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Post Info TOPIC: Reprieve...


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Posts: 675

It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition. Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will into all of our activities. "How can I best serve Thee - Thy will (not mine) be done." These are thoughts which must go with us constantly. We can exercise our will power along this line all we wish. It is the proper use of the will.

*AA Big Book; Chapter; Into Action pg 85*

In the legal arena, the word "reprieve" is used to define the "postponement of a death sentence".  This is what we alcoholics get... provided we are willing to align our will with Gods and stay sober, one day at a time.




MIP Old Timer

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Posts: 1170

Good Thoughts,

Yes, today is a 24 hour Daily Reprieve, and it based on my own humbling, to his Will.

"Your will, not mine, Be Done"  goes well with another favorite, "I can't, He Can, and I let Him"

Wonderful and refreshing thoughts on this Board today, in all your Posts.

I hope to see a lot of you John, here, Posting, and  I am sure all of us on this Board are in agreement with that!

A Big Hug, Toni

Recipes coming, before end of week.

P.S.  Difinition hits home, Reprieve:  Postponement of a Death Sentence.  So very true, with us,  our Disease is always waiting for us to  slip up,  very, very patient.   Cunning, Baffling and So Very Powerful.

-- Edited by Toni Baloney at 20:07, 2006-03-07

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