Your first AA meeting
I am looking online at a few different AA meetings I can attend in my area. I did get to attend a few great meetings about a year ago but stopped going after a week. I am really nervous to get back out there and find some meetings because its pretty scary going out and sitting in a room of strangers and all of th...
34 Years Sober Today, 1 Day at a Time
I have been in Canada without internet access. I am back at my son's home in Albany, NY. Arrived today on the date of my sobriety anniversary. I missed you all, it is great to be back on line. Larry, -------------------- One Day at a Time
Been Phished at Facebook & Yahoo!
Some of ya'll are also FB Friends and may have noticed via e-mail that I am "stranded in London and need $". Not true. My FB & Yahoo were hacked for a phishing scam. Soooooo...... My FB acct. has been locked out, my Yahoo e-mail acct. has been locked. So now I have only three "social ne...
Ooolllllllllldddddddddd TV
I was browsing around tonight... and for the next week on TV Land... there is an old "Leave It To Beaver" dealing with alcoholism.... couldn't see a year but the show is in black and white... I thought if you've got a half hour to kill you might enjoy it... It will be "gone" on July 23...
Dave Harm
Definately not the suggested path to Sobriety
RENT-A-SPONSOR Are you tired of being told like it is? Still looking for that easier, softer way? Had enough of that same old time-tested direction? No Reading ! No Writing! No Deadlines!STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: *Listening to your sniveling without constant reference to the Basic Text or Step...
Daily Reflections ~ Pride & 24hrs a Day
For thousands of years we have been demanding more than our share of security, prestige, and romance. When we seemed to be succeeding, we drank to dream still greater dreams. When we were frustrated, even in part, we drank for oblivion. Never was there enough of what we thought we wanted. In all these s...
Thank you to all of you
Hey all, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone on this site. I've had friends staying with me for more than a week, and although it has been a pleasure to have them, I have not been going to meetings/calling my sponsor/etc. as much as I would like because they are here and I've been busy entertain...
Pray to God, row to shore
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Pray to God, row to shore. -- Anonymous The sign in the antique store showed a fisherman in a rowboat being tossed about in a storm. The message was clear: the fisherman may have great faith, but now was not the time to put away the oars and kneel in prayer - it was time to pr...
Which was easier for you...
Getting sober, or staying sober? We've had this discussion in a few of our meetings and I find it fascinating. So, which one was it for you, getting sober, or staying sober? Brian
Whats the best book to start with ?
If you could recomend the first book for me, which one should I get ? The Big Book ? Living sober ? 12 steps and 12 traditions ?
Friends....and how they never understand!!!
I wrote a note to a friend, via email, this was my only childhood friend, ever, and it was so wonderful after half a lifetime to track her down, well she tracked me down, but anyway have been enjoying so much rekindleing our friendship, she is a real love. and because of our closeness that still is there, I...
Just Toni
Problems are opportunities for stretching our minds
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Problems are opportunities for stretching our minds. Wringing our hands over circumstances gone awry wastes our energy. In any twenty-four hours we will experience many situations that will evolve according to God's plan, rather than our own. We'd feel our spir...
Daily Reflections ~ Humility Is a Gift & 24hrs a Day
As long as we placed self-reliance first, a genuine reliance upon a Higher Power was out of the question. That basic ingredient of all humility, a desire to seek and do God's will, was missing. 12 & 12, p.72 When I first came to A.A., I wanted to find some of the elusive quality called humility. I didn...
It's so easy to put things off
Today's thought from Hazelden is: And if not now, when? --The Talmud It's so easy to put things off. Sometimes we're like Scarlet O'Hara, who hoped and dreamed for a better life by saying, "There's always tomorrow." But is there always a tomorrow? If we live too many of our days counting on t...
Anger is Danger
Hi ya all Funny how things work out. I had a lady pee me off on Friday after a meeting telling me were I should be at in the program. She said it loudly and I just smiled and said take care and shook hands real quick and left. I prayed about it and that Sunday she got asked to lead at the last min. I knew here for 20 y...
New here - need help for an alcoholic
My live-in boyfriend is definitely an alcoholic. He's dead drunk most nights and incredibly obnoxious about it. He refuses to go to meetings or get help - he doesn't think he's got a problem, even though he won't stop no matter what I do or how unattractive I make it for him (I've lectured, begged, scre...
H.P. Is working
Hi you all. Funny thing once I started working on slowing my mind down and working on staying in today, I kept getting messages from my readings and a lead I heard, and some dern good advice from my family on here. At the meeting lastnight one lady shared on how she plans everything out and it never goes ri...
stressed out :(
scared senless my hubby is leaving me just so scared i want to puke dont want to drink but feeling really bad. got other things happening too. -- Edited by slugcat on Saturday 10th of July 2010 06:02:20 PM
Daily Reflections ~ Giving Up Centre Stage & 24hrs a Day
For without some degree of humility, no alcoholic can stay sober at all. . . Without it, they cannot live to much useful purpose, or, in adversity, be able to summon the faith that can meet any emergency. 12 & 12, p.70 Why do I balk at the word "humility"? I am not humbling myself toward oth...
What is it about a Monday.
Our AA book study group is on a Monday. We tried a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It did not work. Our Monday night group is so lively, it would seem like we had struck oil. We are having a movie on Monday. We suggested Friday and the alcoholics just looked puzzled. Why Friday. What's wrong with Monday. Wel...
How to sta yin today?
Hi ya all. My spounsor is working with me hard to learn to stay in the today. I ran a few businesses and am use to projecting. He is having me make a list at night of what I am going to get done the next day and the next evening cross off all you got done. It comes down to this we AA are for the most part an all or nothi...
Just droppin in
Hi To All of you Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Things are going ok, Just wanted to take this time to thank the MIP Board for being apart of my sobriety. I'm coming up on 7 years on July 14 and well it hasn't been an experience living life like this today sober. I'm greatful for everything. At the same t...
I've been offline for a few days working in NC
Hey Family, I"ve been busy working and away for a couple of days. Sorry that some unfortunate stuff(Joni Thread) happened while I was away, not sure what that was about, but I have dealt with it. Apologies to Joni wherever you are.
Stumped!!! Do we Do this Disease to ourselves???
Thought that this would make for an interesting Post. Do we do this Disease to ourselves? Or does the Disease do this to Us? In some cases I suppose, like Diabetes, if you were overweight and ate 10 lbs of sugar daily, chances are you would become Diabetic. But thousands of people contract the Disease of...
Just Toni
A year ago...
It was this weekend, a year ago, that I realized that I was an alcoholic and my life had become unmanagable. I knew that when the weekend was over I would have to face the shame and pain of my actions. The thought of losing that much face was too much. I had decided to go into work on Monday July 6th 2010, face t...
Proper Introduction
Hi my name is ferisdp and I'm an alcoholic. I currently have 4 1/2 months sober and 4 1/2 months in the program. First time in AA and first time I've ever tried to stop drinking after about 30 years of doing so daily. I posted last Friday about a meeting experience and never introduced myself properly. I...
Sharing at a Meeting
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have just a little over 4 months sober. I attended a step meeting this evening and have been to this meeting before. We were on step 6 and I shared something -- it's a small meeting and in fact in the past they went around the room and asked everyone to share. I was made to feel v...
Something in Common
Every single person here at MIP who has been able to either stay sober or has long term sobriety has or is actively working the 12 steps (Past step 4) The people unable to get sober, or struggling to maintain any sort of consistant sobriety and having trouble with relapsing hasn't, every single one, rea...
Typical of a junkie and drunk
I am sorry for being such an ass to the board. My junkie sister-in-law came in from Nashville,Tn. this week. I almost told the board about her coming,because I knew it posed a threat to my sobriety, but I thought I could handle it...but no, apparently I could not, nor did not. I have nothing else to say, ex...
How do you detox?
what do you have to do to detox? drink lots of water, eat certain foods? what do you do when you want to take that first sip and you feel on edge and just a sip would calm you down, and then you all know what happens. Anyway, this is what I am going through right now and I am only on my second day of not drinking. I...
Daily Reflections ~ Towards Peace and Serenity & 24hrs a Day
. . . when we have taken a square look at some of these defects, have discussed them with another, and have become willing to have them removed, our thinking about humility commences to have a wider meaning. 12 & 12, p.74 When situations arise which destroy my serenity, pain often motivates me to as...
Lake Tahoe!!!
Have a great week everyone I will be on vacation at a running camp in Lake Tahoe!! It is so beautiful there! So I won't be online. Everyone take care of each other!!
Hello and happy 4th (late)
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. It still feels strange, being sober at parties...Good but strange. Best of luck to all of you. Keep strong, it's worth it, not easy, but worth it.
Who made the international Conference
I live in Texas, so it was in my back yard. My sponsor and I made a road trip. The most amazing AA event. I had the pleasure of standing, holding hands and saying he lords prayer with 65,000 alcoholics. My gratitude toward AA is overwhelming. I owe my life to alcoholics anonymous and will try my hardest to p...
Destruction of Relationship - and why i wont drink agian.
A few weeks ago I descovered I had a drinking problem , well I guess I descovered awhile ago but I came to the realization recently. Unfortuanly while i was busying drowning myself in my own sorrows, I lost the love of my life, It started off with negliecting her because I was always hung over, it then foll...
Daily Reflections ~ And Letting Go of It & 24hrs a Day
. . . primarily fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded. Living upon a basis of unsatisfied demands, we were in a state of continual disturbance and frustration. Therefore, no peace was to be had unless we could find a means of reducing these dem...
We are Kin
I just want to let you all know how much I love you all. People in these rooms have saved my life. I am grateful to know that I'm not the only insane way of thinking person. I'm not a bad guy but just sick guy striving to get better. May your day be blessed. Because of you all mine will be. I do wear my nick name Buc...
Wedding Bells!
Found out today that my oldest daughter is engaged to be married. I got to thinking on how I would have thought geeze I will have to do so much and spend alot of money and sorta dread the whole thing when I was drinking. But 2 1/2 years of sobriety lets me relize what a blessing it is and I can truely be happy f...
Will you read the "I Miss Joni Post" and respond?
Hi To all my friends, I woke up to a PM that truthfully was extremely disturbing, and I believe it came from someone complete confused....and feel the need to ask for help.... Apparently when I sent a PM to the Poster, trying to reasure her, well as best I could that Joni was busy with work, in a very brief e...
Just Toni
Try, Try Again
Just thought I'd share from a book of uncommon quotes FROM "Don't Forget to sing in the Lifeboats." For those new comers starting out and for those who are coming back to the Program: Try, Try Again NEVER QUIT. IT IS THE EASIEST COP-OUT IN THE WORLD. SET A GOAL AND DON'T QUIT UNTIL QUIT UNTIL Y...
To All Yanks...
Wishing you a Happy & SOBER 4th of July! One day/hour/minute at a time. It's good to be free...kind of. For my English friends...nothin' personal. How were WE supposed to know we were sitting on all this gold, oil, glacier-enriched soil and iron? It was about taxes and religion...honest. Actua...
AAA fellowship
Our Monday night 12 step study group has decided to show a movie this month. We invite AA , Alanon and Alateen. We bring and share some snacks during and after the movie. It also gives us some time to meet families of the newcomers who are on recovery. We find that many newcomer finds the fellowship that he...
Why I Cherish My AA Friends
I love my "still-drinking" life-long friends too, but a funny thing that happened this weekend made me appreciate the level of understanding I get when I spend time with the friends I have made in AA... At a BBQ, I spent a lot of time catching up with a good friend (who drinks) who proceeded to...
When we reach a stressful time in our lives, our vision gets narrow
Today's thought from Hazelden is: It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. -- Seneca When we reach a stressful time in our lives, our vision gets narrow. We fail to see the options and possibilities we have. If we give ourselves over t...
Weird Symptom
Hi all, As an update to my last thread, I am doing much better, feeling much more positive, and dealing much better with my breakup and other stuff going on. I had a great sober weekend at BBQs with supportive friends. They were all drinking, but oddly I didn't even feel tempted. Went to a lot of meetings a...
Daily Reflections ~ Identifying Fear & 24hrs a Day
The chief activator of our defects has been self-centered fear. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 76 When I feel uncomfortable, irritated, or depressed, I look for fear. This evil and corroding thread is the root of my distress: Fear of failure; fear of others opinions; fear of harm, and many ot...
Hear about this one? 19 years in prison, what happens a month after he gets out....
I miss Joni
I understand, that it is normal to not mention those that are no longer around...but I still miss Joni...Joni Bolognie. She is out there and we should pray for her. Janet
my character defects encouraged alcohol abuse
the steps have pointed out to me certain things in my life, like how i chose to see myself and others was encouraged by my alcohol abuse, but was not the cause of alcholism. i drink because i am an alcoholic. drinking numbed, just hid my character defects and moral defects from me. so now that i am ...
Another holiday over with.
Hi Brothers and Sisters Hope all went well over the holiday weekend. I tell you the best years of my life have been while I was working the program. I would be dead by now if it wasn't for AA and all my friends. I do not regret going back out; I hope it helped some of my AA friends, to see what it turned me to while...