this is a great place to come and learn about our funny little problem.
Not so funny, and not so little for most of us.
im grateful for every day now. Life is way better without that poison controlling me. It took a while, but my head finally cleared up, and the fog has lifted. Sure, I've still got issues, just like anybody, but they're not as exaggerated, and a lot easier to deal with.
a lot of us think life is stressful, and we use alcohol to hide from the stress. But we tend to mistake stress for simple responsibility. When Yer on the bottle, we make mountains out of molehills. When we sober up, mountains become more like molehills.
to anybody who is on the fence about quitting, I can just say life is way better without that shit, and you can do it. I did it, and I've seen people way worse than I was do it. And you know what? I've never met anybody who ever regretted quitting drinking.