"Oh my Gosh!" He giggles "These old ladies are SO crazy! Talking about if they would take chemo if they had cancer, and about their cat's and dogs, and I swear not one was under 70! It was the best meeting ever!"
So my husband turns the corner in alanon and I trust in the program so much that I just smile and giggle along with him. He begins to see things in a different way - and we talk "recovery" into the night.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
That sounds just like a miracle happening...I love to watch it and especially hear it from you. I'm glad he's found the rooms and I know a buncha about those 70 year olds with silver hair that could just talk me back into my chair when I was acting a "break" at a meeting. They are all angels I swear and I hope he keeps coming back. Nonners get insane without the alcohol...they just need the "ick". LOL (((hugs)))