We believe in Human Ecology, the understanding and care of human beings as whole persons in light of their relationship to God, themselves, their families, and the society in which they live. --The Philosophy of Human Ecology
The philosophy of Human Ecology covers all three aspects of our recovery: body, mind, and spirit.
We know that taking care of our bodies is essential to recovery. That means eating properly, exercising as much as we can, and not abusing ourselves physically.
Taking care of our minds is also important. We are trying to make choices that enhance our recovery, not diminish it. This includes the things we read, watch, and listen to. We seek out education and positive affirmation. We go to meetings. We gather with others who share our vision.
Spirituality is the common thread through all of this, for without it we are lost. Our spiritual search is our effort to improve our conscious contact with God. Through this search comes harmony of body, mind, and spirit.
Today let me remember the principles of Human Ecology. They provide a simple reminder of where I've been and where I am going.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'