If there's a harder way of doing something, someone will find it. -- Ralph E. Ross
When we used alcohol or other drugs, we did most things the hard way. We could turn a simple task into a day-long project. We could turn a simple problem into an argument. We were creative giants in doing things the hard way!
We need to change this. We deserve easier lives. It's okay to take the smooth road. In our program, we have slogans for this: Keep It Simple, Let Go and Let God, First Things First, and Easy Does It. These slogans remind us that it's okay to live with as little trouble as possible.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, show me how to live a simple life. I don't have to do everything the hard way if I listen better to You.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Simple is something Im trying to make out of all of this. And sometimes I wish it was so. its so easy and that's what they say,but Im not sure anyone understands the alcoholic the way we do. I am doing what I can here in BC but I haven't exactly gotten dealt the best cards, Im not sure people get it. Thanks for your posts pappy, best wishes.
Higher Power, show me how to live a simple life. I don't have to do everything the hard way if I listen better to You.
This is part of what was lost in my life for so long, I stopped believing in my Higher Power.....thankfully with the help of my AA family, I have found my way back to my Higher Power...all is possible again.....Thank you