God Calling ~ Sublime Heights
"I am your deliverer. Trust in Me absolutely. I will do the very best for you. Know that with Me all things are possible. Say many times, "All things are possible with my Master, my Lord, my friend." This truth, accepted and firmly believed in, is the ladder up which a soul can climb fr...
Difficult times
At the moment I am finding things very difficult. My aunt was diagnosed with cancer again last week and am upset about same. My sponsor is in pieces after one of her sponsees took her own life a few days ago. She was a lady about my own age, though I did not know her, I feel badly for my sponsor and feel vulnera...
maire rua
They are such unfortunates.
2 of us walked into AA. He was 12 stepped, & I came in by accident. He died yesterday of multiple organ failure after being told of AA 23 years ago. The man that called us relapsed. I stayed & earnestly worked the 12 steps, & despite myself I got well. God is faithful to us alcoholics if we are w...
So after the beer was used as drano...
my day got increasingly interesting and I had to bring out big program tools. I decided to go do some back yard tweaking which included cutting down part of a very unrulely hedge. This was going to be a bit earthshaking for me as that hedge separates me from a back neighbor who I think needs a sit down wit...
Jerry F
God Calling ~ The summit
"See not the small trials and vexations of each hour of the day. See the purpose and plan to which all are leading. If in climbing a mountain you keep your eyes on each stony or difficult place as you ascend, how weary and profitless your climb! But if you think of each step as leading to the summit o...
Wow!! nobody's looking....
So I poured it out and noticed the difference since the last time I was in this situation. I'm managing my neighbors house while he lives in the Conus and he just agreed to a 1 month rental and needed me to go hide some stuff and secure some stuff and take some stuff and the stuff I had to take was in the refri...
Jerry F
Self-esteem comes from doing esteemable acts.
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Self-esteem comes from doing esteemable acts. I once had a beautiful plant. It sat on my dining room table for three weeks as I waited for it to blossom. Each week, I waited for something to happen. By week three, instead of a luscious blooming bush, what revealed itse...
Daughters wedding and best friend....
This Saturday my oldest daughter Erin is getting married. I am sooooo grateful to be sober and to be there for her. When I was in the madness I always feared what the whole thing would be. Now I cherish our time together as we have planned this. There have been some tense times but nothing that I havent...
Biker bill on tour again...........
............but this time it's a work tour. Leave for aberdeen via dunfermline, cowdenbeath, cardenden, kirkcaldy, crail and st.andrews at dawn on Monday 9don't you just love scottish settlement names) Tuesday it's aberdeen andd balgownie wednesday it's granite hill and mormond hill with a si...
God Calling ~ Broken voices
Clipped wings can grow again. Broken voices regain a strength and beauty unknown before. Your power to help other lives will soon bring its delight, even when, at first, the help to yourselves may seem too late to bring you joy. Worn-out and tired as you may seem, and pain-weary, I say unto you, "...
Say a Prayer for Bikerbill's Aprillia
A little off topic, but BikerBill's motorcyle is extremely ill with some serious electrical problems, and stranded him out of town. Those that believe that motorcycles have a soul, please pray for his bike's now. -- Edited by StPeteDean on Thursday 11th of August 2011 06:17:31 PM
The conversation this morning was...
about trusting God and I was having it with a culturally similar fellow after this mornings AA at the Bay home group. It was a special Saturday morning meeting. The Sunday version of course is tomorrow. Two of our members, both women were celebrating anniversaries; one of 10 years (I remember when...
Jerry F
Oh Bugger, I keep getting my feelings back
Just when things were going so well an' all. one of them little fluffy bunnies has crawled out from under the bed and kicked me in the emotional balls. Stuff i'm handling OK so far? Changes to work procedures, losing the business needs car, buying a car, broken down bike, divorce stuff, big brother not w...
Do I really know how to be grateful?
As soon as anything new comes into my life, whether positive or negative, I become attached to it. If its bad feelings, they seem like they are gonna last forever and its never gonna get better. If its good feelings, I expect they won't last long so I stay on guard. Now positve stuff is happening in my life...
David W
Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. --Shakespeare Look for the Good Life is an interpretive experience. What happens is less important than how we respond to our circumstances. An intense stimulus that some people report as pain others report as pleasu...
God, help me relax enough to stop, calm down, and heal.
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Stopping, calming, and resting are preconditions for healing. When animals in the forest are wounded they find a place to lie down and rest completely for many days . . . They just rest and get the healing they need. --Thich Nhat Hanh We hurt. We suffer. We wrong our lov...
Staying Sober in my Dreams??
Hi All, Just wanted to share this funny experience - Lately, I keep DREAMING that I am drinking. The first dream, I was getting pretty loaded and realized that I was supposed to stay sober, and I said "F it". The second dream was last night, where I was drinking a glass of wine and about halfway...
William James also said...
"Seek out that particular mental attitude which makes you feel most deeply & vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, 'This is the real me,' & when you have found that attitude, follow it." William James (1842-1910) Any others as well as our famous quote f...
23 years today. 19 Aug 1988 DOS.
This 23 years of sobriety is dedicated to all my AA friends from all over the world. You have been my strength and support. Even if you were 1 hour sober, you have left a mark in my life. The love of AA and alcoholics for one another, is one of the most powerful things I have ever experienced in my life. It is ab...
I was taught is the foundation of recovery and I have come to understand that as true from practice. Service keeps me involved in the whole program, every part of it and there is excitement and satisfaction as a natural part of being involved. Yesterday was a huge service day as I participated in a Loca...
Jerry F
Daily Reflections ~ A Frame of Reference & 24hrs a Day
Referring to our list [inventory] again. Putting out of our minds the wrongs others had done, we resolutely looked for our own mistakes. Where had we been selfish, dishonest, self-seeking & frightened? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 67 There is a wonderful freedom in not needing constant approval...
Congrats Carl on 4 years Sober!
To my dear beautiful Sobervibers, it's my partner's Soberversay today. He is 4 years clean & sober today. He loves our Fellowship & is celebrating with a main share on Step 7 at our homegroup. If we have a Newcomer we will do Step 1. He wrote this for our Share magazine (our meeting between meeti...
One Day Convention ~ LIVERPOOL, U.K.
Alcoholics Anonymous are holding a One Day Convention with Al Anon participation here in Liverpool, U.K. on Sunday 21st August 2011 with a Disco Dance in the evening. You will be able to purchase tickets on the door! Liverpool Adelphi Hotel in the City Centre Registration 9.30am finishing 4.30pm Da...
Daily Reflections ~ Getting Well & 24hrs a Day
Very deep, sometimes quite forgotten, damaging emotional conflicts persist below the level of consciousness.Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions, pp. 79-80Only through positive action can I remove the remains of guilt & shame brought on by alcohol. Throughout my misadventures when I dra...
Happy 3 years on SobrietySpell!!!
Back atcha! Happy anniversary Daniella! You've been an inspiration to me and constant reminder of how I will grow more positive, peaceful, and serene as long as I stay sober and work this program. I want to thank you for reaching out to me and all those that you help on here. I remember stating month...
Happy Anniversary Sobrietyspell
Congrats on 4 years Danielle! Thanks for being you and all that you do.
Sobriety 1st.
The BB says:"Do not be discouraged." pg 60. Why should we be discouraged? It is in our humanity that we are discouraged, because we have embarked on something new in the spiritual life. If we are growing spiritually, that is to say that we are changing our personality, and praying for chang...
Do you share things here that you wouldn't at an F2F meeting?
The survey thread got me thinking... I've never been shy about sharing stuff at meetings, sometimes getting off topic into stuff alcoholics talk about like relationships and resentments and all that. Here in the forum with a further perception of anonymity, maybe some of us will say stuff here we...
New here. Joined AA 3 days ago.
Reading the 12 steps/traditions book. 17 years of binge drinking was enough. I hadn't hit rock bottom yet, but it was coming. So glad my eyes have been opened, but not gonna lie, I am scared of total sobriety after having lived through foggy eyes most weekends the last 17 years, after driving drunk too m...
i took the 1st step
Is it only me
I 've have dealt with concelors that are always prepared to say "yes you need help" in particular areas, but none are able to provide you with locations/people/ programs that can help. I know it must start with me, but I have other issues that I need help with.
tim needs help
God Calling ~ Nature Laughs
"Sunshine helps to make glad the heart of man. It is the laughter of nature. Live much outside. My medicines are sun and air, trust and faith. Trust is the spirit sun, your being enwrapped by the divine spirit. Faith is the soul's breathing in of the divine spirit. Nature is often My nurse for ti...
Handle Today's Problems Today
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Handle Today's Problems Today Many of us face seemingly insurmountable difficulties, perhaps because of our compulsion or simply through misfortune. Whatever the scale of our problems, "One day at a time" and "First things first" are key...
Favorite Speakers?
Hi everyone. I just joined today. I am 9 months sober and have suddenly taken an interest in AA Speakers. What are your favorites? I know about Joe and Charlie, and Sandy B. I look forward to reading your responses. :) Thanks If there is already a thread about this could you please point me in the...
good morning family
hi MIP family, still sober, still looking to do the next right thing... and going to school full time. the past year i have been getting all the prerequisites together so i could get on the list to take a certificate couse to be a nurses aid. i am leaning towards elder care up here in my rural part of nor...
Just Toni
I haven't heard from Toni for over 2 months now. Is anyone in touch with her, is she OK?
God Calling ~ No Tired Work
"Rest. It is wrong to force work. Rest until eternal life, flowing through your veins and hearts and minds, bids you bestir yourselves, and work, glad work, will follow. Tired work never tells. Rest. Remember I am your physician, healer of mind and body. Look to Me for cure, for rest, for peac...
New AA Blog
Hey everyone- Hope this evening finds you all blessed in sobriety- I am calling your attention to a brand new blog - we're just getting started but there will be lots of shares, stories, wisdom, articles, etc from fellow AA's The first blog features the blog owners personal story of his experience, st...
dont use hotmail
i changed to fastmail.fm so maybe i can get here easily took me an hour to get the password from stupid hotmail not impressed with yahoo either -- Edited by lateforthesky on Monday 15th of August 2011 12:22:04 PM
Need some insight please
Hey everyone, how are you all? I hope I'm not being inappropriate in joining these boards, as I'm not an alcoholic myself but my partner is. I knew he was before I began to date him, so it does not affect my opinion on him, but having been with him for a while I've noticed things I didn't notice before, thing...
sharing the benefits of online support
Hi all, please spare a few moments to fill out our survey on the benefits of online support groups / recovery support forums for alcohol addiction. We're trying to establish more data to prove that these groups are beneficial to its users, to hopefully result in more people being introduced to thes...
One Day At A Time (Anniversary)
By Gods Grace and Mercy, 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, Fellowship, Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous, Sponsorship and Working with Others I am giving thanks to the God of my understanding and all of the people in and outside of the Fellowship who has helped me on this wonderful journey. One of the gr...
AA trivia...
When someone says something that seems to be full of shit, you can simply say... "98,45" On those two pages of the big book are one word sentences. Together they read..."Nonsense, Obviously" When someone says something that you agree with, you can simply say... "76" On this page of the big book is a on...
Alcohol and candida disease
i guess i need less alcohol throat feels bad tounge looks awful
God Calling ~ Not punishment
"I will guide your efforts. You are not being punished for past sins. Take My words, revealed to you each day from the beginning, and do in all things as I say. I have been showing you the way. I have told you that I am longing to use you." 365 One-Minute Meditations from God Calling
Daily Reflections ~ Didn't We Hurt Anybody? & 24hrs a Day
Some of us, though, tripped over a very different snag. We clung to the claim that when drinking we never hurt anybody but ourselves. Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions, p.79 This Step seemed so simple. I identified several people whom I had harmed, but they were no longer available. Still, I was un...
Each of my days are miracles. I won't waste my day; I won't throw away a miracle
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Each of my days are miracles. I won't waste my day; I won't throw away a miracle. -- Kelley Vickstrom It's so easy to forget to be grateful for our many blessings. We may take our freedom from the compulsion to drink for granted. Having learned to monitor our behavior an...
just that one beer makes you feel like what?
fill in the blank im thinking of giving up all beer and wine because if i dont drink i feel better when i wake up -why is that? im male 53 usa ocd and maybe schizoaffective i suppsoe my life seems to be just slipping by with no events postitive
Active Board Issues
Hi all, It seems that our host, Active Board, has changed the site so that it's very mobile-unfriendly. I mostly read this site on my iPhone, so I won't be reading/posting much longer until I can find a solution -- just wondering if anyone has found a workaround to force it back to the "regular&quo...
Late Night Stay Sober Trick... LOL
Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind
Today's thought from Hazelden is: Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained. --Arthur Somers Roche A trickle of water that drains down the side of a hill poses no problem to the hill, its vegetation, or the peopl...