with all. Such wonders will unfold. You see it all but in bud now - the glory of the open flower is beyond all your telling. Give out love and all you can with a glad, free heart and hand. Use all you can for others, and back wi...
almost had a slip, but got relieved a different way...
I was just feeling really bad about how things are going in my life and the thought of drinking came to my mind, I was having a bad day and I was remembering how good i used to feel getting drunk, I remmebered how much it would calm me down, how much I loved it...I wanted to drink and feel good so bad that I got 2 t...
God has great plans for us.
"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah29 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Prov 16 What is it about these scriptures? First of all...
Trust reenforcing Faith!
Another day of life and I am truly grateful! Just For Today, WE can work toward not allowing anyone or anything to "Steal our Joy". If you are here, able to read this ,then you have been blessed with your Higher Power's GRACE AND MERCY. Relying on that Power, loving and caring and greater tha...
Diabetes and alcoholism.
About just over a year ago I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic. My doctor prescribed a tablet called Metformin, which I take twice a day. It keeps my blood sugar under control and is very effective and I am grateful. I do not meet with other diabetics to share my ESH. But every now and again I get somebody who te...
The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be. Horace Bushnell
God Calling - Secret of Healing
"Love the busy life. It is a joy-filled life. I love you and bid you be of good cheer. Live outside whenever possible. Sun and air are My great healing forces. Never forget that real healing of body, mind, and spirit comes from within, from, the close, loving contact of your spirit with My spiri...
Stop telling God...
how big your fears are.. and start telling your fears how BIG your God is!
Back on Track
Emotional Enemies
The four emotional enemies that I have battled are resentment, guilt, anger, regret and fear. These emotions are triggers which have not only initiated drinking binge but are encountered during drinking binge. It is a continual event releasing will to the Lord.
The good morning good night thread
1 2
Good morning everyone, it's nice and cool here in south florida today, a high in the upper 60's.
The Addiction Club
God Calling - Nothing Can Hurt
"The way is plain. You do not need to see far ahead. Just one step at a time with Me. Only self can cast a shadow on the way. Be more afraid of spirit-unrest, of soul-disturbance, than of earthquake or fire. When you feel the absolute calm has been broken - away alone with Me until your heart sings a...
Spiritual Question.
Ive got a question about the AA program and Im wondering if anyone here knows how to answer it. I was reading the stuff on the wikipedia about alcoholics anonymous and it says the programs beginnings sprung from a christian movement in the 1920s and 30s called the oxford group. Im really wondering wh...
About what happened
Hi Well still not drinking yea!!. I guess I should say a bit about what happened to me. i had just gone through a life saving operation and needed 8 months to recover. all was well. No drinking not smoking cigs no more and feeling alot better about myself and where i was going.. Then came Oct 23.11. I was vis...
Ways you tried to quit drinking
As I examine my thoughts, they are often quite laughable in regards to quitting drinking. The illusion that somehow someday I will be able to control and enjoy my drinking is indeed astonishing! So I was thinking about that passage that talks about all the ways we tried to stop or moderate, at the end...