May not be able to control the situation,but can control how I let it affect me!
Morning and blessings of this day! It has been evident to me for many years now that even my best laid plans do not always come to fruition.For today in the hustle to get my in-laws ready to get to our house of worship,(my mother in laws debilatating Dementia,my father -in laws now total dependance on o...
Step work board
We have begun the steps on the step work board. Please stop over and check out step 1. We will be doing a step every 2 weeks posted on Sunday. The step work board can use your support. It is through working and sharing these steps that we can maintain our sobriety.When anyone anywhere, reaches out for...
Dan B 76
Today's Gift 10-21
Thou art everywhere, but I worship you here; Thou art without form, butI worship you in these forms; Thou needest no praise, yet I offer you these prayers and salutations. --Hindu prayer The history of the Twelve Steps tells us that in the first small A.A. group there was controversy about the word God...
How much do you bug someone - becomming a sponsor.
I listened to a speaker the other night who said he was a chronic relapser for years and years. Finally he got a sponsor, but was still relapsing. The sponsor kept calling him and saying "okay, what are we going to do different this time?" He said he finally stayed sober just to keep his spo...
October 17, 1976
As of last Wednesday October 17th thanks to the help of God as I understand Him, AA and the big book I have 36 years of continous sobriety. Couldn't be happier, life is more that I ever dreamed it could be those many years back. It works if you work it.
Dan B 76
Don't make your wife mad (For Pappy)
Dont make a woman angry! Youve been warned. JOKE OF THE DAYA man left for work one Friday afternoon. But, being pay-day, instead of going home, he stayed out the entire weekend partying with the boys and spending his entire pay check. When he finally appeared at home, Sunday night, he was confronte...
no self control
Ok, this isn't about drinking... but I'm attempting to quit smoking... yesterday I got cash from hubby because I was desperate to get cigs, it was the last of our cash. Our checking account is overdrawn... he told me not to put anything on the credit card, we were about $10 away from hitting our limit. So...
I think I need help. I am a hot mess...
Not sure if I am going through withdrawl or not.. 1 bottle of wine a day. during the day at least. some drinking vodka at night but not always.. lots of night sweats and here lately shaking by 11 am if I am not drinking. My life is a wreck. over all.. what do I do.. ?How do I know.... will it go away if I cut back...
6 Years ago today
......at around this time, the last alcoholic drink went down my throat as I drank my way to a police cell. I dunno how exactly it happened, but I am grateful that I ended up busted and desparate enough to make the call to the helpine the next morning. I'll go to bed sober tonight, in my own bed, in my own home...
My sponsers anniversary
Hey guys:) my sponser has asked me to give her her 3 year chip at tommorrow nights meeting. I'm totally honored and I love her tons, she's been my strength, sanity, wisdom, and inspiration throughout my short sobriety. She's truly the first person, and often only person still, that I have no fear of bei...
The Truth in the Morning
During those first few moments of consciousness as you wake up in bed, listen carefully. Sometimes it is a lie, like being resentful at someone from yesterday. Other times it is a Truth that God is bringing you. If that's the case, observe it. Let it sink in. Carry it with you for the day - it needs to be no...
Daily Reflections ~ Comfort for Solace & 24hrs a Day
Obviously, the dilemma of the wanderer from faith is that of profound confusion. He thinks himself lost to the comfort of any conviction at all. He cannot attain in even a small degree the assurance of the believer, the agnostic, or the atheist. He is the bewildered one. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADI...
Two Months and counting!!
Hello everyone, its been awhile since my last post, figure I would stop by and give ya a heads up on my progress, I'm still fighting the good fight, dont think much about drinking anymore and things are much clear on the path Im heading, been really active and doing family things, besides dreaded work, w...
Paul M
when life happens
i've found it difficult to become accustomed to dealing with life situations since i've become sober, it's been 2 1/2 years and things hit me and i feel like a child sometimes cuz i don't know how to handle it properly, i hate that i am still defensive and turn things around, unlike when i drank i don't run...
When will I learn
I really need to take HALT seriously, (Hungry, left it until 9 last night to eat my main meal of the day) (Lonely: feel upset at the loss of my friend of some of the circle that I had when I first came into AA: some are not with us anymore and some have gone out : I miss them) (Tired: doing trade fairs at work that...
maire rua
3 Reasons People Can't Cope with Life
Laughter is an Instant VacationYou know, sometimes life just gets too serious...too busy...and too complicated. We don't mean for it to happen, but we wake up one morning to discover the fun has slipped away. A few years ago a health study determined there are 3 main reasons people can't cope in life:...
What does it mean to 'Let Go'?
Lord, help me to understand: To let go does not mean to stop caring; it means I can't do it for someone else. To let go is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences. To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands. To let go is not to try to change or blame ano...
Today's Gift 10-20
It is a matter first of beginning - and then following through. --Richard L. Evans How many times have we started a project or a new path of living only to abandon it after a short time? We may have thought it wasn't what we wanted or there wasn't enough time. Instead of following through, we usually gave u...
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and a few years from now.
To stay sober today, I must not drink today--this day, this hour, this minute, the next minute, the next five minutes, this minute, the next minute...and when the clock reaches midnight, yee haw-I "have" 24 hrs. And not a minute more. So from 12 to 12:01, I don't drink that minute. And so it g...
This'll be a new experience for me....
Suddenly, due to changed circumstances at work, I find that at the end of this month, I'll be managing 8 people instead of 2. No problem there, just need a bigger shovel........ One of the new team that I'm inheriting is a personal friend and also a member of the fellowship. I have to be clear that friends...
The Jitter Joint
Jack and Jill went up the hill, Jack to sober up at the Jitter Joint.. Jack came down the hill a few weeks later and got drunk in the first bar he saw. I was laughing so hard at my little limerick that I almost fell off my chair. I would repeat it several times to myself and burst out laughing.. The group was wa...
Hee hee hee
After years...as a bum...a psychiatric patient getting abused, abandoned, threatened...I let it go and found a job. Theres a whole lot goin on' Chain is on the door, phone calls are starting.
Just got back from a 3-day biz trip
In a place that's not known for its sobriety. Last time I was there was pre-sobriety. ;) Had biz meetings for most of it and was jet-lagged like nobody's business. But went to a meeting, a small one, and was of course, right at home. Good sobriety -- one guy with 36 years another visitor with 21 years -- and...
Today's Gift 10-19
Some people grumble because the roses have thorns instead of being grateful that the thorns have roses. ***** We must learn from the mistakes of others because we won't live long enough to make them all ourselves. ***** Don't look down on another person unless you are leaning over to help them up. ****...
King Alcohol and His prime minister.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:King_Alcohol_and_his_Prime_Minister.jpg-- Edited by Closer on Friday 19th of October 2012 01:11:39 AM
AA meetings in San Francisco/ Bay Area
I'm Gonna be staying in the City sat afternoon through tuesday morning. Looking for good AA meetings. Went to a very good one in the Mission in 08' or 09' on 24th and Florida at noon. At least I think it was this one. Would have been a good starting point to ask- really liked that one but don't get in until sa...
Defining normal
Hey all:) hit 5 months a couple days ago:) yup, I'm still around! Nothing new really, just doing my thing- work, meeting, redoing step 4 cuz I feel as though I wasn't as fearlessly searching as I could've been haha. That's alright though, cuz I think maybe at 3 months I was being a bit too ambitious by thin...
Aquaman 1 Year yesterday.
Well Aquaman (Rob) hasn't been seen on here fro a good while - but he made 1 year of continuous sobriety, one day at a time, yesterday 16th October 2012. Rock on that man!
I'm back...I hope
I haven't posted for awhile, revamping the room my computer is in, it was unplugged for over a week. Weird, but nice. Get away from the computer and do something else. That was the beginning of it. I have been drinking the past week. After a couple of proud weeks, I started again. I feel horrible abo...
Step Number Three Opens The Door
STEP THREE "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him"
Practicing Step Three is like the opening of a door which to all appearances is still closed and locked. All we need is a key, and the decision to swing the door open. There is only one key, and it i...
Today's Gift 10-17
The important thing is not to stop questioning. --Albert EinsteinWe used to think we knew it all. We had grandiose ideas about ourselves. We stopped asking hard questions that could cause our fragile world of make-believe and deviousness to come crashing down. We protected our addiction by fleein...
The ones we leave behind...They catch up
I cut off a few folks for the interest of my sobriety when I came into the rooms. Hence, when I was getting sober, I had no friends or significant other pressuring me to drink any more at all. All my friends were pretty much from AA for a good 2 years. In that time, I have now seen, my ex come in (though not st...
Night Light
This is a reading from today's Night Light, a book by Hazelden that I've had for years. I thought I'd share this one. In the midst of winter, I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer~ Albert Camus When things seem to be going badly and everyone appears to be against us, what do we see? Do we th...
I didn't know how to apologize.
A Great Accoustic Guitarist, Vocalist and Song... (hope ya like)
"Get a different truck"
That was the response from my sponsor this morning as I spoke about the 7th stop yesterday by the police which shouldn't have been a stop but was. My sponsor is a native cultural recovering person like myself and of course I was looking for feedback on my journey. If I was still drinking I'd be in jail s...
Jerry F
Statistics Are for Losers
. The extent of my exposure to the news goes little beyond what I glean from Yahoo. No Im not in jail.. worseIm a sailor, lately spending much of my time at sea. I was reading about this guy Charlie.. whats his name who was making an obscene amount of money as a TV actor on some situation comedy.. He got drun...
Today's Gift 10-15
God's Will How do we know what God's will is, especially when we're running around with a severe case of self-will run riot? How can we make sure the choices we're making are God's will when our options seem confusing and we're not sure what to do? What about when we do something we think is God's will and i...
Got diagnosed friday :( They dont know if its type 2 or 1, got me on metaformin for a week and checking #'s at drs office it was 234, got it down to 143... sucks :(
Gratitude for a 6 yr old : )
My son teaches me more than I teach him... well, both my kids actually. They give me CONSTANT growth opportunities. CONSTANT much needed practice at patience and tolerance. They are so generously themselves, so different from me, but so very the same when I look at the person I was meant to be... th...
Daily Reflections ~ My Checklist, Not Yours & 24hrs a Day
Gossip barbed with our anger, a polite form of murder by character assassination, has its satisfactions for us, too. Here we are not trying to help those we criticize; we are trying to proclaim our own righteousness. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 67 Sometimes I don't realize that I gossip...
A good day to live
In the wee hours of the morning on Thursday I found myself in the emergency room at the hospital after work. It was my heart. Twenty years clean has healed alot of the physical problems brought on by active addiction but there is some wreckage that can't be resolved and the damage done to my heart falls in...
And we've had a bad day???
Soldier sues hospital over penis amputation 38 5062Wednesday, 3 October 2012 A former US soldier is suing a hospital claiming that excessive ice-pack treatment on his groin led to the amputation of his penis. Michael Nash claims that a nurse repeatedly put ice packs on him after surgery, c...
Abuse, Drugs, I dont care anymore.
(Edited this entire post which discusses relapse and glorifies violent crime.) sincerely, "closer" -- Edited by pinkchip on Sunday 14th of October 2012 08:41:13 PM
Are we friends?
Do any of you refer to this board in your everyday life, with your family or friends out side of AA, or in? I have a few - maybe 4 times. A couple times to my sponsor - talking about how online support seems like it could really be something younger ones sobering up could latch onto. She's around 50 I think...
Today's Gift 10-14
A person shows their true self by how much they need other people. --Anonymous What giving we have discovered in our Fellowship! From the very first meeting, we received an outstretched hand that offered us help. People gave freely and asked nothing in return. We, who had known so much taking, could h...
Pride and ego and what I learned about mine today
Today was going to be a banner day in my life. A changing day, as Dr Phil likes to say.... We were going to court, my son and I, before the judge to have my legal guardianship finalized. Due to the fact that he is a vulernable adult, forever a man-child, he needs a guardian to help him navigate life and ens...
Turning down time into--tech time.
So if you are handed lemons----- I have my foot up, eating Greek Yogart(thanks Wren) Drinking lots of water (Thanks Dean) And giving myself milk and honey enemas (Thanks Pappy) One of the things I have done while sitting here is getting tech saavy. I have installed a VOIP phone called "Magic Jac...
What Does Experience Mean To You?
Experience isn't just everything that has happened to us and everything we've done, it's how it has shaped us, how we've dealt with it, reacted to it, and how it shapes our dealings today. The exact same thing can happen to two people, but their experience may be completely different. I believe exper...
What does Sobriety mean to you?
It's been a few years since I picked up a drink, in twenty years I've drank twice, and in neither instance was the alcohol the problem. My spiritual condition was the problem, my emotional condition, even my health, physical and mental played a part. Sobriety, to me, means healthy in mind, body and spi...