Hope all is well with you all... Here is some food for thought for those of you contemplating a Step Four Sex Inventory. :)
Adultery/Infidelity are not recognized as criminal activity in most states but when I examine my past behaviors I see that I had Three GirlFiends while I was married. I loved Bacardi, Jack Daniels and Schmirnoff more than I loved my wife. And I think that I actually enjoyed the buzz from booze more than sex. As a result my wife Kim was alienated from me and it is easy to understand why she would go outside the marriage for comfort.
I just thought I would share this with you since it is a part of my story.
The only relationship I had left in the end was with my Vodka ... I had no taste left so it didn't matter what the stuff tasted like ... my next home was nearly a 'box' under a bridge ... my wife gave me one last chance ... thank God I didn't waste it ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'