If I am remembering right, your surgery is tomorrow. Just hoping and praying that the Lord will feel you with peace and calmness today and throughout the following days.
NO, at least I don't think so ... My appt with the surgeon is tomorrow so he can discuss the 'details' of the surgery with me ... I hope there's no delay, cause last night I woke up at midnight and had to get a 'Nitro' pill, then again at 1:30, then again at 3:00 ... ... ... when the chest pain starts, it's very scary, you are to take another pill if the first one doesn't work, 5 minutes later ... up to 3 pills in 15 minutes, if you still have pain, they say to call 911 immediately ...
Their must be lots of heart patients, cause it took 2 weeks to get this appt ... I just hope surgery is not too far off, cause I won't make it much longer if it is ... it'll then be an emergency with very different outcome, usually ...
I welcome all prayers, love youse guys ....
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I am so sorry you are going through so much!
Sorry I got confused and I hope when you talk to your surgeon you will hear that you will not have to wait very long.
Well, here's the latest ... I like the surgeon, that's a biggy ... he said he's go'n to try and rearrange his schedule to put me ahead of another guy next week cause I'm in more 'urgent' need of fix'n ... I said I was grateful for his attention to the seriousness of my situation ... SO, his nurse is go'n to work through their system and get everything set up ... since they want to shift some things around, in order to accomodate me, I don't know the exact details yet ... they will call me Monday to give me definite times and dates ...
The way it looks now, I will probably go in Tuesday for admission and the whole 'pre-op' thingy, with surgery on Wednesday morn'n or afternoon ... they said to expect to be in ICU for 2 or 3 days then to a regular room for a few days ... they usually let you go home after 5 or 6 days ...
I'm try'n not to be too worried, but I can't get the image of some big 'spreaders' hooked inside my chest hold'n the ribs apart so he can do what has to be done ... oh man, I get chest pains just think'n 'bout it ... he said 6 weeks not to do anything, period ... no drive'n no noth'n ... (my poor garden)(and just this week, the tomatoes, the okra, the zuchinni squash, the hot and mild banana peppers, the bell peppers, and the Jalapenas are coming in ... big time) .... oh Well ... ... ...
My time here will be 'hit or miss' for sure ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
The good things are that you are happy with the surgeon and that he is going to try and get you scheduled for your surgery next week so you don't have to wait for it. That's encouraging. Also glad that they are going to keep you in the hospital to recover for several days. I know with hospitals these days they get you in and out asap.
I would try not to do so much thinking about the actual procedure. I know we all like to know what is going to happen to us when we have to let doctors "do their thing", but since it is causing you stress to do so, it would be good to try and put that stuff out of your head as much as possible so you don't get stressed out about it and just trust that your surgeon has years of training and knows what he is doing.
I thought about you and your garden and felt like there was no way you could do all you have done in the past and still make sure you don't do too much to endanger yourself even more. Just try to do what you have suggested to me and others....let God take care of things which you have no control over. Rest, relax and take care of yourself. That sounds like what the doctor is ordering.
Pappy, I am glad to heat you like your surgeon. I have worked around cardio-thoracic surgeons for about 20 years and have never met one that wasnt brilliant. They do not get there by accident. Sometimes their social skills and likability are wanting , but not always. Rest is important but getting up and moving ASAP is the key to getting back home and minimizing Post op complications. You will probably be bored to tears and ready to get home well before discharge. I will be looking for an update.
The surgeon told me I am not to do anything before we get the operation done ... I said I have a nice garden, I can at least go pick my tomatoes and okra and peppers and stuff right, that's not too strenuous, right??? .... He laughed and said Mr G., you are not to lift one finger to do anything, understood??? ... then he looked over at my wife and said, you pick the tomatoes ... we both nearly fell on the floor laugh'n ... He didn't crack one little smile and said, I am dead serious ...
There's one of the coronary arteries he has to 'by-pass' and he said it's not called the 'widow-maker' for noth'n ... and to trigger a fatal heart attack before I get a chance to fix it would be very unfortunate ... WELL, he finally got my attention ...
Right now I am just sittin' around all day do'n, well, frick'n noth'n ... ... ... well, watch'n TV and read'n a lot(Kindle) and do'n puzzles ... if my heart don't get me, I think I'll die nuts first ... ... ...
Thank you guys again for caring, I really mean that, it means the world to me ...
Problem is, as long as I feel like it, I'll probably be here on the board a little more often try'n to make some of you guys crazy along with me, LOL ... see what kind of 'razor blade' I am??? ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Oh yeah,rest now. The work starts after. The LAD ( widowmaker) feeds the powerhouse of the heart so rest now. Lots of patients I talk to afterward say they didnt realize how much function they had lost until after it was fixed. My father turned over a whole new leaf after his CABG related to excercise, diet , etc.
Thanks Todd and Pappy for sharing openly on this subject. I got a little more insight on this subject of the heart. Looks to me like I have to change my lifestyle. Sometimes, I think I take things for granted. One of the things that God says about my body, is that, it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I honestly don't look after it like that.
My son-in-law Marlon is a chronic heart patient and what I take for granted, is a huge effort for him.
Okay, ... my surgeon said they'd call me Monday with 'admission details' for tomorrow ... no word yet and it's start'n to get late ... those folks sure know how to drive someone absolutly nuttso ... guess someone up there is try'n to teach me 'patience', huh? ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Can you call them Pappy and find out if you are scheduled? I would be getting a bit anxious myself.......sure don't want to advise you to do anything which can cause you more stress though.
Aloha Pap...had to Violate protocol to get on the board and wish you well. I am off island in Central Valley Ca. Where it all happened for me and thought about how all the prayers were doing. Youre still 12ing so mahalo for that. Prayer will continue as the real work starts there. God bless Will be here for two more very hot weeks using this Ipad which is a pain in the butt but won't need an extraction at least...lol
Thanks again guys, ... the latest ... due to insurance protocols and requirements, this has become quite the ordeal ... (since they stand to shell out over a 100k) ... so I'm to call tomorrow a.m. and seek to be admitted early ... without waiting the 2 weeks it normally takes for insurance approval ... it has to be done whether the insurance people delay it or not ... I think they do this hoping you'd die first and avoid this very expensive procedure ... (and this AIN'T funny, not to me with daily chest pain and EXTREME fatigue) ...
So, I'll go MIA probably some time in the morn'n and God willing, be back in a few days ... this wait'n crap is definitely make'n me crazy ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
My prayers are with you.and I told my mother in law she is off the boat from Ireland , if you met her you would think you met the spirit in the flesh ,Pappy she is a thoughtful kind religious person who everyone seems to ask for her prayers. I told her about her and showed her some of your postings and is glad I am not drinking and sends her love and prayers.
God bless you ,Pappy
Your friend Bunchie