If I'm in the wrong place, let me know. I have some questions. I just started going to f2f meetings, still awkward. If I can ask someone off-line/email you personally would help me a great deal. It would help me get a better understanding, I am wiling to try.
This is an alcoholics recovery board. I don't share my email with people from posting boards until I get to know them a bit better. I will gladly try and help you if you can post your questions here.
Sorry, the title of your thread and the content of your comment are not very clear -
Are YOU clean and sober 8 years, and in a relationship with a using addict?
Or is the addict you are with clean and sober 8 years, and you think YOU may have an issue with drugs or alcohol and have just now begin attending meetings?
What kind of meetings have you been going to (AA? NA? CMA? etc.)
Dave asked the same questions that I was going to ask ... please clarify your story a bit ... PLUS, we have a PM system here on this board whereby you can have a private conversation 'off-line' so-to-speak ....
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'