Another morning alcohol free...feels exhilarating doesn't it. I went and had a cat scan yesterday afternoon on my head/brain to make sure that the last medical procedure is holding; no brain bleed anymore, and I feel confident and excited and healthy. Is it a problem out of the way? I feel sure it is and am acting as if. Thanks for the support. ((((hugs))))
I had a CT scan on March 13, followed by emergency surgery to take out my appendix lol. I guess the hot sauce on every meal, for 45 years, finally did it in
Nice to hear Jerry! I like this: " am acting as if ". That was a lesson I learned in sobriety as well. Act your way into good thinking. It won't work the other way around for you I was told.
A bit lighter on your feet I'd guess to Dean. I make my own hot sauce and still have my innards...might be the honey I use in the mix. Keep on keeping on.
So happy to hear your good news! I know its a HUGE relief!!! I'll keep you in my prayers that all stays well. As for the cat scan, you'd think the VA could afford modern machinery and stop hiring these cats :)
I hate 'cat scans' .... they 'tickle' ... ... ... try being still while the cat 'kneads' your lower area, LOL ... (maybe you ought to delete this one, hey Dean, ???) .... being sober is so much funner ... (we are not a glum lot, eh?) ....
Surprised Dean didn't go scuba diving after the skiing, LOL ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'