The detritus of drinking
Warning: this is a bit gross, but I feel compelled to share! Last week I went to grab a coat from the closet and realized it was filthy. Well! It turns out it was the coat I wore on my last drinking night out. I guess the next day I hadn't looked at it properly and had just hung it up. It was covered in red wine vo...
Today's Gift 01-04
It is not fair to ask of others what you, are not willing to do yourself. -- Eleanor Roosevelt Equality is a state of mind. When we value our own self-worth, we are comfortable with the achievements and the well-being of our friends and associates. The symptoms of a punctured ego occur when we criticize...
Quote for the day
January 4 "The road to spiritual and emotional recovery ... has taken diverse routes - lots of meetings, readings, talks with AA members, discussion groups, psychotherapy, and the beginning of sharing. The keys see...
Mike B.
Secrets to staying Positive in 2013?
Volume up ... enjoy!http://play.simpletruths.com/movie/inspiration-365-days-a-year-v/?cm_mmc=ExactTarget-_-FR-_-01.04.13-_-INSPmovie&j=39523&e=rgpapaw@gmail.com&l=3516_HTML&u=2132582&mid=7001668&jb=17
41 year old friend drank hersefl to death recently
Spent the entire day with this individual's Mother who continues to abuse alcohol, pain pills and tranquilizers. Along with us were a 10 year sober individual and me a 7 year sober individual. Her son, 45 years old was there also. A con artist, who was the boyfriend of the 41 year old, has moved in an...
You Think You Have it Rough? -- it works now --
This a short video of an extraodinary Australian man ... talk about faith in a higher power ... here's your example ... enjoy! thanks for being patient Aaaah, got it, I think ... enjoy -- Edited by Pythonpappy on Friday 4th of January 2013 09:...
Oh, New Years...
New years eve... My first one sober. It was never an excuse for me to drink, per se, but more an opportunity for the rest of the world to drink like I drank lol. I'll be working tonight in a booze soaked atmosphere. I kinda didnt want to, but I've been blessed enough to pick up a couple of shifts at my old job. B...
Congrats Britney, sorry I missed it!
Congrats on 90 days Britney (Gleek22) ... that one slipped right by be ... that's a 'BIGGY' Pappy
Hello world
Although I've been sober for 7 months, I haven't really been doing much aside from working and meetings. Well, now that my full-time job is gone I have a lot of free time. I'm not all that great with unstructured time- I find that I get a lot more done with a rigid schedule. Now what do I do? It's sounds prett...
Business Meetings....sigh
OMG! Business meetings are horrid sometimes. Especially when the prior treasurer "lost" a ton of money months before, nobody can agree on squat, and resentments are flying everywhere. It would seem the bigger the group, the worse and more contentious the business meeting. I love s...
happy new year!
So today I can honestly say I have not had one cigerette in the past year, 1 year smoke free, and now 8 months sober! It can be done!!!
As this day comes to an end I sit back and review all of 2012, it was rough. Losing my house in 2011, almost losing wife and kids, being so broke, I could not keep my power on, wh...
How do you handle negative people (Merqed)
There are 2 people that are important in my life that don't believe I can/will quit. I get things like "yea, we'll see how long THAT lasts" and "I don't believe you want to quit" I DO want to quit! I'm tired of all the negative crap. BTW I've been drinking for 4 almost 5 years, I have on...
The spiritual stuff
Had a good discussion about the spiritual aspect of AA at a meeting this evening. I have always considered myself an open minded atheist - religion and spirituality are great for other people if that's what they want to believe, but it doesn't work for me. I'm starting to realize how cynical I am, and h...
A 'funny' for the Old Timers
At the root of every gray hair, there is a dead brain cell. Someone had to remind me, So I'm reminding you, too. Don't laugh.... It is all true! Perks of reaching 50 Or being over 60 And heading towards 70 or beyond! 1. Kidnappers are not very Interested in you. 2. In a hostage situation, You...
Today's Gift 01 -03
Moral Inventory It is fortunate that we can think in secret, because our thoughts would quickly get us in trouble if others could read them. In our thoughts, we can choose what we wish to reveal to others before we speak or act. In the long run, however, we do not really conceal our true thoughts and feeli...
I finally went
I finally made it to my first meeting. It was a small group which was nice. Not too intimidating. Just 4 others. 2 men, 2 women. 1 month to 8 years sobriety. It was a meditation meeting but because of me they changed it to a first step meeting. Very nice group. After the meeting they were already telling me...
I F##king hate myself.
I dont belong here. I just cause to much pain to too many people.
Remembering to assert my boundaries
So, I offered to help another AA tonight but I'm concerned she is already setting up a situation that would go above and beyond what I'm able to do. I want to help, but I'm struggling myself some days. I need to keep in mind that being of service does not mean being taken advantage of and that it is ok to say no...
Glad to see you all posting here for the new year.
I am really happy to see many still here after the holidays. God bless you all and give you much strength, during this year. I am an alcoholic, with an incurable disease, but still able to live life to it's fullest by using the 12 steps according to the AA book. I have come down with the flu, but God has given...
4 Months today!
Feeling great, my life has completley changed in the past 4 months. I can not thank this program, my higher power, or the fellowship of others enough. I know that I have a long way to go, but I could not be happier!! Am at work tonight, but will be at a meeting with some great people at my home group tomorrow n...
Today's Gift 01-02
Learning new waysOnce we make a connection with our Higher Power, the ongoing problem is to hold on to it. Repeatedly we slip into our old ways of thinking and behaving. If not curtailed, eventually these will lead us back to that first fix, pill, or drink. We need only a word, thought, or familiar situa...
tough finding a sponsor
I am finding it hard to get a sponsor. It has not been for the lack of trying. I have had two, neither of whom mentioned the steps or did any work with me on this. I did not fall out with either of them, the relationships just petered out. I always made contact but it does not progress from there. I go to four to f...
maire rua
Detox, rehab, halfway house, shelter
If you are spending New Year's day in any of these settings, just say Thank You. You are safe and surrounded by people who care. You are, theoretically, not adding to any substances already in your body or which are leaving your body or which have left your body. You are blessed with a day of new be...
Today's Gift 01-01
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. --Albert Einstein It's easy to live as though our problems will just go away. We say tomorrow, next month, or next year will be better. We keep some kernel of hope that things will change, even...
Very depressed
I'm 60 days sober and I'm going through hell. My non AH wife thinks I'm being controlling when I'm not. She tells me how the past inside her head is controlling her. I constantly tell her she can do whatever she wants and come and go as she pleases cause I'm not about controlling her. She has been trying to g...
Wisdom of the Rooms
December 31, 2012 Quote of the Week "You're only as sick as your secrets." When I first entered the program, I was filled with guilt and shame over some of the things I had done. When I sat in meetings and heard others share openly about some of their past behaviors, I was shocked by how op...
Today's Gift 12-31
May you live all the days of your life. --Jonathan Swift Tonight, at midnight, a new year will begin. None of us know what the new year will hold. But we can trust ourselves to hold on to the spirit of recovery as we go through the year. As a new year is about to begin, we can rejoice in our new way of life. We can...
New Year in Aussie
Happy New Year. I just celebrated my 1st new year since 79/80 - a very long story . Yes I celebrated sober & listening to some very loud Rock music . My sons' band . My son started this band with a mate 2 yrs ago at 14y/old . Theyr'e 1st paid gig tonight , sang most of theyr'e own songs . Five sets of Very prou...
Daily Reflections ~ Anonymity & 24hrs a Day
Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 562 Tradition Twelve became important early in my sobriety and, along with the Twelve Steps, it continues to be a must in my recovery. I became awar...
Les miserables - Love for another = God
Well...Interesting discussion came up in the come to believe sunday meeting this morning. Of course being a gay meeting, the movie Les Miserables was discussed (LOL) but it was worthy of discussion. The entire movie/play is about suffering, oppression, poverty, and ultimately salvation. The...
It's been a long week
As many of you know, I've recently gotten the ole ax from my job. Last Friday, actually. Prior to this, I had this very naive idea that now that I'm sober, all of my problems and ability to make very bad decisions would just STOP. I knew that there was a lot of work to be done in terms of the steps and establish...
Making a list
At a meeting the other day a woman mentioned writing a list of all the things she did due to drinking that she was ashamed of as a kind of step 1. She said if it was all down on paper she would have a harder time denying to herself that she had a problem. Thought I'd give it a go this evening. I've only completed t...
Today's Gift 12 - 30
I've shut the door on yesterday, And thrown the key away. Tomorrow holds no fears for me, Since I have found today. -- Vivian Yeiser Laramore Feeling guilty or ashamed about the past - about what we did or did not do, about what happened to us, about who we were - can be our undoing. We must work long and hard...
HP must already be working
I just found out that one of my very good friends started going to Alanon back when he was married and still goes from time to time including just this week. He is also the one person I invited over to talk to about my situation. This will make it much easier for me. What are the odds?
Daily Reflections ~ The Joy of Living & 24hrs a Day
. . . therefore the joy of good living is the theme of A.A.'s Twelfth Step. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 125 A.A. is a joyful program! Even so, I occasionally balk at taking the necessary steps to move ahead, and find myself resisting the very actions that could bring about the joy I want. I wo...
I dont know if I am capable of doing this,
I just got off of a two day bender that ended yesterday and then went to 2 meetings today. I just left the second meeting a little while ago and I swear if I had any money in my pocket I would have stopped off at the liquor store on the way home. -- Edited by ghostman1960 on Saturday 29th of December 2012 11:45:...
First time being really really sick and not alcohol related sick : ) Love it! Made it home from the morning meeting just in time, didn't have to be sick while driving or in public... my husband got off work early to take my brother to the airport for me... love those little gifts : ) Everything is going to...
Anyone secretly glad it's over?
I am the last guy to be Ebenezer Scrooge, but I am a bit relieved Christmas is over! I actually turn on Christmas music starting in October, I really work Christmas for the kids, I work real hard with the budget and the events, and make sure the appropriate Christmas shows are watched, but Damn if I am not r...
Time for a Little Humor!
SIGN LANGUAGE!!! Sign over a Gynecologist's Office:"Dr. Jones, at your cervix."**************************In a Podiatrist's office:"Time wounds all heels."**************************On a Septic Tank Truck:Yesterday's Meals on Wheels**********************...
DeJa Vue all over again...
Or something like that...Happy New year Family do this one with me...give me feedback from your own experiences. I was working my business this morning like I always do...gardening/landscaping for a local hotel. Some guy with a German accent came up to me and took my rake saying not asking, "...
Jerry F
Today's Gift 12 - 29
The years teach us much, which the days never knew. -Ralph Waldo Emerson We dont need to know everything today, and so we dont. We dont know why some people act the way they do, or why we are addicts when others arent. All we need to know today is what to do to preserve sobriety for this day. This means doing t...
Death by alcohol. 34 years old.
An ex's sister died from complications caused by alcoholism. She was only 1 month younger than me. What a truly terrible disease.
Congrats on 60 days, Chaya!
Haha, did you really think you could sneak that into a reply post and nobody would notice LOL! Congrats on 60 days sober.. Very well done, sister:)
one problem that i still have.......
dating! Dating is a huge handicap of mine and it has been even before i started drinking. I was a shy guy (still am) when it comes to talking to women. actually no thats a lie. TALKING to them i have improved upon. the whole ASKING OUT thing is still an issue. alcohol would of course make me relaxed enough to...
DJ Danny T
I am on Day 30
I've made it to day 30! I have hit 30 days before, but the difference this time is that I am going to meetings. Lots of meetings. I've told those very close to me that I'm not drinking anymore. I'm reading The Big Book, and Living Sober. I also have a lot of work to do still. I know that I need to reach out, phon...
A conundrum?
So, there's this guy I know, I've known for close to 2 years. It's a sordid, complicated relationship that began as a coworker friendship that dissolved into a very messy situation involving lots of gossip and a lot of sexual harrassment on his part. I pretty much all but quite this job because of this,...
Today's Gift 12 - 28
One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have wholehearted enthusiasm. --Hannah Senesh Life offers little if we sit passively in the midst of activity. Involvement is a prerequisite if we are to grow. For our lives' purposes we need enthusiasm; we need enthusiasm in order to gr...
Sponsorship or friendship?
Sponsorship and friendship are not the same. Many alcoholics chose the softer option of friendship and they end up in trouble. Those that choose a good sponsor, will grow spiritually and they will end up having a conscious contact with God. The sponsor will deal with our defects of character primari...
Welcome DJ Danny T
Welcome to MIP DJ, ... ... ... glad to see you found us! Love ya and God Bless, Pappy -- Edited by Pythonpappy on Friday 28th of December 2012 03:15:50 PM
Hair straight back.
I imagine that little girl, standing in the fields smelling bunches of clover and summer and smiles. The wind is blowing a gentle breeze, and it feels refreshing. At 2 years old, I feel grateful for it, but I don't know why. Some time later, I feel I will know why, and if I don't, there isn't a why. A few...