Good luck Pappy, I smoked for 25 years and Chantix is the only thing that ever helped, and I tried everything...patches, gum, Wellbutrin. Try to stay on it as long as you can, I believe I took it for 6 mos. Been smoke free for 6+ years. Besides getting sober, the best thing I ever did for my health. You can do it!
Good luck on that ... I've done it in the past and it ain't easy, that's for sure ... the Chantix does make you a bit nuts, but I'm pray'n I'll get through it without too much trouble ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Smoke free since 4/15/16 ... Had to stop Chantix a few days ago ... cause I started have'n heart palpitations 2 hours after tak'n a pill ... and it got bad ... PLUS it, or the lack nicotine, was make'n me 'bat-shit' crazy ...
I DO want a cigarette but I want to be 'smoke-free' more ... food tastes 10 times better ... and I haven't had a 'cough'n' spell in a long time now ... I just hope I can do it without the pill now, cause I am not take'n it no mo ... (it was cause'n other problems too ...) ...
Thanks for ask'n ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
About a month or so ago I ran out of cigs and thought 'Maybe I should quit. This shit is expensive at $65 a carton'. So I tried to go without buying another carton. I lasted a couple weeks I think. Thought about Chantix but if the side effects are that bad then I'm gonna look for something else. :)
That's the thing with Chantix, it affects everyone differently ... you may or may not have the same side-effects ... or you may have different ones ... I know about 1/2 the people that have tried Chantix, it works, and the other half, it causes too many other problems ... Bottom line??? ... I think it's worth a shot ... (and it ain't cheap) ...
You still need a prescription though ... (I've got nearly a month's supply left ... don't want 'em ...) ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'