1) Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle, top to bottom.
2) On the left side list all you were taught, or all you believe what God is.... If you have no idea, then write down the word "Nothing."
3) On the right side list what you want God to be for you, (best friend, loving. trustful, forgiving, non-judgmental, or whatever you like).
4) When you are done, tear it down the middle, from top to bottom, and throw away the left side. You are now left with a God of your understanding; one you will feel comfortable praying to.
I like that Bob......Very short and sweet. I found that for myself...And others in AA that have spoken of it...That my perception of that power changed as I worked through those steps....For the better. That's pretty amazing....When you think about it.
As I worked my way all through the Steps, God gradually became more real and present to me. The biggest and most profound revelation to me was that He loves me, and He always had -- even when I was at my worst. I'll never forget the first time I knew it for a fact.
Every time I was down and out, in early sobriety? I looked up and asked for help. Every time, I got help. A power greater then myself is there on a daily basis.
Wow this brings back memories when I had my former wife do this when I was 4months sober. She was in alanon trying to find her HP. She wasn't to happy about the side that got ripped up after her listing all those negative things. She kept focusing on all the work she put into it even though it wasnt the solution that it needed to be let go cause that wasn't her HP.