Good luck finding it because it isn't there. So why does the modern day AA program place so much emphasis on it? As if the end all be all, only path to sobriety is getting a sponsor and following his/her orders. Personally I think it's a mistake and the dwindling success rate of todays AA compared to the early days supports my stance.
I'd love to see AA do away with all the nonsense that's been added, the clichés, the catch phrases, the "new" literature and all of this crap that has no connection to the original program and go back to basics.
Everyone has a choice to choose their own method to getting and staying sober. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. These are only suggestions. I have no need to use my time, search through every single page of the Big Book for an "Ah ha!" moment. My time is better spent continuing to work the program, continuing to stay sober and continuing to help other people. I can be of no help to others if I am trying to disprove the Big Book, the Steps and anything else that has helped me--including the phrases and my sponsor.
And, StillTipsy, your name says it all. If you are still drinking, it is not AA's literature or methods to blame. You really are not ready to stop drinking, and perhaps looking in the mirror is your answer to why that is.
And, btw, as I do not wish to engage in this back and forth "chit" chat with you or anyone else which I have noticed has happened quite often on this board and caused problems, I will not be checking back on this particular posting. I do wish you the best and hope if you are not sober, and you really and truly have a desire to get sober, that you will soon. You are worth it and your family is certainly worth it as well. Blessings to you.
-- Edited by hopefulone on Saturday 25th of July 2015 07:39:34 AM
Sponsorship as we know it today was not detailed in the Big Book since it hadn't been institutionalized until after Clarence S. started writing about it in Cleveland after the BB came out in April 1939. (The pioneers did use the term sponsor before then, but in a substantially different sense.)
Sponsorship developed in the earliest years of AA, basically from 1939-late 1940s. Then, as Dave points out, it was cited many times in the 12 & 12, which is about as "original literature" as it gets.
Sponsorship is a good practice, though it can be a badly done. In some cases it can be abusive toward some newcomers. A shame.
Luckily, sponsorship is not a requirement in AA. We have fine examples of sobriety here on the forum who eschew sponsorship. Nationally, about 20% of AAers do not have sponsors.
There is a terrific AA pamphlet that spells out what sponsorship really is and should be. Worth a read, for sure.
After reading all the original AA literature, it was obvious to me that from the beginning, Bill helping Dr. Bob and Dr. Bob helping Bill, and so on and so on ... we all sponsor each other in a way ... but back then they didn't use the term sponsor like we do today when we single out one person to help us understand and work the program in an intimate manner ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
A sponsor in my understanding is nothing more than a trusted friend. I remember reading about finding a trusted friend in the big book. Yes... humans in general take basic ideas and run amok, but that's how we evolve. No matter if we simply encounter challenges or create them ourselves... all drive us to adapt, change, grow and evolve. So sponsorship is all good when you embrace everything as learning. I learned a ton from my sponsorship relationships. They were some of the harshest most painful experience's I have had. I have never felt so betrayed or stabbed in the back after finally allowing my self to take a leap of new found faith and trust!
Had that not happened... repeated... I needed lots of kicks to wake up. .. I would not grasp the idea of being totally responsible for myself - my happiness... my well being and my behavior etc. I would likely still be blaming others when things went wrong or I f'd up.
I also would not turn to my understanding of a hp which is still "I don't know" completely.
And I still don't have to know why or anything else. I don't know but I have the choice to move toward thinking that allows me peace today... and in turn sets me in the best place for all our sakes. Much like putting the air mask on before helping others in a plane crash.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
A sponsor in my understanding is nothing more than a trusted friend. I remember reading about finding a trusted friend in the big book. Yes... humans in general take basic ideas and run amok, but that's how we evolve. No matter if we simply encounter challenges or create them ourselves... all drive us to adapt, change, grow and evolve. So sponsorship is all good when you embrace everything as learning. I learned a ton from my sponsorship relationships. They were some of the harshest most painful experience's I have had. I have never felt so betrayed or stabbed in the back after finally allowing my self to take a leap of new found faith and trust!
Had that not happened... repeated... I needed lots of kicks to wake up. .. I would not grasp the idea of being totally responsible for myself - my happiness... my well being and my behavior etc. I would likely still be blaming others when things went wrong or I f'd up.
I also would not turn to my understanding of a hp which is still "I don't know" completely.
And I still don't have to know why or anything else. I don't know but I have the choice to move toward thinking that allows me peace today... and in turn sets me in the best place for all our sakes. Much like putting the air mask on before helping others in a plane crash.
I am happily sponsor less yet have some trusted friends in recovery. There is no status bs. No labels needed today. If I could do it again.... I wouldn't change a thing though. I know peace and joy because of all of it.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.