Despite the fact that many of us live turbulent, chaotic lives; we may we don't like change. This causes us to seek our security in familiar places, rather than reach out for the unknown that lies ahead.
This may not be real security, however, because familiar places and situations also change. Our resistance to change may simply be the fear of trying something new.
If we find that fear of change is causing us to put up with a situation that's become unsatisfactory, we need to adjust our attitude toward it. While we view change as risky, it may be the necessary route for improvement. Let's start by simply accepting the idea that change is sometimes necessary. After that, we can expect our Higher Power to guide us to the new situations that are right for us.
Today I may find myself fearing change. I'll remind myself that nothing ever stays the same, and that only change can bring the true good I'm always seeking.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'