"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9
Delay is but the all-loving restraint of your (Higher Power.) Your life is so linked up with those of others that to let your desire have instant fulfillment might in many cases cause another, just as earnest prayer to go unanswered.
Delay is not denial - not even withholding. It is the opportunity for God work out your problems and accomplish your desires in the most wonderful way possible for you.
One Minute Meditations of God Calling by the anonymous Two Listeners, edited by A.J. Russell
Just a thought. I think the simple things we need are easily coordinated by our father who art in heaven. The delay is sometimes I find on the bigger stuff the orchestration of which is slightly more complex to acheive but so soul nourishing when it is. :)