Do not be discouraged.
The AA tells us, "do not be discouraged." Why am I discouraged? I am discouraged, because I see it impossible for me to accept spiritual help. The book comes back to my rescue again. It says, "no one among us has been able to adhere..." "The point is we are willing...."...
God Calling ~ Taste and Trust
He is good. Trust in Him. Know that all is well. Just leave in His hands the present and the future, knowing only that He is good. He can bring order out of chaos, good out of evil, peace out of turmoil. Trust and be not afraid.
We may judge, not knowing legacy of love
Just one of a million tales of love....Al,was a very talented man who lost his young son from acute appendicitis that Al thought he should have recognized and never got over the guilt odf not taking his son to the hospital.....He started drinking and became Alcoholic.His wife shortly after left him a...
HCG Diet, 25% ethol alcohol per 2oz bottle
Was going to start this diet for a month, noticed on the bottle after I took my first dose that it has 25% ethol alcohol. I have 3.5 years sobriety. Should I continue or not. I feel that if it does not trigger the craving then all will be well. I know a call to the sponsor is due as well. Thanks, Dale
One That Didn't Make It
Long time ago... at a weeknight meeting, a newcomer showed up. Mid 40s. His wife brought him to his first meeting. He was shaking and in every way the classic alcoholic. On the verge of losing his house, his family, his job. I gave him rides to meetings here and there. One night called to see if he was...
Just a prayer for you.
I pray for each and every one of you, my dear brothers and sisters. That you may be well. That your troubles will make you grow. That you may have the basics of life without stress and strife. That you may be peaceful and serene in your heart. This is all I have to give you right now, but I believe that God can a...
Slipping a 24oz. at a time.
I'm not working the program. I'm tired of the program. I want to be sober and I'm bored. So, It's become a 24oz. here...a 24oz. there. Got that Illusion of Control going on.
Falling apart inside
I know all the right words and how sobriety sounds and looks on people around me. I've studied the Big Book enough to know that head knowledge is not enough. My faith is so small. The only way I know how to care about life always leads to constant worry. I am so so sad and I just don't know why. Why can't I let my...
David W
Just out of sorts......
Not sure whats wrong with me????? Had a busy summer getting every thing done for my daughters wedding. It was stressful but hung in there. Wedding was beautiful and to be honest very glad to have it over. Held my head high with the ex husband and my ex best friend in attendance. Stayed in my program. ...
Daily Reflections ~ We Stand-Or Fall-Together & 24hrs a Day
. . . no society of men & women ever had a more urgent need for continuous effectiveness & permanent unity. We alcoholics see that we must work together & hang together, else most of us will finally die alone. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 561 Just as the Twelve Steps of A.A. are written in a spec...
God Calling ~ Assurance
"My peace it is that gives quietness and assurance forever. My peace that flows as some calm river through the dry land of life. Success is the result of work done in peace. Only so can work yield its increase. Abide in Me, and I in you, so shall you bring forth much fruit. Be calm, assured, at rest...
God Calling ~ Quiet Strength
"Rest in Me. When tired nature rebels, it is her call for rest. Rest then until My life-power flows through you. Have no fear for the future. Be quiet, be still, and in that very stillness your strength will come and will be maintained. The world sees strength in action. In My kingdom it is know...
Sharing a Share
One of the members on the Al-Anon board shared this message there and I suggested that she share it here...she wasn't able to get on the board here so asked for my support...Here it is. Jerry F My son's friend decided (while under the influence) that his addiction was too much to handle. While in the de...
Jerry F
newbie again
trying to live the sober life...yet one more time...sometimes i think that 'constitutionally incapable' part was added in specifically for me...start at step one i suppose..i am powerless over drugs and alcohol....help me please...
Still miss my AA love and wish there was a way to turn the clock back, get a second chance
Here I called and he called and the attention was great, I would just light up when I saw his name on my phone....just love his voice...he was an angel from heaven, a Gift from god...now it total silence.
Daily Reflections ~ Peace of Mind & 24hrs a Day
Do we lay the matter before our sponsor or spiritual advisor, earnestly asking God's help & guidance - meanwhile resolving to do the right thing when it becomes clear, cost what it may? TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, pp. 86-87 My belief in a Higher Power is an essential part of my work on Step N...
Sponsor Issues
Sometimes my sponsor is rude, even nasty towards me. I told him about issues I was having with another friend in AA, and he dismissed it as "bullshit". That is what he said. He also said that I and my friend were behaving childishly and that we should get over it. It's not the first time he'...
Totaled my car
At least this time I wasn't drunk. Not gonna drink over it either. New day...time to find the solution to this problem.
Deeper surrender after pain
Through this last post where I stated my grand idea of getting drunk and turning myself to prison in TN, I have realized that I was holding on to control. Even control that leads to my own demise. As I begin to allow God to have complete control of my life, I every once and a while get the feeling of being spac...
David W
The impossible becomes possible...
I know there are many times when we wonder... why do we keep trying, why we keep holding on, why we keep letting go, why we keep silent, why we keep screaming, why we keep pushing, why we keep pulling, doing so much, and yet there is no one else we are foolin... it all hurts, and we don't want to hurt any more....
I'm back!
Hello everyone! I'm back from summer vacation and have missed you! It's great to see that so many of the core group have stayed sober. I am 14 months sober and life is good. I did a lot with the fellowship this summer, went on 3 sober campouts and countless AA picnics, barbeques, etc. I'm staying spiritua...
God Calling ~ Dwell There
"Hidden in a sure place, known only to God and you. But you must dwell therein. No fitful visit, a real abiding. Make it your home. Over that home shall My shadow rest, to make it doubly safe, doubly secret. When fears assail you and cares trouble you, then it is because you have ventured out of tha...
Four days sober and scared
Been consistent drinker since freshman yearnin high school...thirty years later decided to stop....binge drinker with a problem...three days a weak real heavy...my biggest fear is losing my friends...spent first Friday and Saturday night at home alone with wife and kids....we have a close cir...
spiritual growth
Hi, i am rajeev an alcoholic, as i did 1-9 steps as in big book of aa now to do 10, 11, 12 i want some suggestions, coz now no obssesion to drink but my biggest blocks are as am married i have sex relation with a widow, i masterbuate daily, smoke regulaly, tape 2 diabetic, no exercises poor life style, wastes t...
My first 24 hours without alcohol
I just binged drank for four days straight and made a big fool of myself in front of new friends. It made me really reevaluate my reltionship with alcohol. I stopped drinking this morning and now am experiencing some alarming side effects. I'm shaky and exhausted but can't fall asleep. I keep sufferi...
Just checking in
Hi all, Haven't been posting recently as I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day now. That life thing that I'd been avoiding for 15 years was still out there only this time around it's a great place to be so I'm having a bit of an explore and I'm getting reacquainted with the world. I'm a little over...
What other people think about me
...is none of my business. Of course I know this saying like the back of my hand. Along with..."Don't allow others to live in your head rent free." My problem is that some AA lessons are easier for me than others. I think I have a good AA foundation. I have tried to work the steps to the best o...
warning signs.
here i go again x my daughter marriage is going through a very bad patch and dhe is drinkinking a couple glasses of wine slowely.she says she says to herseil"i am drinking this because i like it not because i need it!"told her her higher power is warning her RIGHT?
Methods of Remembrence & Resilience
Hello everyone, This will be my first time posting on these forums. I am in recovery myself, sober for 3 years and 356 days now. What brings me to join a forum such as this one are several different things. 1) I am a full-time student and time is hard to come by,2) I live in a small town and good meetings are ev...
Example of My (Non-God) Higher Power Working For Me
I just thought I'd post because it often comes up on this board that newcomers aren't sure what to do with the "Higher Power" idea if they don't believe in a god or gods. I often point out that I'm an atheist and my HP is the network of people, institutions, and beliefs that help support me and po...
The fine line between attraction and promotion...
Hi there! I was hoping that I could get a little feedback on something, so here's my situation... Every time I go to and from a certain meeting I always pass by a homeless man who is always drunk but is very nice and always waves at me as I ride past him on my bike. Tonight I saw him asleep at the bus stop and sinc...
Newcomers Talking
I love to listen to newcomers, at least those that are willing to share. It brings me back to what it was like. The anger, pain, bewilderment - or just being overwhelmed with simple day to day problems that have piled up out of control. I know it all too well. A lot of newcomers are told to sit down and sh...
Back to the Mountains
Another trip to the Blue Ridge to work on my house. Likely be out of range of the interwebs. PM Danielle or John with concerns. See you on thursday my brothers and sisters.
Back at it!
Morning and blessings of this day! Welcome newcomers and those been around for few cups of coffee. Today I get back to work after 17 days vacation,in Florida,at the Fair,much travel and family contact,truly a blessing and many plans for our future move to Florida in 10 months are coming to fruition(i...
I stopped in time!
Today is my eldest born birthday. She is 29. I am 23 in AA. The best sober years in recovery have been spent with them. I thank God that He stopped me in time & I did not wreck their lives as well. All glory & honour to my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ for being in her life & guiding her. Without G...
What is the fourth diminsion
I am sad over a relationship in AA, and it hurts and my stomach is sick and I would usually go get a drink, but I have no desire to do that. I know the worst is that. Just wish, I could be loved by this man, or just loved. I havent had a relationship in 9 years and I feel like a kid and a failure
Nine days sober and hungry as can be
As my alcoholism got worse and worse my appetite diminished. I wanted to eat, and was not avoiding it just to drink, but nothing sounded good. It really was a chore to eat. I've only been sober for nine days now but my appetite is coming back in full force. This also happened about three weeks ago befo...
A new heart.
My wife was very ill last night. I stayed up praying for her & seeing to her needs. I kept monotoring her breathing, nebulising & bringing medication for her until she fell asleep. A far cry from my drinking days. I would be passed out, never knew how my kids were. Today I can be a good father &...
Sponsor Trust Problem
I am Lance and I am an alcohlic!I need to figure something out and I didn't want to do it with any of the groups that I am a members of because I don't want to give anyone a bias opinion about my sponsor who I believe can help others. He is a great sponsor but he messed up in my personal situation.I just asked h...
Lance Romance
Daily Reflections ~ Recovery by Proxy? & 24hrs a Day
They [the Promises] will always materialise if we work for them. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p.84 Sometimes I think: "Making these amends is going too far! No one should have to humble himself like that!" However, it is this very humbling of myself that brings me that much closer to the sunligh...
No one knows but my life is falling apart...I drank again tonight and I don't know what I said to my husband but it wasn't nice and he went to bed made at me so lost right now.
I Am Proof That This Program Works
Hi Everyone, I had a pretty devastating day at work yesterday. To make a very long story short, I had an opportunity to speak in a conference as part of my job. This is something that I have worked very hard for - I went back to school to get my masters and to bust my ass trying to become more knowledgable in my...
Worked with a newcomer today, 63 years old shaking & withdrawing badly. I went with him to a meeting. After the meeting I saw a new man. He went to the secretary, picked up the venue list & literature. He told me I am now ready to start a new life in AA. The AA book says that we do not want to miss this &a...
why is this so hard...
i feel completely lost right now...if i could kick my cocaine habit why am i having so much trouble with alcohol. i am going through withdrawl right now and i feel like i don't have the strength to make it throught this. any words of wisdow for me would be greatly appreciated.
Speaking at Tricities conference in Va. 10/21
Just in case there are any MIPer's in the state of Virginia I thought I would post this. I will be the opening speaker for the Tri-City Area Conference at 6pm on Friday, October 21st at 6pm. I antisipate going with the theme of the conference which is called "Keep It Simple". However, it will be fitted i...
Eight days sober
I haven't had a drink in eight days and I feeling much better. I've got some bad blood tests though and I am just hoping for the best. Bilirubin is high; spleen is inlarged, enzymes are high. Anyone have experience with liver regeneration? Even if I never have another drop of alcohol again, can I sti...
simple, not easy
Another day may be another story, but for today I am astonished at the simplicity of maintaining sobriety by not taking a drink. I am grateful for those days--which are probably about 90% of all my days for the past two decades--during which it actually seems easy. During those times when it is not so e...
Mormons are Alcoholics too!
Mormons, we truly are no different than any of the christian community. Our beliefs are exactly the same as all the rest of the christian community out there-Jesus is our savoir too. We do have a bit more (not less) written doctrine and in it we note "do not drink" and "do not smoke"...
Lance Romance
What ever happened to the good old 12 step call?
In my home town we have a lot of trouble getting members to go on 12 step calls. The mantra is "get yourself to a meeting near you" and I notice the same advice is frequently given on this forum. It's scary. Advising people in withdrawals, full of fear, to just front up to a room full of happy stra...
Fyne Spirit
God Calling ~ Walk in My Love
"A consciousness of My presence as LOVE makes all life different. The consciousness of Me means the opening of your whole nature to Me, and that brings relief. Relief brings peace. Peace brings joy. Beyond all words is My love and care for you. Rejoice in it. Walk in My love. There is a sprin...