The Dreaded ((((((((((( 5 year mark ))))))))))))
I've seen it shared before on this board in a post by another member that at about the five year point in a members sobriety things "can" get hellish and turbulent emotionally. I've also heard Bob Earl of whom I am a great fan, say once before in one of his recorded talks ( not the about you...
Jamie D
God Calling - Deliverance
"Be calm, be true, be quiet. I watch over you. Rest in My love. Joy in the very beauty of holiness. You are Mine. Deliverance is here for you, but thankfulness and joy open the gates. Try in all things to be very glad, very happy, very thankful. It is not to quiet resignation I give My blessings,...
So far So Good
Got a call from my ex wife wanting to know who was in the car wiith me. I declined to answer beyond not your concern. Then she had a tirade of abuse about me seeing some other woman. I cut her off. Turned the phone off. Unplugged the landline. After a bit when I was on my own I turned the mobile back on and liste...
It's a Process Not An Event
Most of us have heard this in AA meetings. I heard it fairly early on, and for some reason I got it. You hear the same idea expressed many different ways, i.e. "simple pleasures" and all that, but this particular wording sunk in to me. LinBaba mentions it in his post, i.e. happiness lies in...
Spiritual Maturity
One of my favorite all time books about a spiritual path is "A Path With Heart" by Jack Kornfield, he was a college student in the sixties who came from a "good family" his father was a biophysicist who developed artificial hearts and artificial lungs, worked on the space progra...
Daily Reflections ~ An Inside Look & 24hrs a Day
We want to find exactly how, when, and where our natural desires have warped us. We wish to look squarely at the unhappiness this has caused others and ourselves. By discovering what our emotional deformities are, we can move toward their correction TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p.43 Today I a...
Article in New York Times this morning
Hi, Someone just called me and said there was an editorial on AA, in this mornings paper, that AA has become the top organization as far as the people being the most intelligent, even used the words Brillant, and gifted, and creative people ever to gather in one organization. Also went on to say that...
Just Toni
Daily Reflections ~ A Lifetime Process & 24hrs a Day
We were having trouble with personal relationships, we couldnt control our emotional natures, we were a prey to misery and depression, we couldnt make a living, we had a feeling of uselessness, we were full of fear, we were unhappy, we couldnt seem to be of real help to other people. . . . ALCOHOLICS ANO...
I forgot that today is 2 years for me!
It dawned on me this evening at my HG meeting (sponsor pointed it out) that today, April 4, 2009 makes it 2 years of soberiety. I'm grateful to the fellowship and all the support I've recieved from friends (including you all here) to help me achieve it. Here's a bit of irony for you... I'm sitting here a...
Craig Ferguson - Sober Comedian
Violet B
10 years
10 years yesterday without drinking been sober about 7 of those,right now i`m not sober in the least,i`m not drinking but i`m as far from sober as a person can be without adding alcohol. i don`t feel the need for drink anymore...but i do need sobriety ,life sucks without sobriety what really sucks is...
On Friday I spoke to my wife face to face for the first time in several months. It was nice. Nothing earth shattering but just a nice pleasant conversation after months of anger and misunderstandings. On Tuesday I dropped off the kids and saw her again. This time we laughed and joked, we spoke for a long t...
Used a little bit of my left over sarcasm the other day when the definition of R.I.D. was asked for and said, for me, "Rice Is Done"...let's eat!! Actually it's not the rice that is done at the moment but me...I'm toast regarding patience, tolerance, not reacting, expectations (reasona...
Jerry F
God Calling - April 5
"Rest in Me. Seek this evening time just to be with Me. Do not feel you have failed if sometmes I ask you only to rest together in My presence. I am with you... not only at these times, at all times. Feel conscious of My presence. Earth has no greater joy than that."
A simple "CoDA" Thank you
Hello Everyone, As the founder and webmaster of Miracles In Progress I want to extent a personal "Thank You" to each of you for valuing and utilizing the CoDA portion of our site. As we grow in our recoveries from alcoholism, addiction, or being a family member of a loved one who suffers from this di...
my head tells me lies.
I'm really good at building up fantasy worlds im my head. Then I start to confuse the fantasies with reality until I convince myself that the fantasy is the reality. Then when I see the true reality I'm hurt that the reality doesn't match the fantasy. There won't be a happy ever after. All I have is what Go...
post-newcomer sobriety...
It is interesting what freedom and choices there are in life now that I am not a slave to alcohol. For about a year and a half I would say, I was building a foundation to just resist alcohol....I had major shifts in my thinking and a really painful period of growth. I stuck it out. Where does that leave me...
Remaining Humble.especially when you think you got it!!!
Morning and welcome to another blessed day of life! During my morning reflections,I remembered back to a really pertinent moment of humility and the lesson of remaining humble.I wanted to share this with you. I remember back to my first round of Steps 6&7 and how I was feeling and what was reveale...
God Calling - Divine Efficiency
"I am all powerful and all knowing, and I have all your affairs in My hands. Divine efficiency, as well as divine power is being brought to bear on them. The kingdom of heaven can only be preached by those who have learned to prize the authority of its kingdom. A many-sided training My apostles ne...
Been To The Doctor Again
Hi Have not been on much due to College Classes and Health Issues. Well the health has taken another turn--I am now doing physical therapy for water on my right knee, plus now have to use a Cane. I do not recall in any earlier post if I had said anything about being a Type 2 Diabetic since Feb 4 which was broug...
While I'm at it I thought I might as well stop smoking
Although I'm booked at the stop smoking clinic tomorrow, as I ran out of tobacco at 0830 today, I'm going to stop smoking as of now. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one cigarette at a time. I've been a non smoker for exactly 60 minutes now. It's not for health reasons, it's not becuase my breath and clot...
Blessings of another day of "LIFE"
Morning, just wanted to wish all newcomers welcome and say hey to all here. Been fast and furious in my part of the planet so havent been on much lately,but do hold all in prayer and support. STOP!!! be grateful for this day of life and remember not to forskae in the dark what your own concept of your Hi...
God Calling - The Priceless Blessing
"I am here. Here as truly as I was with My disciples of old. Here to help and bless you. Here to company with you. Do you know, even yet, that this is the priceless blessing of your life? I forgive you, as you have prayed Me to, for all neglects of My commands, but start anew from today. Study My wor...
Daily Reflections ~ Looking Within & 24hrs a Day
A.A. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 42 Step Four is the vigorous and painstaking effort to discover what the liabilities in each of us have been, and are. I want to find exactly how, when, and where my natural desires have warped me....
Life's going at life's proper pace today.
It ain't rushing and pushing me and it ain't idling along and having me waste time. Life just seems to be going at the proper pace - erm, I think that means that maybe I'm fitting myself to today's circumstances? It's been a beautiful day even though i spent the bulk of it in the office and I'm still here. t...
God Calling - Love's Offering
"I judge not by outward appearances. I judge the heart, and I see in your heart one single desire: to do My will. The simplest offering by a child with the one desire to show you love, is it not more loved by you than the offerings of those who love you not? So, though you may feel that your work has be...
called the cops
Hi Everyone. I called the cops on my son the other day as his boss told me he was worried about his life he looked so bad. He's had so many run ins with the police -2 probation breaches. They have him in jail - he doesn't know it was me who turned him in. He's 24. Court appearnace tommorow. I feel torn but...
Bloody British divorce Laws!
I am prepared to walk away from this marriage with no equity if I have to. what I wasn't prepared for was that my ex has a legal right to combine her pension and mine so we have the same. we have assetts of around £250k in property, shares and savings. That'd be £125k each, but my pension pot is worth around £...
This is the pebble rattling around my tin can today,....success as defined by other people...and being shamed into having someone else's definition of success become our own There are studies that show if you put a person in a room with 9 other people and those 9 people all give a flagrantly wrong answ...
Ah no meeting tonight so made amends instead
As my ex wife goes to alanon that's co located with one of my regular AA meetings and I'm not yet ready to see her across the car park, I'm staying away from that particular meeting and going to another. however, due to getting tied up in work I ended up setting off way too late to get to the meeting of choice....
Daily Reflections ~ A.A.'s Freedoms & 24hrs a Day
We trust that we already know what our several freedoms truly are; that no future generation of AAs will ever feel compelled to limit them. Our AA freedoms create the soil in which genuine love can grow. . . . LANGUAGE OF THE HEART, p. 303 I craved freedom. First, freedom to drink; later, freedom from dri...
Daily Reflections ~ Our Group Conscience & 24hrs a Day
. . . sometimes the good is the enemy of the best. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS COMES OF AGE, p. 101 I think these words apply to every area of A.A.s Three Legacies: Recovery, Unity and Service! I want them etched in my mind and life as I trudge the Road of Happy Destiny (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 164). These words...
Hi all. Thank you again for your responses and I shall try to compose my self defences a little tighter from now on. I posted to my original thread last night about powerlessness and received a response. But I thought perhaps I should post it as a seperate thread so more of you would see it and add your pe...
Practical advice for a shy person
Ive expressed here a couple of times that Im uncomfortable with the meeting after the meeting and many have encouraged me to get over that and participate. I guess I just need some practical advice on how. I do share in meetings and THINK I treat everyone cordially, smile at them, etc. When they ask m...
Oh I think I might have bitten off a bit too much
So I try to stop smoking - by lunchtime I'm shaking like a sh*tting dog - but I got some Nicotine Replacement therapy, which included a dummy cigarette with a capsule of nicotine in it. After sucking on it for 10 minutes until I had Keef Richards cheekbones, I figured this ain't working. I'll pass that to...
So what's the deal with conventions?
The only conventions I've been to have been either outdoor camping events, little local things, or one day conventions in hotels etc. so being at a loose end on saturday I went to the Northern National Convention in Blackpool. How many shares did I hear? 2. How many speaker events did I get to? 0. Why? w...
First meeting tonight and feeling a bit out of place
I really need some kind of support to quit drinking, I've tried it on my own before and only lasted 3 weeks. My problem is that I'm agnostic and AA is very spiritually based. I feel like a hypocrite during the prayer at the end of the meeting.. I don't believe that "God" will help me quit drinkin...
Checking in....
Hey guys. Work schedule has been demanding for the last couple of weeks and will be through mid-april. I finally made a church-based recovery meeting last night, first meeting in a week. I doubt I will have a chance again til this weekend, but I plan to go to my normal group and finally get things goi...
dawn chorus
it's 05.45 am in the uk. I'm awake and sitting at the kitchen table. The coffee is hot and strong. I woke up with a smile on my face after 7 hours unbroken sleep. The birds are singing and the sun is rising. I know I don't need to worry about what I said or did yesterday. I'm pleasantly hungry and have food in th...
A letter about Overeaters Anonymous
Hi, Seeing the Overeaters Anon is based on the principles of AA, I was wondering would it be ok if I could share on this board about my struggles. I'm not expecting anything really in return. It's just so I have somewhere that I can share. I do have a sponsor, sometimes I just need to feel like I'm being h...
Tracey C
Duly Noted
So I've taken some time to ponder my previous posts and consider some of the advice I've been given from a few of you. I've also spoken with a fellow Christian AA member with whom I am very close. My work schedule completely blew away my chances to get to meetings as the only time I been off before 8 this we...
I finally got in! What's with java?
I have been limited to only participating through reading all of your posts, and now suddenly my java is ok. Anyone understand this?
Knee jerk reaction...only
I get those unsolicited awarenesses of how cunning, powerful and baffling this disease is. My subconscious must have been bleeding off some gas as when I was finishing work on a project for another long time member yesterday afternoon and I was wet and cold and dealing with a flu that was trying to en...
Jerry F
I used to be an introvert. Alcoholism caused that, not mine but my dad's. My 1st day at school was bad. I went to over 15 different schools, so you can imagine what it did to me. Alcohol was the solution to that. It made me an extrovert, if only temporarily, which is why I did not want to get into recovery. I ha...
Why does some stuff reduce me to tears?
driving back from me mum's last night with the ipod on too loud I found some songs got the tears rolling down my cheeks. Probably not what I'd expected neither. Tom Robinson's Martin. The pogues waltzing Matilda. Johnny cash wanted man. Leadbelly goodnight Irene (ok that ones obvious) Hendrix hey Jo...
Been a busy day, got a busy weekend to come.
So - renewed the passport this morning, went to Mum's and took her for lunch straight from the hairdressers. Limped aong cus I've wrenched my knee, got a frozen shoulder and a wry neck. If I were a horse, they'd shoot me. Had half an hour kip on her spare bed then weeded the side garden finally got to a meeti...
My sponsors 1st birthday.
The man that saved my life would have been 24 years sober this year, but instead he celebrates 1 year. This man has such a compassion for souls. He would go on a 12 step call and win the newcomer over, and yet his own life was not in order. He has always been a wonderful friend to me, and he had the humility to ha...
Sobriety, Magic , Realisations and Conscious Contact
At my first meeting of Alcoholics anonymous I had the obsession to drink removed, period. I know what I was before that meeting and how I felt and how deeply I enjoyed the sensations of being High and drunk and bombastically lost. Most importantly of all I know how I felt after that meeting, and how PRO...
Jamie D
got a whole new problem.
gold plated. The clutch slave cylinder seal popped last night on the bike. I changed the seal after limping the bike home and found I don't have any clutch fluid. I can get some this morning though. What's all this to do wi recovery? Well in the drinking days this would have been god's judgement on me for p...
Sowing what you reap
No doubt I've spent many years sowing seeds of discontent. I've shared some of my stories with you guys here over the last month. Sunday brought about a decision to make amends to a neighbor concerning a series of bad actions/reactions that almost resulted in us coming to blows. I called him, left a m...