"Listen for the similarities not the differences."
I was given this suggestion right before my first ever meeting, and not only did it allow me to pay closer attention, but it also helped me to identify and come to see how I fit in. I relied on this and kept listening for the similarities during other meetings, and each time I did I found pieces of myself and my story come out of the mouths of others.
Besides identifying with others in this way, I also began identifying with the different stages of recovery. Each time someone shared their experience of using the steps to meet life on life's terms, I could begin relating my own journey of recovery and this gave me hope and the strength to keep going.
Like many of the lessons I've learned in recovery, I now apply this one in all areas of my life. Listening for the similarities in others experience at work, at home, and in all my relationships has increased my empathy not only for others, but also for myself.
Today, I'm quick to see how my experience and life journey is similar to others and this helps keep me connected, humble and happy.
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Copyright @ 2014 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I don't believe I have ever walked out of a meeting without having heard a story or insight that was similar or relevant to my life experience. It continues to amaze me how fundamentally similar we are inside. It's torturous to be in that dark inner place alone, but joining others in the light of our similarities is just the best - for me at least.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton