Meh. People are free to operate a liquor store or a bar right next door to an AA fellowship hall. I've seen several of them.
While the general public may have some legitimate objections to the location of a pot store based on other factors, like proximity to a school, I don't see how the law could hold this business to some standard regarding its proximity to an AA meeting that would be different from the standard for how the law treats a liquor store or a bar.
Do I think it's unfortunate, and not a good idea, and maybe the store owner should make a more considerate choice of location? Yes, of course. Do I think the law should be allowed to dictate proximity to an AA meeting for these stores when it doesn't do that for liquor stores or bars? I don't see how such a law could survive scrutiny if challenged in court.
And more on topic, it's up to me and my spiritual condition on a daily basis to decide if I'm going to walk into a liquor store / bar / pot store. It's not their responsibility to look out for my sobriety by attempting to 'keep temptation away from me'. That never works anyway.
Yeah, ... I'm with Dave on this one and I think his response is 'right on target' ... if I maintain my 'conscious contact' with God and continue daily practice of the 12 steps, then I feel no urges to stop by any of the 6 or 8 'Quick Stop' markets for my old favorite beer on the way 'to or from' a meeting ... or anywhere else for that matter ... and that would include any 'pot shops' that were to appear in the near future ...
Thanks for the update on the subject though ... it doesn't hurt to 'keep up' with the changing environment ... Thanks Pickle ... and of course Dave ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
If I want pot... I will do what it takes to get it. If I don't want pot... I will repel from it as if it were a hot flame on the table in front of me or like a burning building next to my house or school.
Speaking of that...
If I wanted to drink - I would pay anything, drive anywhere - do anything to get it...
If I don't want to drink - I will pay anything, drive anywhere - and do anything to get 'over it'.
Which I did.
And now that my obsession is lifted - I don't really bother obsessing about it ;) It's no different than thinking about my middle toe. Not all that interesting. Probably wont do any research on it. Probably wont read any articles about it. It's not interesting to me anymore. I'm over it.
Obsessions are obsessions - dry or saturated - fat or thin - too much or too little...
If I"m still obsessing about NOT drinking - or somehow giving into the illusion that I can somehow keep others from Not drinking --- or playing around with the delusional thought that I can control others surroundings instead of allowing them the dignity to get to their bottom so they can want to get better - and get over it.... then I'm still obsessed. My obsession has not been lifted if I'm spending just as much time trying to NOT drink as I would have TO drink. OR eat. Or smoke. Or dope. Or shop. Or have sex. Or Control others. Or or ororororororooooooor....
SO - today - my desire to START living - has outweighed my desire to STOP anything. No obsession. No control. No fight.
Love you's xoxoxooxoxoxo
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I am From Vancouver BC and there is a lot of pot here, illegal, and legal, here you can sign up for a licence and just buy it if your doctor signs it. My father has smoked pot for about 45 years, everyone else I knew did it, all their families/ my friends from high school. I stopped smoking about 7 years ago, haven't ever wanted it again. In Vancouver here we have the biggest bud crop in the world or just about, they bring in like a billion annually, but marijuana will cause mental illness!!!!!!! You smell it on every street you walk down and people dimebag it in downtown Vancouver. I remember times when I was so paranoid I had to hide under the blankets with all the doors locked...hundreds of times...Im still