Daily Reflections ~ A List of Blessings & 24hrs a Day
One exercise that I practice is to try for a full inventory of my blessings. . . . AS BILL SEES IT, p. 37 What did I have to be grateful for? I shut myself up and started listing the blessings for which I was in no way responsible, beginning with having been born of sound mind and body. I went through seventy-f...
Please help...I don't know what's wrong with me....
It seems that no matter what great situtaion I'm in I sabotage it and go to great lengths to harm myself and do damge to my life. Why do I do this? Please, somebody, give me an answer :(
First AA meeting
I attended my first meeting last night and the stories told there were both sad and moving. One in particular stuck home with me was a lady there as she called herself a codependent with her husband in a rehab clinic for the first time and her struggles. This meant something to me about what Im doing to my w...
Chad H
Growth from RAF to ALF
The triangle of Obsession, learning to shift from resentment ,anger and fear to acceptance ,love and faith! The Resentment kept me stuck in the past, the Acceptance helped me moved forward a day at a time. In the present the Anger blinded me, the Love helped me free myself. Without projection,becau...
Help on cravings and finding faith
I am new to this and a bit nerves. I would appreciate some ideas for dealing with cravings. I hope if I learn to deal with them I can beat this. I have recently started attending church and truly want to believe. I frequently read and read my first book on religion called The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel....
Chad H
~ Three Meetings...Ten Days
This nasty cold/infection is finally letting up and I am back to work today. I made it to the noon meeting yesterday and will hit the one today as well. It feels like a good place to be and I listened a lot yesterday as people talked about resentments and forgiveness. I have a long way to go on that front but a...
What Does Alcohol Do For Me?
I related my experience with taking pain pills after my surgery a couple months ago, and my overly analytical brain is still processing the experience and trying to make some sense of it. The most important thing of course is that I stopped taking them when I no longer needed them, and I got rid of the lef...
crazy today
A bit of a wreck at the moment. not drinking but very stressed out a decision ive put off and off and off getting to the point it is driving me INSANE do i or dont I......do this thing all the rights and wrongs and crazy in my head CRAZY making. when would be best to do it, can i handle this situation i will put my...
on a lighter note..
In the event of a fire, do not use the lift or the stairs. Why? said the newcomer. His sponsor replied: "Because you must put the fire out."
it's a we programme
so why is the serenity prayer an I prayer?
Liturature - It's OK. Really.
Official statement from the New York GSO service material: "The term 'Conference-approved' describes written or audiovisual material approved by the Conference for publication by GSO. This process assures that everything in such literature is in accord with AA principles. Conference-...
No doubt in my military mind!!!!
There is no way that I get this twisted"I cannot drink and live" The obsession and compulsion has been arrested but I know that I will not refund my insanity as long as I understand I recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of body and mind, based on my "fit" spiritual conditio...
Something more than this!
2 kids in their mothers womb,a brother and a sister.Sister says,don't you think there is something more than this darkness and all squished up feeling in here. Brother says,whats problem sis,,its warm,we got stuff to eat,what else could there possibly be?Sister says" didnt you ever feel tha...
back at work
So i started back at work at 10 this morning. Already teh return to work plan has gone out the window - can I just nip out to a site next Tuesday for a Pre Start meeting! well it's only a few miles from me, but the 10am start that day will have to be a 9 am start. The business hasn't fallen over with me not being ava...
Daily Reflections ~ One Day at a Time & 24hrs a Day
Above all, take it one day at a time. AS BILL SEES IT, p.11 Why do I kid myself that I must stay away from a drink for only one day, when I know perfectly well I must never drink again as long as I live? I am not kidding myself because one day at a time is probably the only way I can reach the long-range objective of...
I'm new here...
Hi Everyone, I am hoping not to drink tonight...I have around three glasses of wine every night (sometimes more) and have done this for years. I want to quit. It's getting worse. I feel like I need more and more. I have no energy. I am depressed and have pulled away from people I love in order to drink. I wan...
Today is just fine so far.
So i've had my return to work meeting with my boss and have a phased return to work over 4 weeks with a defined workload. Back in the saddle on Friday at last and see how it goes. the Annual Performance review wasn't so good. Marked as Achieves standards. This after 3 quarterly reviews of consistently Ver...
BB in time.
AA saved my life & altered my perceptions. The remnant is scary. The first 100 people knew exactly what was wrong & thank God they recorded it in the AA book in 1935. But despite the science tabulated in easy style many are still dying not of ignorance anymore, but denial. The co dependents are s...
Daily Reflections ~ ... and Forgive & 24hrs a Day
Under very trying conditions I have had, again and again, to forgive othersalso myself. AS BILL SEE IT p. 268 Forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others are just two currents in the same river, both hindered or shut off completely by the dam of resentment. Once that dam is lifted, both currents can f...
I need help please let me know what I should do?
My girlfriend is an alcoholic and has been sober for a couple years now. I love her very, very much. Right now we're in a rocky place and she's going thru some stuff she won't even try explaining to me because it has to do with being an alcoholic. I don't know what's going on inside her head. Anyway, last nig...
AA fellowship nice.
Our meeting tonight started 25 mins late. Everyone just stood around & chirped away like nothing was wrong. I was called to chair & navigated it & finished 5min after ETA. Had good supper @ the thanksgiving & lotsa fellowship. This is AA.
Is there an herb that will make me sick if I drink?
I know there is a prescribed medication that will make you sick if you drink but I don't want to go to my doctor since I don't want it on my insurance that I have a problem with alcohol. I desperately want to quit because now my drinking is a "habit". I need to break the habit and I know I can with s...
alcohol depression and panic attacks
hello, i am new to this website, i just wonder if someone cud help me. i hav been drinking now for nearly 20 yrs,never had any problem with it. about 4 yra s ago a big trauma happened in my life.since then every time i binge drink i get heavily depressed, crying all day non stop, with anxiety attacks and i don...
Conference Approved Literature and tradition breaking
Hi everyone! I am a new forum user and usually my rule of thumb is to wait a while before ever posting (listen instead) but I have a question that I desperately seek answers/feedback to, if you will please be willing to give me your thoughts :) About 2 years ago, 2 friends and I started an 11th Step meditati...
A hard day today
So today I took my Mum up to Scotland for her sister's funeral. Georgina (Ina) was nearing 91 years old when she departed this life and Mum (Jean 85) and her sister Nettie (Elizabeth 81) are the lst of their family. My sister and her husband took their car and we all piled in. A total of 8 hours round trip dri...
I'm new. I'm not sure how to start here so I'll say why I joined.
Hi.It feels weird to do this but I think that Ive got some issues and need to get rid of them. I am a stay-at-home mom of two kids who are 14 months apart.My daughter just turned two in March and my little guy will be one next week. I was very depressed during my pregnancy with my son and also had post-partum...
Going to College
Recently i have been faced with having to alter my meeting schedule to attend graduate school. Two members of my home group, have confronted me about the fact that i have gone to a different meeting to accomadate my school schedule. I feel these individuals are attempting to manipulate me by attem...
Now. It's all there is.
All we have is now, the past is an illusion just chemicals in our brain and the future is yet to happen, more chemicals in our brain. Everything happens now, now is all there is. How crazy it is to regret something that doesn't exist. Life comes into our now and then it's gone. It doesn't hang around somewh...
Powerlessness and the loss of a Friend
Friday May 13th at 10pm Samantha my 16 year old Maine Coon Cat died in my arms in the pet hospital after discovering that she had a belly full of cancer. Samantha ha...
Daily Reflections ~ We Forgive & 24hrs a Day
Often it was while working on this Step with our sponsors or spiritual advisers that we first felt truly able to forgive others, no matter how deeply we felt they had wronged us. Our moral inventory had persuaded us that all-round forgiveness was desirable, but it was only when we resolutely tackled S...
Missing Someone
I gotta say I miss the contact with my wife. Although the relationship was sick for so long, wasn't going anywhere and was overdue to end, I still miss the contact. Which is very different from actually missing someone. I barely give her a passing thought these days. There is someone else who I miss desp...
The BB tells me that God could, if He were sought. That He is a Father and we are His children. Do I really believe in this? I was once asked this question by my sponsor. I very casually said yes to it. That's when he really took off with me. Then why are you afraid and morose Gonee. I had no answer for him. But i...
Stunning, Powerful meeting tonight
The main sharer was so powerful, lot's of food for thought. I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life in a meeting. I guess I shoulda known what was coming when he started by producing his own well worn copy of the BB and started quoting not just chapter and verse but page number too. This guy holds fast t...
Clean house, trust God, help others
It really feels like the wreckage of the past is finally being swept away. A few days ago I revisited sep five with my sponsor and yes the original step five had left some detail out. The pure relief of getting thqt last bit out and not being judged was unreal and it's only taken four years and a lot of recent...
Living in the day, regrets and projection
Just posted this on facebook, might be useful to people here. So I read a bit of Robbie Burns this morning, To a Mouse, the one that almost everyone knows, wee sleekit cowrin' timourous beastie etc. certainly many people know the 3rd line of the 7th verse, the best laid schemes of man...... So this is an o...
God Calling - Pray and Praise
Never weary in prayer. When one day man sees how marvelously his prayer has been answered, then he will deeply regret that he prayed so little. Pray until you almost cease to pray, because trust has become so rocklike, and then pray on because it has become so much a habit that you cannot resist it. And a...
Hey Aquaman
so where are you, wot you up to. Not seen you on the forum since adam was a lad.
The strength of one drunk talking to another
As I grow in the Fellowship, I never cease to be amazed. I've heard the saying countless times "don't be afraid to talk to your sponsor, etc. -- they might need it as much as you." Got a bit of insight to just how true, how incredily true that is. I don't sponsor at the moment, but I've been talkin...
Relapse after 22 years
Hi all. I'm new to the board. With humility I ask for your thoughts and feedback. I relapse after 22 years of sobriety this week. I always thought that if I ever took a drink or drug again, it would be when life got bad. I have survived a divorce, financial woes, loss of a job, and the death of both my par...
~ Admitted to Being an Alcoholic...Twice!
So, I went to my first meeting this morning, as promised to myself. It was nice. The group was very small and, from what I understood from others, it was a very casual reflections meeting with lots of sharing. I took a number from the only other woman there and borrowed some literature to read. I can hit th...
God Calling ~ First the Spiritual
What can I say to you? Your heart is torn. Then remember "He bindeth up the broken hearts." Just feel the tenderness of My hands as I bind up your wounds. Try to rest on these words, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.&...
Daily Reflections ~ Know God; Know Peace & 24hrs a Day
It is plain that a life which includes deep resentment leads only to futility and unhappiness. . . . But with the alcoholic, whose hope is the maintenance and growth of a spiritual experience, this business of resentment is infinitely grave. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p.age 66 Know God; Know peace. No Go...
update on progress
hi guys, have been feeling better later, doing a lot of work of getting rid of anxiety, am snowed under with work but getting to plenty of meetings, doing service and working the steps. Nearly finished six months of service and staying out of the politics which is a great feeling. I am looking for a new sp...
maire rua
when the kitten catches the mouse
Wednesday night I dropped in on a sponsee who wanted to talk through an issue. After we'd gone through that issue, he asked how I was. I told him. Felt bereft. Felt lonely. Felt anxious, like a mouse was dancing on my heart. So he said that he felt like that a bit ago. Then a couple of years ago he got talking t...
Alcoholism continued into the next generation.
The effect of alcoholism will be felt long after the alcoholic has passed on. It is one of those diseases that leaves emotional scars that continue to affect generation after generation if recovery is not sought and the disease arrested. Many of us cannot explain with reasonable sanity why our behav...
A motivational song for a recovering alcoholic
was listening to the lyrics of this song lately and thought of my beginning journey to stay sobre and my friends here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGJuMBdaqIw Do you ever feel like a plastic bag Drifting throught the wind Wanting to start again Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin Like a house of...
Living arrangements
A son and girlfriend want to move in, they say they are getting clean and sober. What expectations should I think about? Neither one works, they are trying to get back on their feet. Words of wisdom, experience would be appreciated. I do attend Alanon.
how to have fun in a social situation without drink
I'm going out for lunch with some family this afternoon, I always used to have some lager at these times. But now I've realised I'm an alcoholic don't want any more of that. I found myself googling how to have fun without alcohol. Just goes to show you how dependent I was becoming a! Anyway found this whi...
betwixt and between
Just felt like sharing this, not sure if I'm looking for advice or just comments really. About 2 weeks ago on these boards after a hellish weekend of 3 days pretty much drunk which felt great at the time but horrible when I sobred up and realised how utterly stupid I'd been I realised I have a drink problem...
Do you like lifesavers
Do you like Lifesavers? He asked me. Thanks, but no thanks, was my reply. Floyd, (not his real name) was leaving the hospital where he had been my roommate for a few days and was going home. Trouble is that he was leaving with four big tumors in his liver, a failing immune system, and many more problems. Fl...
Bob K