You make your own happiness by the way you view things ... change your thoughts, and you change how you feel ... of course there are times when others, and their negativity invade your 'space', it upsets your balance ... the key is know when to change your negative surroundings into positive thoughts so you can get back to your happiness and contentment ... It is well known that happy people live longer than their negative counterparts ... unless you're go'n through a grieving period over the death of a friend or loved one, there is no good reason to live in a negative world, unless it's by choice ... and the grieving process over a loved one passes with time ... (quicker when you believe your friend has found a place in Heaven and there is Love involved ... remember, the Big BB sez the 3 greatest things in life are Faith, Hope, and Love ... and the greatest of these is 'Love') ... (wouldn't it be great for a study on the effect of faith, hope, and love on the brain ...) ...
Good article Tash ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'