Without a cigarette! Next month is my 56th birthday, my 25th sober anniversary, and the holidays... what better gift could I give myself than stop smoking which has been reducing my quality of life for the past few years? Keep me in your prayers as this is so very important I do at this time. Just 7 days and I can already feel the difference.
This is great news John ... I'm needing to make the same decision ... when I get rid of my current bout with cancer, I don't need to be facing another one caused from the cigs ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I switched to e - cig, I finding it making the transition easier. I tried to quit cold turkey but it was too much so i tried this, it takes a bit to get used too. I started with a nicoten level of 24 and slowly worked down to 6. last step is no nic then I should be good to go.
I also used the program to stop and then stay stopped. It took me years to stay stopped and I needed all the in between times of not smoking to help it along. This afternoon at work I chanced upon a half of a pre-smoked cigarette on a public bench and it reminded me of all of the times I would find and smoke OPBs (Other People's Butts). I was seriously addicted and on one relapse with smoking I almost went back out on drinking too. Been "free at last" now for years and grateful as hell for the people and program who gave me their ESH with it. Lean on me anytime John if you need support. Stopping with the nicotine was a bitch for me. To thine own self.