"Did God introduce me to the program, or did the program introduce me to God?"
In the beginning of my recovery, I spent a lot of time resenting that I had to go to all those meetings and do all that work. "Why can't I just lead a normal life?" I cried. It took quite a while before I began to appreciate how fortunate I was to be on a spiritual path that led to a relationship with God, as I understand Him.
I now know that the greatest gift I've received in recovery has been my relationship with my Higher Power. The freedom, the serenity, the ability to finally live life on life's terms are all parts of the indescribable miracle that has come as the result of finding God through my 12 step program.
So now whenever I cry about being so different and about having to keep going to meetings, I ask myself, "If the program was the only way I would have found God, would I have chosen to be an alcoholic?" My answer is a resounding YES. I now know that it doesn't matter whether God introduced me to the program or if the program introduced me to God. All that is important is that I found Him.
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Copyright @ 2015 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'