...if y'all are reading this, keep going...
...this is a genuine share, not spam...
...various times I have visited the USA, and visited those "AA clubhouses" that are sprinkled around the country.
In Texas, Georgia, California and South Dakota.
They reek of old time AA- in a very good way... "the good old days."
I mostly visited them to do Alanon, or ACA- but also saw the budding AA members there too- hanging out and counting the sober days.
I see this- the Miracles in Progress boards- where part of the roof is off- and the walls are sagging.
Has seen much better days, really.
The glory days of John F. and Betty K. ... people who are longer with us.
I would always cling to the past- but not so today.
Maybe I should see MIP as the shells of the egg- where the chickens have hatched.