Some of the experiences we go through are hard. We get heavy at times.
"I'm drowning in my grief," I told a friend after my son died. "It feels like I'm swimming across an ocean, and I'm getting tired."
When it's too difficult to keep swimming, float.
What's more irritating than someone condescendingly telling you to smile when you feel glum? Feel all your feelings. Don't let anyone tell you they're wrong.
"I reached in my pocket today and found joy, happiness, success and gratitude," a friend said one day when he called. At first I didn't know what he was talking about. Then I remembered. Awhile back, when he was going through a difficult time, I had given him four little stones, each one painted with one of those words.
It's important to believe in tomorrow. But give yourself the gift that keeps on giving. Believe in today.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'