I don't know whether to say "Awwwww!!!!!!!" or that other word that means "stink". I thought it was "phew"....then "pew"...is it "pugh?" Oh, I don't know and wiki isn't helping. That's what I get for killing off too many brain cells with alcohol.
Case a day of Busch's finest for several years Qualify??? ... or last few years do'n 2 liter a day of cheapest Vodka I could find??? (and go'n to 3 different liquor stores rotating between them so I didn't look like I had a problem, LOL, when I stood out like a sore thumb I'm sure, LOL) ... oh man, I remember when I used to go home and pour the Vodka in water bottles and carry them in the car with me so it looked as though I was have'n a sip of water ... oh wow was I sick ...
I woke up one time in the back of a cop car and had no idea how I got there ... then I noticed I had my hands 'cuffed' behind me ... oh boy, those were the good ole days ... NOT ...
if that isn't the insanity that alcohol is, I don't know what is ... God I'm glad to be alive and sober today, right now ... my heart not race'n out of control ... and me not tear'n the place apart look'n for another drink ...
that's enough, time to go get some good sleep ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
That's a start.
Oh, btw, This grilling is for the benefit of all forum members
wondering about you.
The guy is either a Drunk or a SocialMedia Junkie. :)
And We think there is a Step for that...