Imagine living in your head, untrue to your heart. Imagine the pain of separation. Imagine the depth of the longing for peace. --G. Carol
Before finding recovery as a way of life, many of us barely hung on from one pain-filled moment to another. We incessantly tried to figure out what was wrong with our lives. We feared everything: our coworkers, our neighbors, the long days, the new experiences, the many strangers who crossed our paths. Miraculously, we were led to this program.
We can experience the joy of peace each time we remember to turn our will and lives over to the care of our loving God. To receive this goodness, we need only an open heart and a willingness to listen for the guidance of God. This guidance may come to us through a special passage in a book, the words of a friend, or in other ways. If we believe that the guidance will come, we will hear it.
I want to know God's will for me today. I will be attentive every moment.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'