Choosing someone to do a Fifth Step with
I am at that point where I must choose who to do a Fifth Step with (besides God and myself). I have heard one horror story of someone not respecting the privacy of the guy doing the 5th step, putting his dirty laundry out for all to see. Another issue is getting past one's lack of trust. You spill your gut...
Negative disease talk in my head...
I'm starting day 4 of sobriety today, so I don't know a whole lot... Last night at my 3rd meeting, it was a bit different, it was the first "discussion" meeting I attended, so everyone in the group shared. As I listened to the stories of multiple attempts at rehab, being in domestic violence s...
60 days.
Been an AA member for a while, today is 60 days without a drop. Very nice changes.
New and confused
Hello - I'm Christine, an alcoholic/addict. I am on day 3 of being sober. I went to a meeting on day one (and got a 24 hour coin) and day two and am going to a meeting tonight. I am planning on doing 90 in 90, but only because I heard someone say that on TV, or maybe I read it. I don't remember. I don't have a sponso...
Eleven Chapters in the Big Book (& Bill and Lois had no children...)
There are twelve steps and twelve traditions but eleven chapters. Now hold that vision in mind while you contemplate this next point; Bill Wilson did not have children. Is it possible that Our Father has waited till now for us, the second generation of A.A., to come of age for these facts t...
Twelve Chapters
God Calling - You Shall Know
"Walk with Me. I will teach you. Listen to Me. I will speak. As you persist and make a life-habit of this, in many marvelous ways I will reveal My will to you. You shall have more sure knowing of both the present and the future. Life is a school. Believe that your problems and difficulties can b...
Ego or no Ego
Someone recently said that those people who stand at the podium and share their experience strength and hope must really have big egos to say all the stuff they do. Then I heard someone say that those people who choose not to go to the podium (who choose not to share) generally have a much bigger ego than...
Cross talk in meetings
Anyone experience sharing your experience in a meeting then having ot torn down by someone else afterwards in their share? I get this a lot because I don't really have the courage to be myself, even though I really know the program of recovery. I am also an attractive women who the other women don't seem...
Sent Via Email to All MIP members
Hello Everyone!
I hope that the start of 2012 has shown to be a blessing to everyone who is registered on our site's message boards.
As a registered member on our message boards, you may receive 3-4 emails per year. Your email account will not be slammed with a bunch of emails, nor will your em...
Gratitude Thread
What are you grateful for right now?
Eleven Chapters in the Big Book: VOTE on it!
My Grandfather was born in Ireland sometime in the late 1890s, were not sure exactly when. He came to America, got a good job, married my Grandmother and then got a promotion at work. The depression hit in 1929 but Grandfather had a career with a large utility in Manhattan. In 1931 my Dad was born and the...
Twelve Chapters
Still relapsing and need help
Hi all. I posted last March about relapsing after 22 years of sobriety. I am still struggling and in the depths of despair. Everyday I wake up and say I am not going to drink. Everyday for the past month I have. I am depressed. Can't seem to shake this thing. I feel alone and scared. You all were encouraging...
If one has the mental compulsion without the allergy is he an alcoholic?
In the first paragraph of We Agnostics (Chapter 4) is states, "If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely, or if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic." As I read this, I can have either one or both maladies (that is...
Alcohol- amazingly powerful
Left my sober-living ranch that I've lived at for 18 months. Left my GF, flew 2,000 mi basically for a drink. Amazing. Alcohol never ceases to baffle me. Been home for like two+ weeks and wish I could stop drinking..it's bad. knowing what the solution is doesn't make it easier to put the drink down. Been...
Had a good week
I had a good week, got to lots of meetings and am off to a convention day tomorrow. Hope you all are keeping well.
maire rua
Sailing-Part Two
Hi Guys, well I'm off tomorrow for another month of sailing, this time just my partner Jane and me. We are going to do a boat master course while we are away so that will be a challenge and next week, weather permitting I will celebrate my AA birthday at a lovely meeting I discovered in Nelson. I really enjo...
Fyne Spirit
Overtalking in meetings
I love my "home group" of women. Yes, we tend to talk perhaps more than guys, but it is always mentioned (by the leader) that we are to limit our sharing to 2-3 min. Our group has grown but we don't break off into groups. There is one woman in there who is (sort of) a local stand-up comedian. She's...
Just a hello to everyone
Hi everyone I am sorry I don't post more, but I do read a lot of what is shared here, and review the birthdays, and AA stories shared here. Such a wide range of things people share about. I am so very thankful that Dean does such a good job responding to people, welcoming them, acknowledging their birthd...
God Calling - Practice Love
"Want of love will block the way. You must love all, those who fret you and those who do not. Practice love. It is a great lesson, and you have a great Teacher. You must love; how otherwise can you dwell in Me, where nothing unloving can come? Practice this, and I will bless you exceedingly, above...
So glad I found this. I've been alcohol free for nearly 5 months. I've picked up many white chips (I've abused other substances) and two red (picked up last red last week). I have a great home group and sponser although it's been hard to get together so I'm starting Step 2 this week. Looking forward to get...
Day 102
Feels good to hit triple digits again. Grateful. Grateful. Grateful. Thanks, all my Friends. Best - Rob
away from home and very anxious
Hi all,
Thank God for this board, am away from home right now and very anxious. Got a meeting yesterday and hope to get one tomorrow. I am returning home on friday so this is good. I just feel that I need to connect and breathe deeply. Stupid things are putting me off my stroke. I got a call from a previous bo...
maire rua
Inheriting Alcoholism
I was reading the chapter of the AA big book: A Vision For You and I noticed a really interesting part. Somewhere in the chapter it was saying that suppose your drinking is inherited by 3 families. It really got me thinking about how alcoholism is an inherited disease as well. My entire family has bee...
addiction alcohol/drugs
Our meeting included using other addictive mind-changing substances and coming to meetings. They state that they are done with alcohol. People walked out. Touchy subject. How to approach.
Barb Mae
Daily Reflections ~ Would a Drink Help? & 24hrs a Day
By going back in our drinking histories, we could show that years before we realized it we were out of control, that our drinking even then was no mere habit, that was indeed the beginning of a fatal progression. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 23 When I was still drinking, I couldnt respond to an...
Daily Reflections ~ Freedom From.. Freedom To.. & 24hrs a Day
We are going to know a new freedom. . . . ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS p. 83 Freedom for me is both freedom from and freedom to. The first freedom I enjoy is freedom from the slavery of alcohol. What a relief! Then I begin to experience freedom from fear fear of people, of economic insecurity, of commitment, of fa...
New to the forum
Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum, and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Paul S, and I'm an alcoholic.
I'm sober 18 years now, but haven't been to a meeting in about four years. Life got busy and I haven't put AA or my sobriety first. The last time I did this, my dry drunk ended my marriage. I've be...
Paul Sc
God Calling ~ Love Anticipates
"None ever sought Me in vain. I wait with a hungry longing to be called upon; and I, who have seen you heart's needs before you cried upon Me, am already preparing the answer. The anticipatory love of God is a thing mortals seldom realize. Dismiss the thought of a grudging God who had to be petiti...
Trying to get over obsession with new meeting practice.
Hi all, I've been trying to get over something that really BUGS me, and I thought posting about it might help -- I can't share about it in my meetings for reasons that will become obvious! I'm a consultant, engaged for a few months at a company about 50 miles away. That means during the week I've started at...
Adult Alcoholic Child
I am the 61 year old mother of a 31 year old alcoholic child. She's been drinking 2-3 forty o's per day for several years now. It has wrecked both of our lives. Everything is my fault including her drinking according to her. She seems unable to focus on her own problems. I have health problems and she goats...
God Calling - I Clear the Path
"I can see the future. I know better than you what you need. Trust Me absolutely. You are not at the mercy of fate, or buffeted about by others. You are being led in a very definite way, and others, who do not serve your purpose, are being moved out of your path. Trust Me for all. Your very extrem...
How to Drive Yourself Crazy in an AA Meeting
How To Drive Yourself Crazy in an AA Meeting If you've been sitting in meetings lately feeling quietly irritated, I have something to tell you: Considering all the personalities involved, the routine, the suggestion that you give back and actually participate as a part of the regular 12 Step meetin...
I need help, particularly with sponsorship & whether to get a new one
My name is Jeri, I'm 1 day away from having 4 months sober, but I'm at a crossroads with my sponsor. We've been working together for 3.5 months now, but I feel very stuck; as if I'm making no progress whatsoever. She's a very busy person and taking on tons of sponsees, but the main concern is that she has no t...
Miss drinking, deathly afraid of it.
I'm sober for 3 weeks. It's been great to say the LEAST. This morning I did some baking, and reading... played with my kids. Good morning. Now all of a sudden, as I sit down at the piano, I'm just realllllllyyyy missing my glass of wine! ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I just knew this was going to happen. It...
New to Forum
Hi, Im a member of AA who is now using the online forums. Ive been sober for 50 days and have been using the program since spring 2010 (I Recount sobriety after each slip). I enjoy reading the bigbook online and learning as much about the program as I can, I work the 12 steps each day and am hoping to be ab...
Binge Drinking
My sponsor and I have been discussing binge drinking and cannot remember where/if it is mentioned in the AA literature. We have both searched our Big Book and 12 & 12 and cannot find it. Of course now it is driving us crazy! Anyone know? Thanks so much.
Amy Winehouse.
Was anyone else really saddened by her death? I didnt know squat about her or listen to her music but I remember hearing what happened 6 months ago. I just read the google page now and it was in fact alcohol that she lost her life to. I Remember feeling affected by her death when I first heard it on the t...
A Strange Dream
I had a dream this morning - the kind of vivid dream I have when I keep waking up repeatedly so I remember it. I'm recovering from a "medical prodedure" that forces me to go to the bathroom frequently. Like every half hour... so the environment was perfect for one of those vivid dreams. It ha...
Got a few days off.
Got a few days off work. Today was day one, so me and a friend went to a bootmaker in North Yorkshire to buy a pair of hiking boots each. 10 years ago i bought a pair of Hogg All Weather motorcycle boots and mentioned to the bootmaker that they seem to have got a bit tight. The bootmaker explained that over tim...
Going to see Ron White on Friday Night!
It'll be like a speakers meeting, that never gets to the "what happened and what it's like now".
Hi fellow travellers, The 12 steps are AA and Dan B has been leading a study on the steps board. Going by the number of views on each step so far, many of the members are keen to learn about the steps, but going by the replies, not many are willing to teach. Dan is putting in a power of work on this which can only...
Fyne Spirit
Question for people with longstanding sobriety.
Hi, I was wondering if anyone who has remained sober for a long time could share the time when they noticed the most positive changes. Im aware of the chips you get at different times like 1 month 6 months etc, but at what time of your sobriety did you notice the most positive changes, I remember my 30 day m...
Daily Reflections ~ Freedom From Guilt & 24hrs a Day
Where other people were concerned, we had to drop the word blame from our speech and thought. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 47 When I become willing to accept my own powerlessness, I begin to realize that blaming myself for all the trouble in my life can be an ego trip back into hopelessness. As...
I draw the line...
I went to my first meeting the other night after joining this forum, It had been a year since I attended the meeting. Of course my defects were glaring and I was spinning out of control, trying to BE in control of everything in my life. You know, I could see these behaviors and no I didn't like them, nor want...
Hello, I'm new.
Hello, I am new to these forums, they were recommended by a friend. I have 220 days sober today. I'm just now learning the extent of how horrible a person I had become. Even during my sobriety, my character defects have been damaging and hurtful to the people I love most in this world, and to the person I l...
Daily Reflections ~ What We Need - Each Other & 24hrs a Day
. . . . A.A. is really saying to every serious drinker, You are an A.A. member if you say so . . . nobody can keep you out. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 139 For years, whenever I reflected on Tradition Three (The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking), I thought it valua...
Down ,but never out!
Morning and blessings of the day! Been battling walking pneumonia and bronchitis since New Years,but God is good. Been starting to feel the "healing Power in last couple days and sure is a reminder that we may have a lot of things going on but how important OUR HEALTH IS. Man I can think back to t...
Daily Reflections ~ Getting Involved & 24hrs a Day
There is action and more action. Faith without works is dead. . . . To be helpful is our only aim. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS , pp. 88-89 I understand that service is a vital part of recovery but I often wonder, What can I do? Simply start with what I have today! I look around to see where there is a need. Are the ash...
Please help
I posted on here a while ago about being at a sober bottom, it has gotten better, than worse, then better, then worse. I want to articulate this the best that I can. I came on on fire, with all of the willingness in the world. Worked through the steps with my sponsor, and got the corresponding promises with...
Do not be discouraged.
So many become discouraged because things are not going our way. But I found that God has a plan for me, which my limited mind cannot see. If I just submit and allow Him to do the work that has been planned for me, then when I look back I find that it was the best. Many things that I wanted, if I had got them would...