living problems
I dried out December 8, 2010. I went to a private psychiatrist who put me on 2 mg/day klonopin, seroquel, effexor, Lunesta and I kept neurotin. I just cannot afford the scrips anywhere but the VA outside of the Kpin and I get the Lunesta from CVS. The rest I get from the VA. I made an appointment to the...
Bobby C
God Calling - A Life Apart
" I reward your seeking with My Presence. Rejoice and be glad. I am your God. Courage and joy will conquer all troubles. First things first. Seek Me, love Me, joy in Me. I am your Guide. No perils can affright you, no discipline exhaust you. Persevere. Can you hold on in My strength? I need...
SoberSteve's Daily Journal... To Infinity and beyooooooond!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 1 sober will be tomorrow, my mom found out I was drinking again, thank God she didnt tell my dad or Id be homeless. I am required to go to meetings daily or I will be kicked out. I am almost 30 years old dealing with all types of Sh&T, feeling alone, living with my parents this old, financial situat...
Brand New- Where to start?
Hey everyone. Im brand new, Ive tried to quit drinking before without really committing to AA, but now Im ready. I need a change NOW. Where do I start???
my dad
Im 16 and my dad is an alcoholic. There is nothing i want more then for my family to stay together and be happy but i do not know when or if that is even possible. In the fall of last year we had an intervention for my dad, he refused to have treatment but said that he would just stop drinking. His drinking has g...
NYC Here I Come
Going to the city, and when I am there I will be celebrating 28 years! Hot damn! Anybody know a small-ish, step or study meeting in Manhattan they can particularly recommend?
How do I tell people how to dance without getting drunk?
Hi, my name is Sol Auerbach. I run a charity called "The Better Life: the Quit Smoking and Substance Abuse Society". Its a little known charity based in NY in which im just getting off the ground. with this charity I give out free books to help people stop smoking, drinking, and drugs. My ques...
The Stuff of Dreams and Nightmares
This too shall pass. It's half one in the morning here in the UK. I've just woke up in a flat spin panic, from an awful nightmare. I was dreaming that I'd gone back to my ex wife, moved into the house, built a relationship with my son and daughter and then.............it all went wrong. My ex wife turned int...
God Calling - Evil Mountains
"Faith and obedience will remove mountains, mountains of evil, mountains of difficulty. But they must go hand in hand."
We do it over & over.
My wife and I worked with a newly married couple who are expecting their first child. They are so keen to work the program. Reason: Husband unemployed; marital stress; and living with in laws. I hope this one's different. Later on in recovery, they will have a baby, husband gets a nice job and they have t...
God Calling - Go Forward
"Rest in Me, quiet in My love, strong in My power. Think what it is to possess a power greater than any earthly force. A sway greater, and more far-reaching than that of any earthly king. No invention, no electricity, no magnetism, no gold, could achieve one millionth part of all that you can ach...
Feelings... nothing more than feelings....
The thing I've heard from so many of my AA fellows is that once they got sober, they suddenly had all these FEELINGS they had been numbing with booze that they now had to deal with... all kinds of emotional highs and lows, etc. I feel weird because I'm the opposite. When I was drinking, everything was a big...
Disease woke up before I did
Woke up in a funk, that's the way I always woke up. 9 months sober and I don't like that feeling any more. I used to thank that was the way life was. Today I know better, I have a choice today I choose to be happy. That simple!
Piney bob
I'm crawling back
Well I'm back here again for the first time since last summer. I feel like the lowest of the low right now. I'm scared of my lack of control around liquor. I've made an ass out of myself for the millionth time. I've lost my house keys and the keys to my new work. I'm lucky to be alive I think. Just wanted to let e...
Morning!.Blessings of this day to you. Today I would like to especially thank my Higher Power,whom I choose to call God, for allowing me to have a 63rd birthday. In those years, 25 or more were accompanied by active addiction, 26 years,3 months and 23 days(who ever counts!)freedom from active addic...
Daily Reflections ~ The Teaching is Never Over & 24hrs a Day
Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny. May God...
Man brings beer to DWI court appearance
http://failblog.org/2011/03/23/epic-fail-photos-probably-bad-news-because-drinking-before-court-isnt-hardcore-enough-- Edited by StPeteDean on Wednesday 23rd of March 2011 08:13:53 PM
Prayer for Toni.
Please pray for our friend Toni. She is not well. She is my special friend and many of you who know her, will know what a warm hearted person she is. Thanks. Gonee.
Tips for Newbies to control cravings
Just found the online board and chats 2 days ago and am a newby. I am very, very good at starting, make it a few days, and then something bad happens - stress, kids, work, crazy ex, friends - and oh that first drink takes it all away. The cravings start like clockwork at 5 pm because that was my time for a fir...
The meeting after the meeting.
We had a meeting after the meeting last night. This used to be the norm in my early days and it really helped me a lot. I was able to share things here which I normally could not. Topics like religion, relationships are easily discussed at these informal meetings. No traditions and no concensus needed. N...
hmmm. Been asked something. Heart says yes head not sure.
so I've spent the morning with a woman and her dogs walking round the lake. Had a fine time all innocent and stuff. This of course is the woman who agreed wi me that we should back off.
So now she asks can I drive on the wrong side of the road. Am I ok with hot countries. Have I got a passport? Would I like to go t...
A Gift of the Program
I just had to share about something that happened today that is definitely a gift of the AA program! I'm interviewing for jobs. I'm a transactional lawyer, and I got laid off a few months ago so I do LOTS of interviews (getting pretty good at it, actually!). Anyway, today I had a phone interview. Blah bla...
Happy (belly-button) Birthday Sobrietyspell!!
To my sisterfriend (((((Danielle))))) I'm so glad you were born! May all the love and light you bring into the world be returned to you a thousand-fold! Have a beautiful day!
30 Days
Had a great weekend. Spent some time with my ex-wife and her husband and my daughter. Worked out Saturday and Sunday. Had a nice 3 mile run. Went shopping and bought some new clothes as I've lost 16lbs since my last drink. And capped it all off with a great meeting tonight. It was a small, intimate g...
Nine Months
9 months since my last relapse. Longest stretch since I was 14. That's 31 years ago. Holy shiggitz. Thanks, ya'll. WE did it. Pat each other on the back. (except you...yeah you...the hot one. You need a hug ) Peace, Rob
Since starting medication I feel terrible and want to stop AA/Sponsorship
A Consultant Psychiatrist put me on some medication for my panic-attacks - they had made life miserable for me lately and contributed to my drinking for the firat time in 3-and-a-half years. He did warn me that, initially, they might make my anxiety worse. After 10 days on them it's like I'm on another...
Made a BIG amends!
Dear AA community, I have made 3 amends so far, and yesterday made a very big one, to my boss. I had spoken with my sponsor, several friends in the program with a lot of sobriety time, and had prayed about this amends thoroughly beforehand. I decided to make this amends because it is the right thing to do, d...
Daily Reflections ~ No More Struggle... & 24hrs a Day
And we have ceased fighting anything or anyone- even alcohol. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p.84 When AA found me I thought I was in for a struggle, and that AA might provide me the strength I needed to beat alcohol. Victorious in that fight, who knows what other battles I could win. I would need to be strong, th...
Recovery, Wife and God - II
She texted me this morning to let me know that it didn't matter how many letters I sent... should would not change her mind. ( I refused to sign the divorce papers and sent a letter instead) I did not respond and will not respond to the curcumstances. I will contine to focus on pleasing God and loving my...
ok this is getting odd now.
so yesterday eileen had some of my stuff droppedoff at my house from her house.
All my vinyl but nothing to play them on. Lots of photos of the kids when they were little. Road maps by the dozen. Wine goblets and decanter????? Wedding photo on top of the pile. 30 years worth of old screws and buggered tool...
little things kick you in the balls.
inpm I'm unpacking and sorting out the meagre goods and chattles that my ex wife had delivered to my house and keep turning up the odd photo. Mostly the kids when they were little. A few of me an her like wedding photos and stuff. Then amongst the vinyl there's the studio shot of me and the kids taken maybe 6...
Married 29 years; sober 22 years; 51 years old.
It's our wedding anniversary today. I thank God that He spared us many years of suffering. Some of the sober years were very difficult and it nearly broke us apart, but we persevered with our program. We are now rich in experience and have been able to save many marriages. We found that the 12 steps of rec...
Today is my first day. Start Antabuse tomorrow.
In conjunction with meetings, I start Antabuse tomorrow. Without it, I simply will not stop on my own.
Say Yes to the Dress
My beautiful (engaged) daughter-so hurt by her mom's disease-is comingback into my life in a happy, healthy way. I recently got to tell her I wanted to give her her wedding dress, and she let me!! She picked it out this week and I ordered it, and she showed me the bouquet she'd like and I'm going to get that...
Drink responsibly...what does that mean to you and
what are your experiences with it? When I was sixteen a group of high school buddies and I discovered there was such a beer called Near Beer; anyone remember it? We went into full discussion about it and what it could facilitate for us under agers such as; we didn't have to present an ID and therefore h...
Jerry F
not irish not catholic!
My name is Bill and I'm a recovered alcoholic! Saint patricks day I woke I did my apon awakening. I asked god to remove my self pity dishonest and self seeking motives. I spent time with my god asked him to remove from me my selfishness my fears my resentments and dishonesty. Just like the booze I can not wi...
mental defect
Daily Reflections ~ Love and Tolerance & 24hrs a Day
I have found that I have to forgive others in all situations to maintain any real spiritual progress. The vital importance of forgiving may not be obvious to me at first sight, but my studies tell me that every great spiritual teacher has insisted strongly upon it. I must forgive injuries, not just in w...
Renegade’s from recovery
Renegade Someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw Deserter, turncoat, recreant, apostate, and a ratter The soap box is the domain of the passionate zealot who is wholly convinced of his half insane crusade. There was once a time when they bought into the line right down to the sinker. Some skirted the...
Meditation practices
Hello, Greetings and respect to all members. I would be deeply grateful if anyone who felt comfortable to, could share with me techniques used to meditate. I would also love to hear any experiences members have had, ie; visual images, spiritual experiences, epiphanys of thought , increased calm...
Jamie D
Hi. just joined.
Hi, new here. I drink too much. Supose thats obviouse considering iv just joined an alcoholics website. What im really looking for is a secular perspective on alcoholism. I want to sort out my drinking but i dont want the whole god stuff rammed down my throat. Is this site fairly secualr? If not can an...
self centered vs. being of service
this is borrowed from a devotional reading, it is not my own. Do you ever suffer from Me Syndrome? You know, that time of the day or the month when you feel that now is the time for me? I sure do; often in fact. If it doesn't help or benefit me, I don't want to do it! "You, my brothers, were called to be free...
Received this email from my 10 yr old daughter.. (long post, sorry)
I have never in my life been so hurt. I know that I deserve every word in this e-mail, but that doesn't make the pain hurt any less. To give you a bit of the backstory. My mom moved into my apartment while I was in rehab (she owns the building and had the apartment upstairs) without telling me about it. I had n...
Sharing the problem and not the solution
I have read back on old posts and have seen that this has come up before where people chair without having six months sober. I have mixed feelings about it. I was at a meeting where someone had a long time but has been relapsing for a long time now. I think it did share the problem and it kind of filled me with...
maire rua
Admission (for one)
So my husband has taken the kids up to get takeaway for dinner. Most nights I cook for them. From scratch. Tonight I can barely type straight: it's been a weekend-long bender, and I have to damp it down again, and I have to quit my insanely stressful job, but the other fact remains that I have to quit drinki...
turning the page gently?
I tried. I really tried. But the page got turned with a bang. Over 5 years ago I left the family. I drank myself inro the ground. I'd done some bignasty harms to my family. I got sober over 4 years ago. I made amends to the best of my ability and make ongoing amends.
My adult son and daughter control my life by...
God Calling - Your Resolutions
"The difficult way is nearly over, but you have learned in it lessons you could learn in no other way. Wrest from Me, by firm and simple trust and persistent prayer, the treasures of My kingdom. Such wonderful things are coming to you, joy, peace, assurance, security, health, happiness, laugh...
Green Beer!
Just saw a post on Facebook from a nephew..."took the day off to drink beer!" Wow who does that. He just got married, and had a baby girl. Funny how I wouldn't have thought a thing about that till i sought recovery. Just sounds soooo stupid. You can drink beer any day. Sorry just had to ve...
New topic, Step 1 stuff, etc etc
. -- Edited by Dynaheir on Friday 18th of March 2011 07:05:59 AM
Daily Reflections ~ Mysterious Ways & 24hrs a Day
. . . out of every season of grief or suffering, when the hand of God seemed heavy or even unjust, new lessons for living were learned, new resources of courage were uncovered, and that finally, inescapably, the conviction came that God does "move in a mysterious way His wonders to perform."...
Another path in a quest for a happy, healthy sobriety
Over on the CODA Board we are starting a Book study and a step study, it's based on Melody Beatty Books, but truthfully the step study will be using (and I quote) "I am going to be using "The Codependent's Guide to the Twelve Steps" as my core resource in starting the step threads for this...