aa inclusive not exculise
Speaking on panel and looking for some stirring conversation. I read some posts about "The Lord's Prayer" being said in meetings and loved the different views on that. So that's what I was gonna speak on a liitle, because I learned a bit from that. So any comments, reading, or suggestions w...
God Calling ~ Love and Laugh
"Work for Me, with Me, through Me. All work to last must be done in My Spirit. How silently My Spirit works. How gently and gradually souls are led into My Kingdom. Love and Laughter from the plough that prepares the ground for the seed. Remember this. If the ground is hard, seed will not grow t...
Daily Reflections ~ The Idea of Faith & 24hrs a Day
Do not let any prejudice you might have against spiritual terms deter you from honestly asking yourself what they mean to you. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 47 The idea of faith is a very large chunk to swallow when fear, doubt and anger abound in and around me. Sometimes just the idea of doing something dif...
Thank you
Hi, Thank you for the coda board. I have already started learning different ways of interacting. I was wondering, do you think we may be able to start an overeaters anonymous board here as well? At the moment I am unable to make it to meetings and I haven't found any online ones that are active. I'm sur...
Tracey C
Making Amends
On my gravestone let it read that I passed in remorse for unkind deeds said or done to friend or foe richer or poorer youngest to old words lashed out unkind acts kinds of things never taken back let it be known my heart was not stone never taught how to give or recieve victims of victims were teachers to me
Great, simple description of alcoholism as an illness
Sorry, if a re-post. From Barefoot's world.. http://www.barefootsworld.net/aaphenomcraving.html Just loved it. Makes it so understandable. Steve
Glad to be here.
I was just over 3 years sober before I would allow my sponsor to intimidate me into taking the steps of recovery. I was dying spiritually in AA because I never took the steps necessary to bring about a vital life changing spiritual experience. I discovered that I was suffering from an illness, tha...
I don't know how this works but it does.
So last night I was up late learning the riff from Wish You Were Here. Posted about my Dad and this morning went to his headstone - about 80 miles north of me. For the first time in 11 years I felt the need to be with him as best I could. Bought a bunch of flowers and tidied the headstone, had a chat, told him I mis...
Fun with friends
Enjoyed a lovely dinner & dance with all our favourite friends today. Simple, uncomplicated fellowship with love and respect for each other.
Desperately seeking mother's approval
Guys, I need help. I'm struggling with a blatent alcohol dependency due to my life falling to bits around me. My girlfriend has left, my private information is being passed around the internets, and my mother just scoffs at any attempt I make to reason with her about my life! She hates the fact I took coc...
"Healthy Thoughts" (ACOA affirmations)
"I SILENCE OLD NEGATIVE MESSAGES AND REPLACE THEM WITH HEALTHY THOUGHTS" "My beliefs affect my life. When my energy is expended on negative thoughts, I get the same old negative results. I have a very decided part in achieving the changes that I desire. I must silence the negativ...
Just found my alcoholic uncle died from the disease..
Ill be honest, im only on day 2 myself. And other than one aquaintance passing that I knew from AA, this is the first time I have to deal with this, Im not going to drink over it and this may be the final wake up I need. I am just so distraught. I dont know what to think. I was close with him most my life. Not lat...
Daily Reflections ~ A Lifelong Task & 24hrs a Day
"But just how, in these circumstances, does a fellow 'take it easy?' That's what I want to know." TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 26 I was never known for my patience. How many times have I asked, "Why should I wait, when I can have it all right now?" Indeed, when I was first p...
Daily meditations
God Calling "Draw near to Me... Contact with Me is the panacea for all ills. Remember that truth is many-sided. Have much tender love and patience for all who do not see as you do. The elimination of self is the key to holiness and happiness and can only be accomplished with My help... Live in My p...
how do you pick a sobriety date, when you obsessive compulsive about numbers/ dates/ months etc?
please i really need help. this has plagued me for a few years now. i attach a strange meaning to all number and dates. this is the reason i can't choose a sober date. i realize getting sober and being healthy is so much more important but i'm compelled nonetheless. i have picked sober days before but whe...
Daily Reflections ~ Weeding The Garden & 24hrs a Day
The essence of all growth is a willingness to make a change for the better and then an unremitting willingness to shoulder whatever responsibility this entails. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 115 By the time I had reached Step Three I had been freed of my dependence on alcohol, but bitter experience has shown me th...
Close call.
I was sitting on the computer and listening to the radio earlier tonight when I suddenly put my shoes on, grabbed my wallet and walked out the door fully intending to go to the pub and have a couple of beers. Just a couple. It was just starting to rain so as I was walking out my mum called out to me and offered m...
Daily meditations
God Calling "Look at Me often, and unconsciously you will grow like Me. The nearer you get to Me, the more will you see your unlikeness to Me. Your very deep sense of failure is a sure sign that you are growing nearer to Me. My strength is made perfect in weakness." Walk in Dry Places - WHAT WI...
Today should have been a bad day...
A lot has changed for me in the last two weeks. The most profound change is my total surrender to God and his will. My wife left and refuses to speak to me at all aside from letting me know when she was coming to get her stuff. Then I finally was able to look at myself in the mirror and admit I was an alcoholic...
Codependents Anonymous Group Started Today on MIP!
Hello Everyone, At the request of numerous members of MIP I have started to put together all the web site related fixin's of a Codependents Anonymous Group on the MIP 12 Step Recovery Forums site. You can access the CODA home page from our main home page at http://www.12stepforums.net or...
Please John, CODA BOARD...PLEASE??????????
Ive searched far and low on the net and for some reason there is no good active coda boards, I think this would be great to get more users and expand a little towards the relationship addiction. I dont think it would be that hard to add a tab since these are open forums. I think it would help a lot of people a...
Codependents Anonymous Thread We Now Have A Coda Board!
No more waitinq the Board is here http://www.12stepforums.net/coda.html While we're waiting for separate board, I'll start posting links, Literature, books etc... This thread will be locked for a short time, till I get enough source info posted. Then we can have some discussio...
Daily Reflections ~ Overcoming Self-Will & 24hrs a Day
So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making. They arise out of ourselves, and the alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot, though he usually doesn't think so. Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid of this selfishness. We must, or it kills us! ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p...
Is AA right for me... or would it help me?
I can't say that I'm an alcohic, but I have grown emotionally dependent on alcohol. things I've done over the past few years have led to me not liking myself very much. What was a few beers on weekend became 3-4 beers a day, 12-20 on weekends. I've been feeling guilty about how much I've been drinking,...
it's late, can't sleep,
it's gone midnight thought i'd got this sleep thing sussed. But no, not today.
Feel like a twenty something again. Laying here headphones on. Trying not to think. I'm doing thre relate thing but my heart isn't in it. Feel like I'm going through the motions. Really feel I've grown away from eileen. Onl...
Supportive friends
I've had quite a few friends step up for me the last week and offer me encouragement, an ear, and when needed, advice. Sadly absent from that is my current wife. I have not spoken to or seen her since she left, aside from a few text messages arranging for her move her stuff. She knows nothing about my cur...
2nd Meeting
Made it to the second meeting tonight. I haven't had a drink in 11 days and I feel better. I've still struggled with the "Am I or Am I Not an alcoholic" stuff. I almost feel as though I haven't earned the right to call myself an alcoholic. I listen to the stories at the meeting and I can't even...
Radical Beliefs
I sometimes wonder about freedom in AA. It's all about "freedom from" some say, but how accepting are we really ....................... really as a society. Say for arguments sake an alcoholic had radical beliefs contradictory to "key" parts of the recovery process, b...
Jamie D
People pleasing faults
Dear All, I have just had to rescind on two occasions that were caused because of my people pleasing attributes. I spoke it over with an old timer and was helped out on same. It is a grounding experiencing but a good one and hopefully I just might be a bit more careful in the near future.
maire rua
Daily Reflections ~ It Works & 24hrs a Day
It works -- it really does. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 88 When I got sober I initially had faith only in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Desperation and fear kept me sober (and maybe a caring and/or tough sponsor helped!). Faith in a Higher Power came much later. This faith came slowly at first, aft...
Happy 1 year Anniversary Ferrisdp!
Daily Reflections / As Bill Sees It
Daily Reflections WHAT? NO PRESIDENT? When told that our Society has no president having authority to govern it, no treasurer who can compel the payment of any dues. . . . our friends gasp and exclaim, "This simply can't be . . ." TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 132 When I finally made...
The Big Book
is actually a textbook, it's not "literature" per se The Doctors opinion has a description of alcoholism to be gone over by a newcomer (with a sponsor) asking him/herself the questions "Do These apply to me" in order to "Identify" as an alcoholic, without identify...
Daily meditations
GOD CALLING - Perfect Work "Spend more time alone with Me." "A strength and a joy come from such times that will add much to your friendship, and much to your work. Times of prayer are times of growth. Cut those times short and many well-filled hours of work may be profitless. Heaven'...
I love firsts now. I used to fear them. When drinking, I found that the first time I did something unwholesome, something dubious, something that deep down I knew I shouldn't be doing, it was the hardest thing to do. But do it once and it's easier to do the next time. Now in sobriety, when I am tempted to do s...
have you ever....?
been so angry with someone in a relationship that you made a statement like "I might as well go drink!" just to upset them and get attention and to hold them hostage? I was reading about this happening to someone on another board thinking how manipulative and lame it would be to ever tell yo...
My Story ~ As brief as I can make it
Hi ... not sure how to begin. I've been on message boards before, but this is a little different. I'm an alcoholic and my husband is also an alcoholic sober for 33 years. I met him 6 months into his sobriety. So when I recognized several years later that I had a problem, I couldn't have asked for better s...
Daily meditations
ACOA - Intuition MY INTUITION IS MY GUIDE I now trust my intuition and let it guide me in enhancing every area of my life. Today I will pay attention to the voice inside, my intuitive self. I will take time to listen, to evaluate and to act appropriately. My intuition is a gift that bestows knowledge on...
new to all of this need help
I am a 31 year old male who has been in denial for quite some time. I am embracing this with both arms but am having some serious issues in my personal life. My life partner of 12+ years is also embracing sobriety. She however did in-patient and thinks she may have found her relationship answers in a rehab r...
Sharing at meetings when members haven't done the steps.
One of the meetings that I drop in on if I am at a loose end on a Sunday night is a steps meeting. They recently had some intergroup issues and now the secretary and the whole format of the meeting has changed. When I spoke to my friend who is now secretary he said the new format is that after the initial openin...
Jamie D
Daily meditations
God Calling - Swift Help "Pray for more faith, as a thirsty man in a desert prays for water. Swift and strong comes My help. Do you know what it is to feel sure that I can never fail you? As sure as you are that you still breathe? How poor is man's faith! Pray daily and most diligently that your fait...
As Mr.Peck would say, Life is Hard.
and having read the book that was about all the sense I got out of it. Permit me to ramble and maybe even rant a little. It's cathartic for me. Wot a f****r of a day. I work in the comms industry. I was asked to represent my company in a neighbour dispute. It's plain that the complainant has deeper issues than...
Daily Reflections ~ No Ordinary Success Story & 24hrs a Day
A.A. is no success story in the ordinary sense of the word. It is a story of suffering transmuted, under grace, into spiritual progress. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 35 Upon entering A.A. I listened to others talk about the reality of their drinking: loneliness, terror and pain. As I listened further, I soon hea...
First Meeting - What I learned
I went to a downtown meeting. There were people from all walks of life. Some still smelled of alcohol, while others had been sober for years. It was painful to hear the their stories. I listened for the similarities to mine. I can see that I am at the threshold of alcoholism, maybe not so much for th...
I am applying...
to the Iowa Peer Support Training Academy. If accepted, I will go into the final pool of interview candidates for the position of Peer Support Specialist at my local shrink-shack. I've done my best, now it's up to God. People will still buy stuff whether I tell them to or not. Commerce will move along...
"Do not be discouraged" BB.
One of greatest bit of encouragement I got were these 4 words from the AA book. I listened to it being read everyday at meetings. Whenever I became despondent, I always remembered these words. Whenever I was dishonest and I became remorseful, I said , do not be discouraged you will get victory over it. J...
A plug for Kaiser
Hi all, I realized that I thought I should share that if you are just starting out and have Kaiser, they have what is probably the best chemical dependency program among insurers that is out there. After I got laid off last year and had time on my hands, I went through their 15-day, full-time chemical dep...
Simple Things
I was reflecting recently about my sobriety in this past year and what it has meant to me and those close to me and how my life has changed. One of the things I treasure most is the ability to enjoy simple everyday things again. My sponsor would say to me "commence at a simpler level" when I was...
I'm new, I'm confused, and I seriously need to vent...
Where do I start? Where DO I start? I STARTED by going to Al Anon online. My boyfriend is an addict, currently on pills. On average of 3 times per week, one or two pills at a time (why the hell does it matter?) He does not abuse me, put me down, try to control me, or intentionally do any other action towards me...
I found myself outside the box...
and thought (just) that I could meander around and take a looksee at how things go outside the box. I shouldn't be outside the box. Sigh...it never did take a drink for me to find myself in trouble. It's my "other issues" besides my drinking style and habit that I need to apply program to. ...
Jerry F