I got sober November 23rd 2000. It's thirteen years today and unbelievable at all the promises I've received and the beautiful changes I've experienced. Thank you to every member of the program who gave me a place to gain recovery and an easier softer way.
My first meeting was southwest siders in west Seattle. My home group and family is Saturday Mixers on Capital Hill and the Waterfront Group at the Longshoreman's Hall Friday nights. Stop by and enjoy the winners and loving survivors.
My Birthday is 31st october 2002. First meeting was in a church hall, Unitarian denomination..which in my area of the UK-Wirral Peninsula, they are giving their church hall over to AA quite a bit thankfully. Being here reminds me that i currently have no home group and should look at that one..so another for the gratitude list!
Dec 13th, 2013 ... just trying to figure out what AA has in store for a lifelong atheist. Been to 3 meetings in 4 days and can't say enough about the kindness and support I am getting as a brand new attendee. I have quit drinking many times in the past for personal/mental health reasons, but always forgot why I quit after a few weeks/months/years. In about a month, I won't truly be going to meetings voluntarily, so I am glad that I am going on my own accord first.
Three guys approached me after my first meeting - welcomed me, shook my hand, listened to my story and invited me back. Seeing how I went to that meeting because I was feeling extremely low, I am amazed at how good I felt on the drive home. With any luck and a lot of work, I will be there for someone down the road.
That is great. I felt so alone, lost and had nothing to live for when I went to my first meeting. The encouragement and love kept me going back. I got a sponsor in my first year and worked the steps.. life holds amazing things in sobriety. Small steps every day, getting up, showing up and taking part. I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine my life today with out the tools I have learned in the AA program for living a really pleasant and fulfilling life. Keep up the work and loads of love.
It has taken me a long time to post my sobriety date... It is May 30, 2013 and it was in Richmond, Va. Now I pay more attention to the historical aspects of this city, as well as all of the AA meeting locations instead of all of the ABC stores, 7-11's, drugstores which sell wine/beer, bars, and gas stations. Besides my HP, the AA meetings, working the 12 Steps, I have this board and all of its wonderful members to thank for helping me stay sober. BTY
HI, the gift of sobriety was given to me on the 11th May 1997 were I attended my first AA meeting in Dumbarton, Scotland. I celebrated my 17th AA birthday with my home group in Muscat in Oman. Wonderful nite with my brothers and sisters in recovery. Gus C.
Sobriety Date 08-31-2007,Home Group:Hopwood,Pa. Sat.Fresh Start Group Nooners,Got sober and stayed sober one day at a time at Cove Forge Rehab,Williamsburg,Pa.
I just keep coming back....
My last drink -- and early meetings in sobriety -- occurred in Santa Monica & West Los Angeles, California. However, I moved further North in L.A. County, during my 6th year of sobriety (1977), and I have attended meetings mostly in the San Fernando Valley all these decades since...right up to the present day.
I'm very blessed to be alive, sober, have many wonderful friends, a life filled to the brim with service opportunities...and most of all, to have a wonderful and blessed relationship with God, my Heavenly Father!!! (-_-)
-- Edited by earthm0m on Friday 6th of June 2014 09:52:32 PM
Coming up on my 2 year AA birthday. I got sober on June 27th, 2012. My Home Group is in Frederick MD. Frederick is a great place for alcoholics. There's multitudes of meetings in the actual city itself and most of the surrounding feeder towns have AA groups as well. If you can't find a meeting you're not looking very hard.
New to this group. Sober date March 17, 2014. Came to this website because I was thinking of buying NA wine. From my reading it seems that it is a very bad idea.
My Sobriety date is March 8th of 2014, I have been a relapser. I at one time was sober for over 2 yrs. I was dealing with allot of different of different kiind of abuse. I have been to 5 different in patient rehabs. The last one I stayed the whole 30 days. I had gastor bypass surgery so we arent suppose to be able to drink. But for now that is sojme of my story
I am new to this board. I found it looking for the original "how it works" which I found along with the preamble of 1940. very , very interesting. yeah,, those old,old-timers did not play around.
anyway, my sobriety date is 4/11/87. I got sober in the south Bronx, nyc.
My Anniversary is November 9th, 2014. I will never forget that day. I am thankful and still forgiving my drunk actions from the previous night when I knew If I wanted to be happy and have successful relationships I need to not drink anymore and work on myself.
1st meeting was at the Huntington Beach Police Station. Yes, the police station had a meeting place. I don't know if I was more nervous about going to my 1st AA meeting, or the fact that the building was full of cops.
My Anniversary is November 9th, 2014. I will never forget that day. I am thankful and still forgiving my drunk actions from the previous night when I knew If I wanted to be happy and have successful relationships I need to not drink anymore and work on myself.
Glad to have you on the forum, GS. I can relate. My own drinking career ended with a HUGE blowout/blackout. It was BAD. I went to AA. They told me I could get help there. They told the truth.
My journey has just begun. I began it on November 14th 2014. My life has already changed to the good and I can see a brighter future as long as I stick with the program!
Hi. My name is Tammy. My sobriety birthdate is 06/24/2014. In June, I walked into a meeting of sober drunks in St Pete Beach Florida to see if they had any ideas on how I could stop drinking. I didn't realize at the time that I wasn't the only one who had tried all the ways listed on page 31!
I'm celebrating my upcoming first birthday in Atlanta GA at the international convention. Anyone else going?
My name is Clara T. I am posting for the first time on this board. My AA anniversary is April 15th, 1984. People give me a hard time about my anniversary date. They claim you should get drunk on income tax day NOT sober! I have this date for 30 years now and I am sticking with it!!!
Sober date is 06/08/2014 and I got sober at Kennedy Hospital in Cherry Hill, NJ...went to rehab in Palm Beach Gardens, FL...home group there was Young People Living Sober and Why Not Noon, my current home group is Miracle Group in Bristol, PA.
My nickname & preferred name is Bucky. My original sobriety date was 09-15-1992 thru 08-22-2005 (day before Katrina) when I was committed to psych ward drunked out on liquor, pills, & bad behavior (1013). Been trying to get back clean. New date is 02-02-2015. I hope I never get wild and cocky and quit AA...because that is when I dipped within 3 months in 2005...Home group, Fayette New Beginnings, Fayette County GA
My DOS is.... April 9th. 2000 Started attending 2-3 meetings per day. "Light Up My Life" in Westland, Michigan is my home group. "Gary the Cop" was the chairperson at that time. Now chaired by Randon. Fortunately live live in Metro-Detroit Michigan area, there are hundreds of meetings a day all over the metropolis. "Meeting Makers Make It"
Daddy doggie, oldest brother doggie, sister doggy and older brother doggie were/are all drunks. 1 in program. My DOS is May 29 1994. Thank you GOD and the fellowship of AA, all the people in the rooms where ever I go. Without you I'm sure I wouldn't be here today. The 3rd step prayer is as daily as my meals. It's a pleasure to be in service.
March 7th 1994
After a period of 3 months trying to just social drink I swore once again that I would live alcohol free.
So far a day at a time since then I have by the grace of God done just that.
My life is not all sweetness and light but I've learned a contentment which is more than enough to help me make a decision to be happy on a daily basis.
Thankyou God and a wonderful fellowship.
Scarborough North Yorkshire
LMAO Quaker, ... for me?, trying to social drink was noth'n more than PURE TORTURE ... 2 - 3 drinks ??? are you kid'n ... why bother if you can't get blitzed ??? ...
Congrats on 21 yrs ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I am a human being whose name is Tom and I am an Alcoholic. My home group and where I have attended more meetings than anywhere else since that date is the Duncan Road Group in NW Houston, TX.
I had thought I was having a nervous breakdown and was so depressed I was on the verge of committing suicide. God led me to AA. I finished my last drink at 10 before midnight on the 26th of November, 1990.
It is only through the Grace of God, this program and the people who attend meetings that I am alive and sober today. God willing, this year, come November, I will celebrate 25 years of continuous sobriety.
I stumbled upon this website whilst looking for something else that I was researching: false pride. I have now book marked and will look in as often as I may be able to see what is going on and to learn what I can and share what little I may know.
My last drink was 12/01/2014 so I am one year today! The only "exception" ironically enough was a drinking dream....when? It was LAST NIGHT! I drank a whole beer on tap quickly and then realized I had stopped drinking and had made a mistake. I felt in the dream I was not being careful because it happened so much under my radar. One year ago my husband and I would have been opening a 2nd bottle of wine after I calculated how much I was getting. Then he would have gone to bed and I would have continued, waking up to a hang over and later, planning the management of my alcohol resources. We live rurally and can't keep liquor in the house because we always drank it up so before I left town nearly each day to return home I had to know where and when I was buying it for the night. What an un-sacred circle. Yeah! ONE YEAR! Thanks be to my mother god of higher consciousness, AA and my wonderful, wonderful sponsor.
12/01/2014 Beginning a Sacred Circle- How I did it? I got a sponsor within the first 10 days-I stayed in dry places with dry people, canceling many outings/holiday gatherings/parties-had no alcohol in the house-was supported by husband that way-went to as many meetings as possible, about 2-4 per week with DAILY calls to my sponsor which she required-spent time nearly everyday in mediation/prayer asking for guidance and turning over everything to my higher power-did not eat or drink anything with "unintended" alcohol like rum bread pudding or liquor filled chocolate-did service by taking my seat as my sponsor simply wanted me to show up and not worry about anything else, considering I was rural
The "gift of desperation" brought me into the rooms on 2/21/1998, in Roanoke, VA. I have been blessed with sobriety, one day at a time, ever since.
I will never forget what a speaker at the Atlanta Convention said: "I've never seen a grateful alcoholic pick up a drink." What a beautiful program we have!
Sobriety anniversary: September 30, 2015. My favorite group, my first meeting and the one I attended daily for the first 6 weeks of my sobriety is the Out To Lunch Bunch, Amherst, NH. I cannot make that meeting regularly now that I'm back to work. My 2nd favorite group and one I attend most often is the No Name Group, Milford, NH. I guess I'm not sure which one would be my "Home Group"...can both?
HeidiLee: alcoholic, addict & stressed out supermom
Typically, we choose our 'Home Group' as the one group we can currently 'contribute' the most of our time to ... as we finish work'n the 12 steps, we continue to go to meet'ns at this one particular group and advance to the next stage of becoming a sponsor for others who need help ... the group becomes like 'family' and the support in a 'home group' is usually fantastic ...
Congrats on your upcome'n 4 months ... great job ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
25 March 2014. Looking forward to taking part in the forum. Home group is Summerhill Road, Birmingham, UK - though soon to be somewhere in Canada as I'm emigrating in a few months!
-- Edited by npvascotianboy on Sunday 31st of January 2016 06:50:12 PM
-- Edited by npvascotianboy on Sunday 31st of January 2016 06:52:20 PM