I am responsible for myself, my recovery, my well-being, my happiness. All these things are, ultimately, my own responsibility. --Anonymous
Our Higher Power does not lay claim to our free will. We can choose not to be responsible and make ourselves more miserable by going to new levels of despair and depression. Or we can seize every opportunity for a better life. We are responsible.
When we were newcomers and just getting started, we were generally very confused. We welcomed the support. Many of us were fed up with our lives and would have freely turned them in for a different model. But we learned to put into action what we were learning. We are responsible.
Our sponsors give us good advice and sound instructions. We can choose to listen to the advice or not. We are responsible.
Although we will always be dependent on God for our strength, it is up to us to ask God for that strength and do the necessary work to receive it. We are responsible.
Today, I'll remember my Higher Power has given me free will to accept or reject responsibility. My life is better when I act responsibly.
10 lepers were healed but only one showed his gratitude. Left to it's own resources self will causes havoc in my life. God does not interfere with that will except when we ask to surrender that will. The BB says that self will is the cause of all our troubles and there seems no other way to get rid of self other than asking God for help.