Hello my names Charlotteelsie and I am an alcoholic. I just received an email asking for more participation on this forum , so I thought I'd say hi. I am disabled and a single parent and even in London England getting to meetings has become harder lately. A mixture of illness, and lack of childcare. However I have a lot of friends in AA and I am 21yrs sober. One of my past sponsees is 10yrs sober today as well. The twelve step program has saved my life and is such a wonderful experience(altho it can be very painful too). yours in fellowship
Hi Charlotte, and welcome to the board. Class of '89? If so, we got on this bus at the same stop. We sure could use your experience strength & hope here as we have newcomers every day, as well as hundreds of visitors looking for answers. Looking forward to getting to know you.
Hi Charlotte, who lives in my favorite city! I also found this forum when my meetings were slightly restricted, and I'm headed into the same. I have a 2-1/2 year old and am due to have my second baby next Thursday via c-section, so I've been needing fellowship in every way I can get it. I'd love to hear more of your E,S&H and how you deal with being a sober single mom with a disability! I am class of 1985 - its great that there are old timers, new comers, and everything in between here.