ADHD and the 12 steps
Does ADHD have a place in AA? Is AA supposed to cure it? Are Stims okay in AA? I'm interested in peoples opinions on the matter. Thanks Much
Service Guy
Huntsville Al
Anybody from Huntsville?Can you people need some help?Please let me know,my friend and I want to come down there and help if needed.
making amends
I was told early on when making amends, do it once and do it right. Now the but. After nearly 5 years, now the but. It's been suggested that my amends to my adult children need a little bit of a coda. The initial amends are ok. The ongoing amends are to stay out of their lives but apparently I should explain th...
Daily Reflections ~ Healing Heart and Mind & 24hrs a Day
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 55 Since it is true that God comes to me through people, I can see that by keeping people at a distance I also keep God at a distance. God is nearer to me than I think and I can exper...
God Calling - Delay is Not Denial
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9 Delay is but the all-loving restraint of your (Higher Power.) Your life is so linked up with those of others that to let your desire have instant fulfillment mi...
Grateful for the relapser...
Cause he is my teacher and sponsor for what will happen should I succumb to the compulsion(s). One of my sponsees who did what we talk about as necessary to drink again came back home...literally to mine and I am grateful. Thank you God. He made it away from home and had actually called me weeks ago to t...
Jerry F
Happy Bellybutton Birthday, Helen! Howz Sobriety treating you today, Sister! Very well I hope :D Thank you for being here. Have an especially special day All About You.. Just for Today ;). Godbless. Recovery love & fellowship, Danielle x
Happy Birthday Rainspa,
Hi Rainspa, 25 Sober Years, wow, that's a quarter of a century, and centainly deserves one of the biggest cakes, hope so much you have a me me me me day....:) God Bless this day, and many many more Sober Birthdays, Praying for that for you. ...
Just Toni
College Classes Done
Hi All Well another semester done. Will be taking the Summer off and hitting it again in the Fall. Have to take Summer off what with all the medical problems I have had over this Winter. Will be taking the 2 classes over that I had to drop. Did pass the History class though with a 3.0 which is a B May have to h...
Daily Reflections ~ Group Autonomy & 24hrs a Day
Some may think that we have carried the principle of group autonomy to extremes. For example, in its original long form, Tradition Four declares: Any two or three gathered together for sobriety may call themselves an A.A. group, provided that as a group they have no other affiliation. . . . . But this u...
Thank God it's progress not perfection.
Sometimes I find the saying "progress not perfection" is a life saver especially on days like today. I realised today on a soul level that all I can really ever do is my best and some days my best is just gunna be crap , it's just that simple you know. I had a part of old bad me come straight back...
Jamie D
In a rut? or not reallY!
Did you ever feel like ,man, I just don't know about these spiritual awakenings and awarenesses etc ,am I missing something(keeping it on me) or should they be "more pronounced" etc ,blah ,blah... but am I also aware that all I do while I try to practice and apply spiritual principles in m...
Sorry all. Mistakes learned the hard way.
I apologize to Maire Rua for the grave error I made. I don't know WTF was up but I totally had her confused with another person and just assumed it was her. Plus the thing about the sponsor was the same basic share from the person I had her confused with.... Anyhow, I wish I did not have to learn to be more s...
new sign in nameReply Quote Edit Post "Dear all, I have been having trouble with my account, around a little while so while I have been reading posts, I have been unable to post. I got over my second christmas and it was stressful to say the least but am getting to a meeting tonight as the roads are g...
maire rua
Welcomed home by my dogs... (video)
There are some days that are SO much better than others
Hi to all my Miracles in Progress friends, Miracle Toni checking in with good news. My Radiation treatments are over with and from the pictures of what they did, long story, but looks like I will be C free. Massive amounts of Radiation, and yes weak, tired and feeling so vulnerable, well I say that is HOW...
Just Toni
No Major Changes...Where's this from?
Hey, all! I am trying to figure out where the "no major changes in the first year" suggestion comes from. Is it in apporved literature? Other lit? Or just an informal slogan? Also, have people experienced how "No major changes..." has become "No dating in the first year&q...
I'm just a human being nothing special.
For me I find the healthiest most balanced recovery ( once sober and clean ) when I don't "hide" behind the term alcoholism. It's so easy for me to justify behaviour by saying to myself " Oh , I did that because I'm an alcoholic and thats what alcoholics do, thats how we are it's part of t...
Jamie D
God Calling - April 27
"I am beside you. Can you not feel My presence?"
Just dropping in Its been awhile and well I just wanted to stop in and say hi, things are going well for today. Kids are well, son has moved out on his own again and looks promising for him still praying for that, daughter is graduating high school in a little over a month..... Wow things go fast. Schedule...
living alone and not being lonely
get your coffee and your smokes,this could be a long one. So you probably know I've been separated forover 5 years and have just started divorce proceedings. That's got nasty and spiteful and dirty. Throughout the 5 odd years there has been almost daily telephone contact with her and lot's of calling...
How prevalent was the thought!
Last night guy shared that yes he drank on the weekend cause he was bored.In one statement he knew where this would lead him and what he had to lose(on Parole,has a 12 year old child,decent job even with Felony record)but the illness was telling him all the lies we know about, its only a few,you work hard a...
God Calling - Bless your enemies
"Say often, "God bless..." of any whom you find in disharmony with you or whom you desire to help. Say it, willing that showers of blessings and joy and success may fall upon them. Leave to Me the necessary correcting or training; you must only desire joy and blessing for them. At pre...
Resentment: Definition
I have posted here only a couple of times, so I'll give just a bit of my story. I am Kelley, a 51 y/o alcoholic/addict, married 26yrs, mother of two. My daughter is 25, on her own and holding her own, for lack better words @ 6:15am. My son is 18, autistic, and basically forever a 4 year old, regardless of hi...
does it work?
i've been to a few meetings but i felt unwelcome. i've come to a realisation that i can go a week or more not drinking but i always slide back into old ways.i was not going to have a drink 2day but i did. to some of you 4 pints and a few jds may not seem alot but to me it is the start of the slippery slope. should i try...
Unnecessary Mandatory AA Meetings
Hello, I registered here to get some answers if anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. First off I am not an alcoholic , i have not drank in 3 years due to a life changing altercation when i first turned 21 when i obtained a DUI. It was mandatory i was to go to these classes for drug and drinkin...
God Calling - I Make the Opportunities
"Never doubt. Have no fear. Watch the faintest tremor of fear, and stop all work, everything, and rest before Me until you are joyful and strong again. My work in the world has been hindered by work, work, work. Many a tireless, nervous body has driven a spirit. The spirit should be the master...
Alano Club, Myrtle Beach, and a Question
Leaving Monday for my annual bike trip to Myrtle Beach. I contacted area 82, via email, and asked about meetings. I was told they have 4 a day reallllly close to where I'll be staying. Now, my question is this - how does one pronounce "Alano"? Is it - UH - LON - OH or - AL - UH - NO I apparently...
How do I know?
I don't know if I have a problem. I drink a lot. I'll admit it. A few times a week. I find myself wanting to escape or have fun. I drink both socially and on occasion alone. I don't always get drunk.. I've even taken percecet to feel good (thats new but not often) I dont drink if i have to work next day or if i have...
Rising Above What is Dragging Us Down
How about some discussion about how we rise above what drags us down? What do YOU do, of a practical, results-oriented, nature, to actualize the Steps in difficult situations/emotions/thoughts/actions--especially #11--when the daily grind, or a major life trauma, is threatening your core...
Compulsive posting on Internet forums
Posting on the Miracles in progress forum has for me been a very relaxed and balanced affair. It hasn't been that in the past when I have tried to be a part of an internet recovery forum though. I was a member of another internet forum and I found I got really compulsive. I was posting topics on anything an...
Jamie D
The Miracle of My Life
Wasn't sure how to title my post, but right now my life is feeling like a miracle, so I went with that. I just wanted to thank all who post here for sharing their ESH so that I may benefit. I have recently begun my recovery journey, and with the help of a treatment group, fellowship meetings, reading litera...
God Calling - Too much talk
"Union with Me is the one great overwhelming necessity. All else follows so naturally, and union with Me may be the result of just consciousness of My presence. Be not too ready to speak to others. Pray always that the need may be apparent, if you are to do this, and the guidance very plain. My sp...
Daily Reflections ~ Entering a New Dimension & 24hrs a Day
In the late stages of our drinking, the will to resist has fled. Yet when we admit complete defeat and when we become entirely ready to try A.A. principles, our obsession leaves us and we enter a new dimension freedom under God as we understand Him. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 283 I am fortunate to be among the ones...
I have been drinking very heavily for a long time now. Last night, my boyfriend made me choose between him or the alcohol......but before he did, he called my family, and told them what ive been doing. I was extremely hurt about that, because I really didnt want my family to know I had a problem. I hones...
Daily Reflections ~ A.A. is Not a Cure-All & 24hrs a Day
It would be a product of false pride to claim that A.A. is a cure-all, even for alcoholism. As Bill Sees It, p285
In my early years of sobriety I was full of pride, thinking that A.A. was the only source of treatment for a good and happy life. It certainly was the basic ingredient for my sobriety and even t...
Dry Drunk
When I came to AA I was described as a dry drunk. A man who though not drinking still behaved as if he was, a sober horse theif. After nearly 5 years of growing sobriety last night I threw myself right back to day one. Without drinking and in the space of 30 minutes I rejected the programme entirely. I denied...
God Calling - April 16
"Love, love, love. Tender love is the secret. Love those you are training, love those who work with you, love those who serve you. Dwell on that thought - God is love. You, too, must put love (God) into action in your lives. God is love... no judging. God is love... no resentment. God is love......
Personal time of meditation
As I spend time today reflecting on my personal faith beliefs I know we all can tune into the idea that no matter how misguided our thinking may lead us down the path of worry and fear ,we can trust that no situation is bigger than our ultimate Higher Power and that that Powers love is glorified by experien...
Daily Reflections ~ Learning to Love Ourselves & 24hrs a day
Alcoholism was a lonely business, even though we were surrounded by people who loved us We were trying to find emotional security either by dominating or by being dependent upon others . . . We still vainly tried to be secure by some unhealthy sort of domination or dependence. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 252 Whe...
Surprised by recovery
What has surprised you most about recovery?
After 20 months I am surprised how well I feel emotionally. Gone are the daily depression and feeling sluggish. My mind is sharp and I want to do things. I did not realize that it was possible to feel this much alive.
Not sure if this worked,Jaelyn/mom and pop!
-- Edited by mikef on Friday 22nd of April 2011 05:48:07 PM
Helping someone who's not really an alcoholic -- advice?
Hi all, So, I have what is kind of a funny situation. My ex-boyfriend (we are friends) has a very difficult relationship with alcohol. His father has been a life-long alcoholic, was abusive to him and his mother, and is now dying. He is somewhat obsessed with avoiding following in his father's footste...
Why the AMA defines Alcoholism as a disease (explained)
I read a post this morning from a woman who was struggling with the concept that Alcoholism is a disease, when it "can be willed away". An exert from her post states; "The patients that bother me the most are the ones with liver disease: either failure or hepatic encephalopathy. Their mental status h...
My name is Lauren and I'm finally realizing I am an alcholoic
There, I said it, yuk! The Big Book I hauled out and dusted off two weeks ago was found at a garage sale.... 4 or 5 years ago. I've skimmed through the odd page, but this last time light bulbs went off and I connected, also, I stopped beating myself up and realize I do not have control over this over glamoriz...
Complimentary Drinks - Really?
Traveling for a few days with work. What I used to love to do is get a hotel with a hot tub and tv in the bathroom and drink the night away. Sometimes I'd hit the hotel bar if I was feeling adventurous, but mostly I just liked to drink in my room... alone. My boss recommended a nice suite to stay at. It's pri...
The Promises
The promises do come true. We will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle us. I dealt with a situation yesterday and intuitively knew that the only way to handle this was with rigourous honesty. The situation has devastated me. I knew what I had to do and I did it. I had to do this to p...
Daily Reflections ~ Brothers in Our Defects & 24hrs a Day
We recovered alcoholics are not so much brothers in virtue as we are brothers in our defects, and in our common strivings to overcome them. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 167 The identification that one alcoholic has with another is mysterious, spiritualalmost incomprehensible. But it is there. I feel it. Toda...
Jaelyn in the house! (of God)
Thank you all for support and prayers...10:00 pm last night,God has blessed us all with Jaelyn Amiah McNeil,5 lbs, 12 ounces of shimmering light!(she said I could break her anonymity :) :) My younger 23 yr old daughters 1st.(have a 45 yr old daughter also) have 5 grandchildren and 1 great grand child...
Grateful for a Clear Memory
I got to see the President speak at a fundraising rally last night! It was amazing, my seat was about 60 feet from the podium. Check it out! I had to wait in line for 20 minutes at the bar to buy a bottle of water, after two drunk old ladies cut in front of me -- they knew what they were doing, they were talking ab...