F.I.N.E.[I'm] Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic, EmotionalF.E.A.R.Face Everything And RecoverN.U.T.S.Not Using The StepsE.G.O.Edging God Out.D.E.N.I.A.L.Don't Even Notice I Am Lying.H.A.L.T.[Don't get too] Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.H.O.P.E.Happy Our Program ExistsH.O.W.Honesty, Open-mindedness, WillingnessS.P.O.N.S.O.R.Sober Person Offering Newcomers Suggestions On Recovery.G.O.D.Good Orderly DirectionB.I.G. B.O.O.K.Believing In God Beats Our Old Knowledge.S.L.I.P.Sobriety Losing Its Priority.A.C.T.I.O.N.Any Change To Improve Our Nature.P.R.O.G.R.A.M.People Relying On God Relaying A Message.S.T.E.P.S.Solutions To Every Problem SoberK.I.S.S.Keep It Simple, Sweetheart
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'