My vision is getting
Reply Quote More Edit PostDelete Post so much more clearer and I'm not talking about my eyesight alone. The surgery worked, is doing what I was told it would do and I had no idea that my spiritual vision had gotten so cloudy also. I am grateful that my eyesight was repairable and that in short weeks...
Jerry F
Visit to my old AA group.
I went to one of my sponsor's 23 year thanksgiving at my old AA group. It brought back so many memories of my early recovery and the struggles I experienced. We spoke about our meeting after the meeting which sometimes went on for hours. I needed this extended time with someone who understood my alcohol...
come on, get happy
Saturday, Nov. 27, 2010 Sorrow and happiness are mental states, but the effect they have upon our nervous system and our blood pressure is a recognized fact. The "Atmosphere" of a hospital and its staff can lengthen or shorten the duration of an illness. We alcoholics spent years driving...
Went to my sponsor's 30th Bday today...
...and some other guys' 10th. Over 30 people there at the restaurant, great fellowship. I knew them all, brought my family along. Just goes to show, this program works if we work it. Very grateful for AA. Good sober day to all. Steve
I am Thankful for...
A.A. Each and every one of Us. The program. Bill & Bob. Lois. John, Dean & MIP. If you are reading this...you are a blessing in my life and I am grateful for you. Peace & Love, Rob
A funny thing happened on the way to..........
God! How long since I've been here? Too long for sure. Where to begin....1st of all, I'm still sober and owe some of that to you folks here...truth! I guess the last time I was here was when I was unemployed, trying to heal and waiting to go back to work. I think I was trying to get a job with the RCMP (canadian...
Obsessive Thoughts
I have been sober for only a short time. 75 days to be exact. Prior to stop drinking I was also on medication to slow down my thoughts. When I quit drinking I quit the meds. I was darn near crazy for the first 60 days as my mind raced. When I hit the 60 day mark suddenly my mind slowed. It was the most peac...
Happy Thanksgiving
To you all...and thanks for the responses to the Spiritual Transference post a few days back. With your feedback and support from my local group I am now back in balance and remembering what it was like in the past when I let go of the process and the outcome and walk to the solutions attended by my Higher...
Jerry F
I found that it was not knowledge that kept me sober. It was submission. Submitting to the fact that I was suffering from an incurable disease of alcoholism. Submitting to the fact that no human power could heal me, however august they may be. Submitting to the fact God could heal me if I seek Him. When I g...
It just doesn't Work
Reading this made me think of some meetings I have attended over the years, one in particular where "The Topic" was people "sharing" about how useless it was to work with alcoholics that were still drinking!!!! Made me wonder if they actually even ever read the Big Book, Bill wa...
Thanksgiving Time
Hi To All And a Very Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone whereever you have it. Now for some you may want to check your local groups/clubhouses; many hold all day Alkathons with Food and Followship--and usually have meetings going on hourly. You do not have to spend the whole day unless you want to, some peo...
Daily Reflections ~ A Universal Search & 24hrs a Day
Be quick to see where religious people are right. Make use of what they offer. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 87 I do not claim to have all the answers in spiritual matters, any more than I claim to have all the answers about alcoholism. There are others who are also engaged in a spiritual search. If I keep an op...
Fear Is Not My Motivation
I was not scared sober. If the knowledge of the alcoholic death that awaited me was sufficient to keep me sober, I would have never even taken my first drink. I watched my father die an alcoholic death when I was 15... cirrhosis, the busted esophagus... I knew my chances. Hangovers were not enough to...
HI Just thought I'd drop in, its been a while..... Things are going ok for today, my son's still got no motivation. My daughter went to check one of the College Campus's out last weekend. Had my Physical the other week, the only thing that is a problem is my colesteral a little high. Can work on that, was...
Meet Anne E. Donia...
Anhedonia: Loss of pleasure. The counselors said this would happen in this, Early Recovery, but I hoped it wouldn't be a noticeable deal. Wrong. It's been 5 months since my last (1) day relapse, 7 months since I quit smoking and about oh...4 months since ripping myself free of xanax. How long, withou...
We're not here to lose our sense of humor
Today's thought from Hazelden is: We're not here to lose our sense of humor. --Richie Berlin Being too serious is habit forming. However, many aspects of our lives are serious and need to be addressed. Our disease, for one, is very serious. Working the Twelve Step program to the best of our ability is s...
Does anyone else ever feel like they have a little secret to happiness?? Since being in the program for about 3 years now, I feel happy like a child. Corney I know but to be able to feel anything was a step up. I can sit on the couch with my dog and watch tv and a surge will come over me. Contentment. Alot t...
What is Gods Plan for you?
I just got back from church, and what a wonderful experience. I was never the type to go to church in the past, and in fact I hated church. I hated how happy all these people were, and thought of them as fake. Now I realize that these people are all like me, and are just finding a way to live their life with mean...
Something that you can't do while drinking
I just got back from my vacation in Key Largo. Had a great time scuba diving with my wife. It was awesome going back there after 15 years. We made several trips there in the early 90's with our other boat. I got to do a another solo dive on a great ship wreck. A 327' Coast Guard cutter USCG Duane and t...
Spiritual transference...
Aloha All...just got back from my morning home meeting and before I got out and do some business in what is a very beautiful day here I wanted to check in and read...respond if I felt supportive. My eye surgery is coming up in 3 days and I've been having difficulties with letting go of control of the outco...
Jerry F
In The Blood
So last night, I'm on the way back from my home group, and taking DramaGoddess back home to the opposite side of town first... yes, she's one of us and she goes to my meeting with me sometimes now. And I'm talking to her about stuff... like how we feel emotions, and how we think, and how we react, and how we...
"Resentment is the "number one" offender. BB pg 64.
"It destroys more alcoholics than anything else." Alcohol had destroyed me physically and mentally. With careful medical care and good nutrition and exercise, I quickly recovered. Resentment on the other hand was a terrible spiritual disease that was eating me up. I thank God and AA fo...
I recently made an amends to someone I thought I never would. An ex best friend who was screwing my husband. (sorry about being so blunt) This is a person I shared everything with. When I was having marital problems I would vent to her. So boy did she have it all in a nut shell. My part was I should neve...
Daily Reflections ~ A Classic Prayer & 24hrs a Day
Lord, make me a channel for thy peace - that where there is hatred, I may bring love - that where there is wrong. I may bring the spirit of forgiveness - that where there is discord, I may bring harmony - that where there is error, I may bring truth - that where there is doubt, I may bring faith - that where ther...
My emotions run deeper than others.
My wife asked me a question at the dinner table tonight. In fact it was more like a statement. She said how come we both read the same article in the newspaper, but you get all worked up and I remain unmoved. I told her that's because I am an alcoholic. My emotions are always extreme. Alcoholism had changed...
Hi, Im Alex and im an alcoholic. I call myself alcoholic, but it took me a while to actually state that. At first I like to say alcoholic addict bum loser etc, but now I'm just an alcoholic. For the longest time I didn't know if I was dead or alive. I wasn't quite dead because I was walking around, talking and...
Cost and Price
November 21 If a reasonable estimate could be made of the fatalities resulting from excessive drinking, the figures would be appalling. This loss, however, is only a small part of the price that Bacchus extracts. The wasted man-hours of work, the homes broken up, the wealth of talent tha...
I don't understand
AquaWife finally expressed jealousy regarding time put into AA & other recovery-related activities. Umm. Why? BEFORE: 30-60 minutes a night in the shed gettin' tore-up, Saturday & Sunday were drunken blurs and the household hemmorraged cash to feed my habits. Angry rants and acting...
There are those who do not recover BB pg 59.
When I came into AA some 22 years ago, many people at scoffed at the program. I used to get very discouraged, but my AA friends always asked me to stick around long enough for me to understand the AA 12 steps. I trudged along and ignored the ignorant people on the outside. Many wanted and needed what I had re...
Should have got the red one.
"We do not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it." This is such a wonderful promise in the BB. In the beginning I always used to think I should have. That was still self will running riot. As I started to work the steps, I had begun to realise the wonderful gifts that God had yet to give me....
Quick update, more to follow soon
For those that care, I am still alive ;) I fell off again, I have 15 days today, some legal issue, (misdeamenor) (harrasment with alcohol involved) and still have my job and just got a car but it got in a rearender (car hit my gf) (no alcohol involved) anyways thats a quick recap living back at my folks for...
Going Easy
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Going Easy Go easy. You may have to push forward, but you don't have to push so hard. Go in gentleness, go in peace. Do not be in so much of a hurry. At no day, no hour, no time are you required to do more than you can do in peace. Frantic behaviors and urgency are not the founda...
Not really 12th step
We have a local women's only treatment center / home that has been coming to my home group. They needed to call someone in the program, so they called me. I'd get a call with someone saying "I just need to check in with a member of AA. Thanks, bye". Ohhkkkayy. Then I was asked to drive some of the...
November 19 A large segment of humanity, stumbling in alcoholic darkness, resigned to a belief that nothing can possibly be done about the situation, has at long last caught a gleam of light and presses on to that beacon of Hope. Alcoholics Anonymous is that light shining forth in the night of...
Not everything is a case of being a bit "off-program"
Hello all ! It's Louisa - real name Karen actually (Louisa is my cat) I have come back as Northern Lights (aren't they beautiful?) and wish to use my real name. I guess this post is intended to hopefully warn against the dangers of putting everything down to the program. Within the space of 10 days I wen...
northern lights
A New Pair of Glasses
"A New Pair of Glasses" was a term initially coined by a guy (Dr Paul) in his story "Doctor, Addict, Alcoholic" or I think it's called "Acceptance is The Answer" in the fourth edition (I still have 4 copies of the third edtion, so I don't know) and in it he describes the c...
Other People's Views
I see another topic about this but didn't want to hijack that thread. I'm dealing with this in all of my life right now. I'm feeling like everyone thinks I'm a couple zanaks away from schizophrenia to be honest. Everything I say I'm met with how it's all my fault and I need to focus on myself and my disea...
30 Days Today
So far, so good. I found a great sponsor right away (she actually offered to sponsor me at my 1st meeting) and have been to meetings every day. I'm a re-retread but it seems my resistance has left the building (thank God). Grateful not only for AA but for this board---haven't written much but I have bee...
Daily Reflections ~ A Safety Net & 24hrs a Day
Occasionally. . . We are seized with a rebellion so sickening that we simply won't pray. When these things happen we should not think too ill of ourselves. We should simply resume prayer as soon as we can, doing what we know to be good for us. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 105 Sometimes I scream,...
...and Mr. Hyde
It is one of the peculiar characteristics of the alcoholic that he almost invariably shows the worst side of his disposition to those people for whom he has the highest love and respect. Many of us were Jolly Good Fellows in the bootleg joint but Hell on wheels at home and in our relationship wi...
November 18 Money is a medium of exchange and is as good as the things you can get with it. If you have enough money in your pocket when you fall overboard it can drown you. Love of money can make you the most despised of men, but love of mankind can make your money a blessing to you and them.
Some days, it seems like our struggles will never end
Today's thought from Hazelden is: All things pass... Patience attains all that it strives for. -- St. Teresa of Avila Some days, it seems like our struggles will never end. The pain, the loss, the heartaches, the failures we can recount them all. Where is the strength to go on? What if we began our day by...
I'm getting used to the idea that God does a better job of running my life than I do
Today's thought from Hazelden is: It takes about ten years to get used to how old you are. --Unknown If it is hard to adjust to our age, how much harder it must be to realize we can't even run our own life with any degree of competence. Until we get used to that idea we will keep having living troubles. Accept...
Our Part...and His
We become too easily discouraged when a new man fails to make the grade. What we fail to keep before us is the fact that we are not accountable for the results of our efforts. we are only charged with the responsibility of carrying the message to other alcoholics. Just go about your end of the j...
Room with a View
November 15 We alcoholics were accustomed to look at the world through the whiskey glasses and consequently what we saw of the world made it appear as one big case of D.T.'s. Sobriety corrected our vision and the world took on a more ordered appearance. The world hadn't changed--our viewpo...
Thanks for the prayers!
So its been a bit, but heres an update. Connie went through the double mastectomy like an experienced combat solider. Outside of me dropping the ball briefly, that phase went smoothly. Today, in her 7th day after chemo, is again, showing her mettle. Your prayers paid off extremely well and we are...
something that is becoming more important, from meeting to meeting, is not taking my sobriety for granted. an AA friend has been in and out quite a few times in the past 5 years. i can see that it could be me at any time if i do not stick with what works for me. Romancing the drink was something hard for m...
Daily Reflections ~ Overcoming Loneliness & 24hrs a Day
Almost without exception, alcoholics are tortured by loneliness. Even before our drinking got bad and people began to cut us off, nearly all of us suffered the feeling that we didn't quite belong. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 90 The agonies and the void that I often felt inside occur less and less frequently in m...
What Kind of Day do you want to have?
Because it's up to you Being Kind is just a matter of taking the time, most people just don't have the time, allowing someone to merge, calling someone to tell them you love them, holding the door for someone, smiling at someone, these actions take time out of our busy days, hence it's a rarity, which is a...
YOUR Prayers Can Help
I went to a meeting yesterday. It was a good one. Really hit home. I'm seeing the utter devistation of this disease and that I've had it for so long. I'm deeply hurt...destroyed by the way I've been tricked into being someone I'm not most of my life. I'm a shattered man. My wife and children are gone...