Suggestions for a format for two people working on the same character defect, but not as sponsor sponsee?
It's a very broad request, so I'll give a broad answer.
to increase our self esteem, we perform esteemable acts. And we stop engaging in the actions that gave us the low self esteem.
To address regrets about our past actions, we do thorough 8th, 9th and 10th steps and make amends.
And BTW this would apply regardless if two people were doing this together or if each person were to be working on this with their own sponsor.
And out of curiosity, is there some reason you are deciding not to work on these things with your own sponsors?
Ah very good! Sorry I can't be more specific. I hope it helps.
PeggyONeal wrote:Two of us want to work on low self-esteem and regrets together. Any suggestions for a format?
Two of us want to work on low self-esteem and regrets together. Any suggestions for a format?
Low self-esteem and regrets are not character defects. Can you describe a bit as to how you see these two constructs are a problem for you?
Welcome to the forum and best wishes to both of you in your journey of recovery.
First, deal with the things that might kill you.